
Love Me Again

Thank you so much for reading, subscribing and commenting! I appreciate every one of them. Here's an update for you, my cream cheese! ♡



This was what Jong In had wanted, right?

Ending his relationship with Ra Eh was what he wanted, right?

But if it was, why was Jong In crying inside his car?

Once he had said the dreadful words, Jong In wasted no time and left the apartment right away. He had thought that ending things with Ra Eh would finally release him from the guilt, but why did his heart feel heavier?

Jong In sobbed harder as he hit the steering wheel in front of him. He continued to assault the round thing until he couldn’t feel his fist anymore. The moment he realised where had the pain come from, Jong In screamed out his frustration.

What’s done is done, he said to himself.

The night was getting colder, yet his dorm wasn’t where he wanted to go right now.



Are you busy?

The first text said.

Ra Eh had a hard time controlling her tears. She couldn’t believe last night happened. She had hoped that it was just a nightmare and that she would eventually wake up from the horrible experience, but she didn’t wake up. She hadn’t even gone to sleep. Her eyes refused to shut as tears kept rolling down her cheeks. The fact that Jong In didn’t even call her after he had left her place pierced her heart even more. Was last night really the end of everything?

Jong In, can we talk?

She texted him again, half an hour later.

She had opted to lock herself in her apartment for the time being. The outside world was a little too much to handle at the moment. Her eyes stung from crying too much. She was heartbroken and she would just stare into thin air, thinking what had gone wrong.

Jong In, please.

She texted him again. She was so close to calling him, but she dared not to.

I’m sorry.

She pleaded.

She didn’t know what she had done wrong, yet she apologised. She would do anything to take the pain off her chest. How could a person be the reason you were drowning, yet was the only who could save you?

Meet me at the usual. 9 PM.

The moment she had received her long-awaited text, she was ecstatic. Hope was finally running through her veins again. For the first time in a while, the end of her lips turned up into a smile.

She couldn’t wait till night comes.



Jong In knew she would be early. Ra Eh had always been early for their every date, and she had never complained when he turned up late.

That was the problem.

Ra Eh never complained. Even when she was angry, Jong In would find her endearing. She was never a threat to him. She was a delicate a person whom he promised to take care with his all.

Again, that was the problem.

“What did I tell you about meeting outside?” A high-pitched voice pulled Jong In out of his trance.

“I’m sorry. This will be the first and the last. I promise.” He told the girl.

There was something in his voice that sounded a little forced, but none of the individuals paid attention.

“This better be.” She rolled her eyes before taking a seat across from him.

He just smiled. He gave her a cup of coffee he had ordered while he waited.

“I don’t drink coffee, Jong In. My comeback is coming. I need all the sleep I still have right now.” She reminded him sharply.

Jong In shrugged. It was funny how the girl in front of him right now was so different from the girl in his mind. Obviously the girl sitting across from him was more beautiful than the other one who was still on her way, but the later obviously had a charm that only she could possess, capturing his heart like no one had ever done before.

Again, that was the problem.

When Jong In saw the familiar silhouette outside the glass door, he started his act.

“I miss you, Soo Jeong.” Jong In stated loud enough to be heard by the girl on the door.

Jong In had even picked the seats where Ra Eh could see him clearly from the entrance.

He knew she saw him. He knew it was wrong, but that was his only option. Little did he know that there never was an ‘only option’, that there had always been plenty of choices, but tonight he had made the wrong one.

Soo Jeong blushed from the statement. She rose from her chair and planted a kiss on his cheek, and then she hid herself behind her hands. At that time, Soo Jeong looked very lovely, and Jong In couldn’t help but smile. They, indeed, matched well, appearance wise.

Ra Eh had left her place half an hour early. She was excited. She couldn’t wait to see Jong In. She had planned to be at the café earlier than him, as always, but she clearly hadn’t expected what she had witnessed.

The moment her eyes landed on the beautiful couple by the window, her lungs had stopped pumping oxygen to the rest of her body. She stood frozen on her spot as her heart broke into a million pieces.

When she saw Jong In with another girl, she felt like someone had pulled her heart out of her chest and forced it back in. Even worse, she felt like the excitement she felt earlier was like herself fixing a broken mirror and got herself cut while doing it. However, this cut ran deep through her flesh and she knew it would leave her scarred and broken for the rest of her life.

So this was it. This was how Jong In wanted to talk to her.

She scoffed, biting back a chuckle. She looked at Jong In one last time as she wiped the tears away.

“I wasted my time for this, huh?”

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jongin, i'm proud of you. (and of raeh of course). after a whole year of being apart, they've matured. i don't know when raeh forgave him, but i wasn't expecting her to act civil around him when they saw each other again. honestly, i would do anything to not get into contact with an ex, especially one who cheated on me, but she smiles at him politely and there's not malice behind it. that is cool. and also the fact that jongin knew what he did was wrong and still loves her which makes me happy as he wants to change into a better man for her. that was sweet too.

thank you for writing!
Chapter 16: I'm in ❤ with this story! I think I became a fan of yours lol I'm so glad the contest you won make other readers like me discover your works ^^ I hope you will write more in the future
namtae0ppa #3
Chapter 16: I just found this fic. And this fic is surely breathtaking :'). I love jongin. Thankyou
Chapter 16: So sweettt
Chapter 16: awwww was beautiful story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: really so sweet! i really love ur story^^
saphire27 #7
nisanobel #8
Chapter 16: This is so love with this story XD
Chapter 4: also jongin you little