Chapter 2

Bang Bang BTS

Chapter 2


My dance instructor, Luscious, threw down his empty water bottle and stopped the music. He cocked his hip to the side, crossing his hands over his nike tracksuit.

Hopefully he had enough of me today, I thought, also grumpy.

His normally warm-hearted and sassy attitude flew out the window when he glared at me, clearly upset that I was not performing to his standards. I shrugged awkwardly, frowning as I shrunk into myself. 

"What is wrong with you! We have been going over the same choreo for two whole weeks, and you haven't even started the vocal training with Lila yet. You will not pass the audition at this rate and I. Will. Not. Accept. That. Get your head in the GAME! You not only have to deafeat a huge pool of candidates for Big Hit Auditions, I want you to annihilate them. I need you to wipe out that competition like your violently spreading cream cheese on a bagel. That passion! Strength! iness! Move your hips! Embody this song!" He narrowed his eyes. "Don't cause me to lose my job."

I gulped nervously. I met Luscious only a couple weeks ago, when Hunter assigned him to assist me on my mission. Hunter had planned a large scheme for me; this mission would be the longest and hardest mission I would ever accept. Estimating a minimum of 2 years, I must carefully tread my way into the idol world. There is no other way to end Jungkook's life without Hunter being found out. I must be the last person anyone would ever expect, and getting close to Jungkook was the fastest way. If there was a way to become one of his closest friends, my mission would only be smooth sailing from there. No one would ever suspect a loving girlfriend in grief, or a crying best friend. Entering Jungkook's company was definitely the only option, and so, I must train or I will never be allowed into Big Hit as a trainee, no matter how many strings Hunter pulls. 

Luscious was an interesting-looking personal trainer. His bright pink hair and feminine way of talking caught me off gaurd. He was small and confident, and was apparently a stripper at some gay club (information courtesy of Jackson). He was somewhat nice at first, but started to pick up the pace when I continued to show a lack of coordination that annoyed him to no end. His critique became harsher and harsher, and I was both exhausted and frustrated at myself. I was not a natural-born dancer and held little talent for the art; however, Luscious thought otherwise. He pushed me to my limits with continuous dance practice, a daily exercise regimen, and even started to control what I ate. 

Oh yes. I had an extreme diet now, consisting of a mere apple and two sweet potataoes a day. Apparantly Hunter wanted me to cut down on what I eat, considering that I was not as small as the everyday idol that I was supposedly striving to be. I remember standing on the scale in the practice room, Luscious gazing at the little numbers while tutt-tutting. "You'll have to diet hard for this Minny," he sighed. Was I too fat? What's wrong with my body? I was proud of what it could accomplish. I was an agent, someone who could get out of sticky situations with only seconds on the clock. But I swallowed my doubts and nodded, ignoring my grumbling stomach. If less food meant no killing, I would gladly give up my meals. 

"We begin again!" Luscious turned around to fiddle with the stereo, mumbling, "But do it right this time." I set down the water bottle I took a large swig with and angled my body in the starting position.

Jeon Jungkook, I'm coming for you.




I'M SO SORRY DEAR SUSCRIBERS. It definitely took me waayyyy to long to update, but I've been so busy once school started. 

BTW, I feel like my writing style has changed after I read one to many Harry Potter fanfictions. How strange.




Luscious (Jo Kwon-I think... pending decision)



dat face tho


LuminRocksxQui-e-scentx, and exol_army14 for commenting! I really appreciate your support!

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ExoSehunnieee #1
Chapter 5: Poor^^
ExoSehunnieee #2
Chapter 4: Update soon:)
Kuroneko_sinclair #3
Chapter 4: Please update soon !!! :)
xQui-e-scentx #4
Chapter 1: Oh whoa interesting set up, good job! Looking forward to more! :D
Chapter 1: this sounds pretty awesome :)