
18 years old, trainee days...

April 4...


Tiffany's POV
Yuri: Fany unnie?
Tiffany: Ne?
Yuri: Time to eat. *sees a cake* Wow, what's that for?
Tiffany: This is for my best friend.
Yuri: It's her birthday?
Tiffany: Aniyo, it's our Best Friend Anniversary. *eye smiles*
Yuri: Wow. Advance Happy Best Friend Anniversary. *hugs*
Tiffany: Thanks Yul.
Yuri: Come on, let's eat or else I'll eat that cake.
Sooyoung: Cake? There's a cake? Where?
Yuri: There's no cake, I was just kidding.
Sooyoung: I thought there was cake.
Yuri: No there isn't.
Sooyoung: *pouts and goes back to the kitchen*
Tiffany: Thanks Yul. *hugs*
Yuri: No problem. *hugs*
End of POV
Dongwoon's POV
Doojoon: Dongwoon-ah, dinner time.
Dongwoon: Ne hyung. *uncomfortable*
Doojoon: What's wrong with you?
Dongwoon: I feel really uncomfortable and I don't know why. It's like I forgot something.
Doojoon: You're just hungry. Come on.
Dongwoon: Ne.
End of POV
April 5....
Tiffany's POV
Tiffany: Today's the day, I hope he remembers. 
Jessica: Wow, you seem excited.
Tiffany: I am. *eye smiles*
Jessica: What's with the cake?
Tiffany: It's for my best friend.
Jessica: It's her birthday?
Tiffany: Aniyo, it's our Best Friend Anniversary today.
Jessica: Wow, how long have you been best friends?
Tiffany: Since we were 6 years old.
Jessica: Wow, that's long.
Tiffany: Ne. *eye smiles*
Tiffany went to the park, she waited by the tree.
Tiffany: The carves are still here. *eye smiles*
She laid out the picnic blanket and the plates and the cake. She waited and waited, but still no sign of Dongwoon.
Tiffany: Could it be he forgot? *shakes head* No way, he put it in his reminders. Maybe he's busy. I'll just wait.
She kept on waiting and waiting; it was already getting dark, her manager, Yuri, Jessica, Taeyeon, Hyoyeon, Yoona, Sooyoung, Sunny and Seohyun kept calling her, but she was determined to wait. She kept waiting until Yuri came to pick her up from the park.
Tiffany: Yul.
Yuri: Fany-ah, it's almost midnight, you still aren't coming?
Tiffany: But he still hasn't come.
Yuri: Maybe he forgot.
Tiffany: No, he promised he wouldn't forget.
Yuri: Alright, but we really have to go now.
Tiffany: Arasso.
Yuri: Maybe he's that busy that he couldn't get off work.
Tiffany: Yeah, maybe. We'll still celebrate it next year.
Yuri: Come on.
Tiffany: What about the cake?
Yuri: We can feed it to Sooyoung.
Tiffany: She really did want to eat the cake yesterday.
Yuri: Hahaha. Yeah.
End of POV
Dongwoon's POV
Yoseob: Dongwoon-ah.
Dongwoon: Ne hyung?
Yoseob: How come your phone kept on ringing?
Dongwoon: Someone called?
Yoseob: Nope, it's an alarm.
Dongwoon: Alarm?
Yoseob: Ne, but no occassion written.
Dongwoon: Oh well, maybe a malfunction.
Yoseob: Maybe.
Junhyung: Dongwoon-ah, let me borrow your blanket, okay? Thanks.
Dongwoon: Hyung, no, not my blanket. *follows Junhyung* Hyung.
End of POV
I updated another chapter~
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Yeolah #1
Chapter 13: awesome ouob
B2utySones #2
Nice :)
kpop-fanfics-4-u #3
This made me cry. I <3 this story!
Best fanfic ever!
Aw... Kyeopta~
fawbnerdy05 #6
Update soon please.
saratiffanyfan #9
I hope you get better