and i will try to fix you

stress come on (pixie come in)
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Sehun makes a mental note to ask Luhan for more pixie dust because that stuff is extremely effective. The red light on the printer is nowhere to be seen; the coffee from the coffee machine tastes divinely and the sun shines timidly through the clouds, creating beautiful rays of sunlight that light up the whole room. His boss is nice enough to print some papers himself and he hands Sehun a couple of layouts to edit instead, praising him in front of everyone for the latest layout he made. 


"Is this even real life" Sehun wonders when it's ten o'clock and he's sitting at his desk, messy as always, with no urgent work to do and no missed calls from home. He thinks about yesterday morning and cringes mentally, remembering how everything seemed to go wrong for no apparent reason. The broken printer, the broken coffee machine, the apocalyptic weather, the fact that he almost forgot he had a son to pick up from school, the bland cup of ramen and then Luhan. 




No, scratch that. Luhan was the only nice thing that happened to him for the past century, paychecks included. Sehun didn't really want to admit that, but having someone at home taking care of Haneul made him feel less anxious than usual. He wouldn't have to worry about making lunch, and maybe dinner too, and Haneul would eat home-made food like he should. He wouldn't have to worry about waking up at five in the morning every saturday to iron his suits, or to do other chores, because Luhan would give him a hand here and there. The idea of being able to sit down and just relax for a couple of hours was more appealing than any other thing in this world. He could finally start reading novels again, and he could enjoy steamy cups of coffee, catch up with tv series and see movies.


"Are you paralyzed or something?" Jongdae asks with his index finger pressed on Sehun's nose. The truth is that Sehun is so immersed in his own world that he doesn't even realize he's been smiling for the past minutes without any reason. He kinda looks psychotic to be honest but hey, let's not ruin his mood for once. He slaps Jongdae's hand away playfully and invites him on a trip to the coffee machine nearby. 


"I hired a babysitter." Sehun breaks the silence, stirring his cappuccino with a little plastic spoon. The angles of his mouth instantly rise up and Jongdae swears he has never seen a smile uglier than that. Maybe he's not used to it?


"For you or for your kid?" his old classmates inquires, sipping on his lemon tea. Sehun is this far from pouring his coffee on Jongdae's head, but since he's a nice man, he only gives him a death glare. 


"I'm not having lunch with you today." Sehun states while rolling his eyes, leaving his colleague behind to go to the toilet. Lunch break is near and the idea of eating another cup of ramen creates a knot inside his stomach. A slice of pizza would be just right.


Sehun doesn't really know how, or even why he is sitting at the same old table with the same old Jongdae and the same old noodles in front of him. 


"I don't remember agreeing on following you..." he whispers, staring at something green floating on top of the broth. He really needs to get his head out of his .


The afternoon goes on smoothly just like oil and Sehun's boss calls him in his office to discuss important business (which usually means spending extra hours inside the office to finish stuff his incompetent colleagues couldn't) but it's nothing serious. They just chat about layouts and palettes and textures and fonts, so Sehun does a little victory dance inside his mind because no extra work for him during the weekend!. He needs to celebrate. Absolutely. 


Sehun instantly freezes on the spot when the clock hits six o'clock. He's about to sprint out of the room once more but then the thought of Luhan floods his mind and a sigh of relief escapes from his lips. He's safe. He picks up his messenger bag and gets in the car, stopping by a candy shop to buy a treat for Haneul. He opts for a chocolate bar because everyone likes chocolate, duh. 


To be honest he doesn't even know why he trusts Luhan so much. Just last night he was so against the idea of hiring a babysitter, someone who would steal his job as a parent, and now he's not even worried about the current situation at home. Maybe the pixie has a special aura or a satellite that sends good vibes, who knows. The only thing Sehun is certain of is that something is wrong; as soon as he closes the door behind his back, only silence welcomes him. There's no Haneul, no Luhan, no shouts, no nothing. Anxiety spreads inside his chest and oh my god, Sehun starts to panic for real. He checks the kitchen: dark and empty. He checks the living room and the tv is turned off. He runs inside his own room and someone made his bed but apart from that, there's no trace of those two. He's about to literally break his son's bedroom door down when a voice interrupts his actions. Luhan is talking. Kind of. 

Sehun slowly creeps inside and Haneul is sitting on his bed, books and textbooks spread everywhere. He's holding a pencil and his little head nods every now and then, listening carefully to Luhan's words. 


"See this number right here? You have to divide it by this number and then add this" the Chinese boy explains, pointing at something on Haneul's notebook. Blonde bangs cover his eyes as he sits more comfortably, sitting cross legged. 


"And then I multiply those two numbers so I get the final result, which has to be different from zero" Haneul guesses, receiving a high five from his new math tutor. They laugh quietly and decide to solve another problem, since Haneul's math test is right around the corner and he has to pass it at all costs. 


Sehun stands on the doorstep, lips slightly parted and a funny feeling in his stomach. He has spent approximately the past four years trying to convince Haneul to do his homework ('please just do it, i'll buy you candy' 'Haneul for the love of god please start your paper it's already midnight' 'I swear if you don't finish this problem I won't take you to the fun fair' and so on) with no good results and here they are, talking about math like it's the latest gossip. There's a hint of pride in Luhan's gaze and Sehun notices all those little wrinkles that decorate his eyes whenever he smiles. It's like seeing something his son has never experienced before. 


A family. 


"Dad you're home!" Haneul screams as he jumps off the bed to fall into his father's arms. Luhan puts the notebook down and waves at him, putting his shoes on a minute later. 


"How did you do that?" Sehun mouths, patting his kid's hair softly. Luhan laughs and replies that wizards don't tell their secrets. He gathers his books and stuffs them into his bag, then he stops next to Sehun to say goodbye.


"Alright, so…see you tomorrow?" Luhan asks, feeling Haneul's arms wrapping around his waist. Sehun nods with the hint of a smile on his thin lips, accompanying the pixie to the door. An idea pops into his mind exactly when the Chinese boy is about to leave, and even though he's not the best cook in the world, trying won't hurt.


"Wanna stay over for dinner?"


"I'd love to, but I have to study. Maybe another time?"


And so Sehun has to close the door and find something to comfort his wounded ego. Haneul follows him into the kitchen and sits on a stool, watching his father set the table with plates and chopsticks. He misses Luhan already. 


"Dad, can you make me jiaozi tomorrow?" Haneul suddenly asks, playing with his green plastic glass. 


"Jiao- what?" Sehun turns his head towards Haneul and gives him a concerned look. Where

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Chapter 6: This is so lovely. My heart feels like exploding with feels ;; ♡♡♡
Chapter 6: this is so cute and precious with right amount of drama, thank you for this!
Chapter 6: That was so lovely! I'm happy that Luhan's parents have eventually accepted Luhan (I guess?) since they came to the wedding aww
MiszCJung #4
This has everything! It was really adorable and sweet despite the angsty moment.
luchansoo #5
Chapter 6: Aallsnfjhak this is so beautiful :""") I'm glad it's a happy ending they finally got married \(^o^)/ thanks for this ff <3
It's so beautiful!! U r the best author nim..this story need more upvote,,I hope HHS found this master piece!!
DreamerBH #7
Chapter 6: Storia fantanstica! Complimenti all'autrice!
Chapter 6: I hope u can make another hunhan story... Because you're a really great writer...
this was so good