Chapter 6

Let Me Love You Right
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“I still don’t understand why I had to bring presents to this thing, four of them to be exact” Chanyeol complained.

“It’s a birthday party for four little pups Chanyeol. Like I’ve told you before you don’t have to come I’m sure the store will let you return whatever you bought” Baekhyun said as he climbed up the stairs with a complaining Chanyeol behind him.

“Dude I don’t think the store is going to let me return four card that I signed my name inside” Chanyeol said with a snort.

“Wait that’s all you got them” Baekhyun said halting in his steps and turning to face his friends.

“Wow, chill bro I put a twenty inside each card” Chanyeol said with one hand thrown up in the air. “I’m eighty dollars poorer and it’s not like I even want to come to this thing” Chanyeol complained as he started to climb the stairs again.

“I kept telling you that you didn’t have to come, you can turn around right now I won’t tell” Baekhyun said rolling his eyes at his friend as he walked down the musky corridor that lead to Minseok’s apartment.

“Naw dude, I need to see what’s so special about this Omega that’s caught your eye” Chanyeol said pausing behind Baekhyun who had stopped in front of Minseok’s door. Baekhyun took a deep breath.

“Try not to act like your real self in here alright, just behave please” Baekhyun instructed his friend for the third time in the last hour as he brought his hand to the door.

A couple seconds later the door was pulled open and Baekhyun came face to face with ZiTao again.

“Hello Tao it’s a pleasure to see you again” Baekhyun said pleasantly, “this is Chanyeol” he added extending his hand to his friend.

“Baekhyun” Tao said wrapping Baekhyun in a bone crushing hug. “It’s so nice to see you again” the other added. “Minseok is in the kitchen I’m sure he would love to see you” Tao said with a knowing smile before Joonmyun walked up behind Tao and wrapped his arms around the other protectively releasing a light layer of pheromones in warning to the two other alphas present. “Hey Joonmyun” Baekhyun said with a smile.

“Taotao help Jongie find shirt” Baekhyun recognized Jongin’s voice before he saw the other walk closer. Baekhyun watched the exact moment Jongin noticed Baekhyun at the door as his eyes widened, “Baekbaek” Jongin said happily running over and hugging Baekhyun’s leg.

“Hey cutie” Baekhyun said leaning down and lifting Jongin into his arms.

“Well come in, come in” Tao said with a small chuckle as he moved aside and let Chanyeol and Baekhyun with Jongin nuzzled against his side into the small apartment. “Come on Jongin I’ll help you find that shirt” Tao said once they all stood inside the living room.

“No Baekbaek” Jongin said looking up and smiling at Baekhyun.

“Alright lets go little cutie, but can I say hi to your mama first” Baekhyun asked handing Tao a bag that he had packed his presents for each of the boys inside.

“Yes” Jongin said laying his head underneath Baekhyun’s chin.

“I’ll be right back” Baekhyun said as he left an awkward looking Chanyeol standing with Joonmyun and Tao in the living room.

After rounding the small corner into the kitchen Baekhyun’s eyes were automatically drawn to Minseok as the other moved around the room pulling out plates and grabbing things from the fridge. He watched from the doorway as Minseok paused and took a faint sniff at the air before turning around and giving Baekhyun a big smile.

“You came” the other said breathlessly setting the things down from his hands and coming up to Baekhyun.

“I told you I wouldn’t miss it” Baekhyun said with a smile shifting Jongin to one arm at the side of his body before moving into the small distance that separated him from Minseok.

“Thank you” Minseok said before winding his arms around Baekhyun and giving him a small hug. Baekhyun wound his free arm around Minseok and brought the other to his chest. He couldn’t help but release a new wave of pheromones in pride as he felt Minseok take a deep inhale inside his embrace.

“Well I told Jongin I would help him find a shirt right buddy” Baekhyun said looking at the little pup in his arms once Minseok left his embrace. “But I’ll be out to help you once I’m done” Baekhyun said after receiving a nod from Jongin.

“Don’t worry I’ve got everything under control in here. Jongin wants to wear his red shirt he doesn’t like the blue one he has on because Sehun is wearing blue today too.” Minseok says while pouring a bag of chips into a bowl.

“Alright if you’re sure” Baekhyun said walking from the kitchen towards the boys’ room. “Why don’t you want to wear the same color as Sehun Jongin” Baekhyun asked the boy in his arms as they walked.

“Today special day” Jongin says, “Mama say Jongie need to look handsome”.

“Oh is that right, and you think you look handsome in red not blue” Baekhyun says with a small chuckle at the little boys’ cuteness. Baekhyun watches as Jongin shy lays his head on Baekhyun’s shoulder and nods his head with a small smile. “Then lets go find you a red shirt cutie” Baekhyun says walking into the boys’ room.

“Baekbaek” Kyungsoo says being the first to notice Baekhyun’s interest into the room.

“Hey cutie pie” Baekhyun says leaning down and lifting Kyungsoo up into his free arm.

“Daedae handsome” Jongdae asks Baekhyun as he walks closer to the other.

“Oh yes you all look very handsome today” Baekhyun says setting both Jongin and Kyungsoo down and ruffling a hand through Jongdae and Sehun’s hair.

“Not Jongie” Jongin says with a small pout.

“Not for long, let me find you that shirt alright sweet heart” Baekhyun says before walking over to the boys closet. Throwing the door open he finds two rows of hanging shirts all sorted by color. He figured that having such an organized system was quite beneficial when you had four small pups who always requested certain shirts. Especially when you are all on your own, an inner voice said angrily within Baekhyun’s mind.

Trying not to ruin his mood for the evening, Baekhyun shook his head clearing the thought from his mind before moving his hand over to the red shirt section. He thumbed through a couple shirts until he found a cute collared red shirt with a tiny pocket on the right chest area. “Hey Jongin do you think this one will work” Baekhyun asked pulling the shirt out of the closet for the other to see.

“Yes” Jongin said with a nod of his head and a smile on his lips. Baekhyun moved to the other’s side and helped him switch his two shirts.

“Wow doesn’t Jongin look super handsome now guys” he asked the other pups while Jongin smiled proudly from the compliment.

“Super handsome” Sehun mimics with a nod of his small head. As the other pups agreed Baekhyun heard a knock on the front door.

“Should we go say hello to your guests” Baekhyun asked the pups getting back on his feet. Kyungsoo and Jongin nodded their heads before walking from the room followed closely by Sehun. Come on Jongdae Baekhyun said to the last pup in the room.

“Baekbaek hold Daedae” the small pup asked in a soft voice. Looking down at the small pup Baekhyun remembered how Minseok had said that Jongdae wasn’t very good around strangers usually.

“Of course babe” Baekhyun said leaning down and scooping Jongdae up into his arms allowing a small amount of his pheromones to drift off him and surround the pup in his arms in a manner that he hoped would sooth Jongdae’s worries. Baekhyun walked back into

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Kaynne #1
Chapter 16: Eu continuo esperando o/
Chapter 16: Hello, I’m new fan of this story and i think your story is amazing!
I just want to let you know that I’m very thankful to be able to read your amazing story about xiubaek, and i hope you’re feeling better
Chapter 16: Hello from 2020! Just wanted to say that this fic is so beauitful and lovely. It's like I've become a part of their family just by reading hahaha but yes, I really loved this and I enjoyed reading a slice of life from them, also got sad reading that the kids have grown up, this story did a good job in making me emphatize with the caracters tbh haha. Kinda sad it's already finished, was looking forward to see why Luhan is acting that way, and also Kyungsoo and Sehun's mates if there would be any XD Nonetheless, thank you for this wonderful story! And for making this a Xiubaek au because there are only a few fics of this pairing. Hoping to read more of your fics in the future! And from your latest update, I hope you are doing a lot better now :) Fighting!
Chapter 10: Lol Dae is so cute :')
Chapter 9: Omg I think this is my favorite chapter <3
Chapter 8: This is just too cute :')
Chapter 7: I want to slap Chanyeol in the face...
Baek always talk about wanting to protect them and it makes me angry for some reason ? When I read him talk about them, I hear: ha look at me I am an alpha, I will protect you to prove myself how amazing I am. Something like that??
Chapter 6: I still think Baek needs to think, I understand Chanyeol... The way Baek is attached to them doesn't look normal, I feel like he pity them more than he loves them.
Chapter 5: If Dae says again Spidy man I am going to melt~
Chapter 4: I stoped reading just to listen to Love Me Right xD
Baek is so sweet, I hope to see more Baek × Xiu interactions in the next chapters <3