Chapter 4

Let Me Love You Right
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“Hurry up” Baekhyun yelled out to the car in front of him as he banged his hand against the steering wheel of his car. It was a Friday night, the Friday night about a week and a half since he had last seen the breath taking Minseok and his four adorable Omega pups. Baekhyun was in no mood to go and sit down with Chanyeol especially since the other would just want to talk about all the Omegas he had managed to talk to in the last week plus the traffic was not helping anything let alone the fact that the other kept calling to see if he was close yet.

When he his blinker to turn down a street away from the majority of the traffic, figuring he would rather take his chances taking side streets then the congested highway, his finger pressed against the button on his steering wheel that answered his Bluetooth.

“Hello” a voice softer than Chanyeol’s normally booming voice called through Baekhyun’s car speakers. In confusion Baekhyun looked at the dash of his car and found that the number splayed across the screen was not one that was saved within his phone. “Baekhyun” the voice over his car speakers asked. Minseok, his brain automatically stated recognizing the softer voice of the beautiful omega even through the static of his car.

“Minseok is that you” Baekhyun asked bewildered.

“Yeah, I’m sorry to call and bug you especially on a Friday night” Minseok started.

“No, you’re not bothering me” Baekhyun cut off the other in reassurance. “What’s up” he asked.

“I, umm, well I was going to ask you a favor. Please don’t feel obligated to say yes, but I didn’t know who else to ask because Tao already left for his date.” Minseok said quickly causing Baekhyun to chuckle softly.

“How about you calm down and start over so I can understand what your trying to ask” Baekhyun said pulling over beside the curb to listen to Minseok.

“Alright sorry” Minseok said with a slight chuckle. Baekhyun heard the other take a breath through the speakers of his car. “My boss just called reminding me of some charity dinner the company is hosting tonight. I totally forgot I had to go and Tao already left for his date so I don’t have anyone to stay here with the kids. This probably isn’t what you meant when you said I could call you whenever, forget I said anything” Minseok said quickly after his explanation.

“Wait Minseok” Baekhyun said hoping the other wouldn’t hang up.

“Yeah” Minseok’s sweet voice asked softly.

“Text me your address and I’ll be there as soon as I can” Baekhyun instructed the other.

“Baekhyun, you really don’t have to” Minseok started to say.

“I’m happy to help” Baekhyun assured the other.

“Thank you, I’ll text you right after I hang up. Oh the kids are going to be so happy they have missed you a lot.” Minseok said causing Baekhyun’s pride to soar. “Call me if you have any trouble finding us and I’ll see you soon” Minseok added before the line went dead. As soon as Minseok hung up Baekhyun’s phone started to ring through his car speakers again this time Chanyeol’s name flashed on the dash, with a roll of his eyes Baekhyun answered the call.

“Yo Baek” Chanyeol’s booming voice filled the car when he pressed the button to accept the call. “I already started without you man” Chanyeol yelled through the speakers.

“You’ll have to keep partying without me Yeol, I’m not going to be able to make it” Baekhyun said, happily canceling his plans to help Minseok out.

“What!!” Chanyeol’s shocked voice asked. “Dude is this about that one omega still” Chanyeol said doubt lacing his voice.

“Hey dude I have to go, but I’ll call you tomorrow okay” Baekhyun said, not wanting to hear Chanyeol lecture him about changing his ways for someone like Minseok who already had the additional burden of four young pups. Baekhyun wondered if part of the reason listening to Chanyeol say those things was so hard for him was because he knew Minseok had to deal with it all the time. He needs someone willing to stand up against those doubting Alphas and protect him and those beautiful darlings, Baekhyun thought as he hung up the phone on Chanyeol.

After receiving the text message with his address from Minseok, Baekhyun programmed the address into his GPS and began to follow the instructions towards the other. Baekhyun felt excitement rise inside himself as he neared the other’s house, however when he looked around and saw the area that the other lived he felt disgusted that the beautiful Minseok as well as Jongin, Kyungsoo, Jongdae, and Sehun had to live in such an unsafe area for Omegas and ones so young.

Feeling extra disgust for the so called Alpha that had tossed Minseok and the puppies aside, Baekhyun slammed his door shut where he had it parked in front of the shabby and run down looking apartment complex that his GPS had led him to. He climbed up five flights of rickety stairs that had a slightly moldy scent to it and couldn’t help but picture Minseok having to climb these stairs with his four babies all alone on a daily basis. He deserves better, they all do; Baekhyun thought to himself as he stopped in front of apartment 5-G and knocked against the door.

“Mama door” Baekhyun heard the voice of Kyungsoo yell through the thin door of the apartment.

“Door locked mama” Baekhyun heard Jongin’s voice yell next.

“Hush loves you’ll scare Baekhyun away” Minseok said with a laugh and Baekhyun heard many locks slide unlocked in the apartments’ door.

“Hey” Baekhyun greeted with a smile as Minseok’s sweet face popped into his line of sight.

“Thank you for coming Baekhyun come in, come in” Minseok said with a smile on his face as he ushered Baekhyun through the door. Baekhyun smiled back at Minseok as he stepped through the threshold and toed off his shoes before looking at the smiling faces of Kyungsoo, Jongin, and Sehun waiting by the door.

“Hey guys” Baekhyun said with a wave to the three before turning to Minseok, “where is Jongdae” he asked.

“Baekbaek” Jongdae yelled before there was a squeal and a small weight curled around his left leg. Baekhyun released a small chuckle and lent down to pick Jongdae up in his arms.

“Hey cutie, I missed you” Baekhyun said ruffling a hand through Jongdae’s hair. “I missed you all” Baekhyun said with a smile to the other three pups before meeting Minseok’s gaze, “I missed you” he said once more for the other to fully comprehend.

“Look for you” Jongdae said holding up a colorful piece of paper in front of Baekhyun’s face.

“Wow, Jongdae is this for me” Baekhyun asked holding the paper with one hand while shifting Jongdae’s weight solely into his other arm. Jongdae nodded his head before burying his head against Baekhyun’s neck and taking a deep inhale. “It’s beautiful thank you Jongdae, I will hang it on my refrigerator” Baekhyun told the other leaning carefully to set the drawing beside his shoes.

“This too” Jongin asked. Baekhyun looked back at the other pups to see them each holding a colorful paper up for him. Baekhyun felt his heart bloom with pride as he released a wave of his pheromones as he lent down on one knee, setting Jongdae down carefully to meet eyes with all of the small pups.

“You guys are amazing” Baekhyun said giving each pup a hug accepting their artworks. “My fridge is going to be very colorful now” he complemented each of them. Baekhyun saw each of the pups smile at his complement before rising to his feet and catching Minseok’s gaze. “What time do you have to be at work” he asked the other.

“Oh right,” Minseok said snapping out of a daze like state “I should get going. Let me give you a quick tour make sure you know where everything is” Minseok said before leaning down. “Can you all go wash your hands and wait patiently at the dinner table I have to talk to Baekhyun for just a couple minutes” Minseok said before kissing each pup between the ears and patting them on the bottoms as the ran out of the room. “I’m sorry about the mess” Minseok said shyly leaning down to straighten out the many shoes near the door, “you don’t have to keep those you know” Minseok said pointing towards the pictures.

“I actually think I’m going to hang them on my fridge my place is quite lonely and don’t worry your house isn’t messy, just lived in. It’s nice.” Baekhyun assured the other.

“Thanks” Minseok said before walking deeper into the room away from the door. “Umm, so this is our living room, after dinner you can put on a movie if the boys don’t feel like playing right away.” Minseok said pointing towards a small television screen. “We only have a VCR because I can buy children movies on VHS a lot cheaper than the new ones released on DVD, I know it’s old so if you don’t know how to work it Jongin has gotten really good at rewinding them” Minseok said with a blush on his checks.

“Don’t worry I grew up with one of these, plus the children movies from back then are better than the ones today” Baekhyun said reassuringly looking over all the old Disney classics piled beside the television as Minseok let out a nervous chuckle.

“Alright so I just pulled a lasagna out of the oven. All the boys love lasagna so you shouldn’t have any repeats of the Kyungsoo pizza issue, but if you do there should be a couple leftover chicken strips from lunch inside the refrigerator” Minseok said leading Baekhyun into a small kitchen. “The plates are in here” Minseok said opening the door of one of the cupboards. “The boys’ sippie cups are drying out beside the sink, Jongdae will not drink out of the green cup under any circumstances, but other than that nobody has a specific cup” Minseok says opening the fridge door after pointing out the cups. “We have grape, cranberry, and orange juice as well as milk; no one is allergic to any of these so they can have anything they want” he said with a smile which Baekhyun returned memorizing all the information.

“Alright sounds good” Baekhyun said, “got it.”

“That’s not quite it” Minseok said shyly.

“Okay, what else” Baekhyun said trying not to become overwhelmed.

“The thing I have to go to is going to last for a while so you might have to put them to bed” Minseok said leadi

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Kaynne #1
Chapter 16: Eu continuo esperando o/
Chapter 16: Hello, I’m new fan of this story and i think your story is amazing!
I just want to let you know that I’m very thankful to be able to read your amazing story about xiubaek, and i hope you’re feeling better
Chapter 16: Hello from 2020! Just wanted to say that this fic is so beauitful and lovely. It's like I've become a part of their family just by reading hahaha but yes, I really loved this and I enjoyed reading a slice of life from them, also got sad reading that the kids have grown up, this story did a good job in making me emphatize with the caracters tbh haha. Kinda sad it's already finished, was looking forward to see why Luhan is acting that way, and also Kyungsoo and Sehun's mates if there would be any XD Nonetheless, thank you for this wonderful story! And for making this a Xiubaek au because there are only a few fics of this pairing. Hoping to read more of your fics in the future! And from your latest update, I hope you are doing a lot better now :) Fighting!
Chapter 10: Lol Dae is so cute :')
Chapter 9: Omg I think this is my favorite chapter <3
Chapter 8: This is just too cute :')
Chapter 7: I want to slap Chanyeol in the face...
Baek always talk about wanting to protect them and it makes me angry for some reason ? When I read him talk about them, I hear: ha look at me I am an alpha, I will protect you to prove myself how amazing I am. Something like that??
Chapter 6: I still think Baek needs to think, I understand Chanyeol... The way Baek is attached to them doesn't look normal, I feel like he pity them more than he loves them.
Chapter 5: If Dae says again Spidy man I am going to melt~
Chapter 4: I stoped reading just to listen to Love Me Right xD
Baek is so sweet, I hope to see more Baek × Xiu interactions in the next chapters <3