Second Encounter (2)

The Strange

“What was that?” I asked, upon hearing the screeching sound that seemed to be approaching us at an increasing rate.

The boy crouching beside me did not respond. Instead, he kept his eyes peeled on the spot where we were earlier, as if he were waiting for something to happen.

I was just about to ask him what his deal was, when a delivery truck came speeding out of nowhere, bulldozing the metal railings that lined the edge of the road, and eventually falling off the cliff. My blood ran cold when I realized it made impact with the steel fence at the exact same spot we were earlier.

“Hey.” I snapped back to the present when I heard the boy call out to me. “We should move. People are going to be here soon.”

I was surprised at his lack of concern for the people who had just gotten into an accident, and couldn’t help but wonder: What are you?

“That’s not important right now.” He responded as he deftly jumped down from the tree branch, making me realize I had said that out loud without meaning to. “We need to go. C’mon.”

I hesitated for a bit, but eventually made my way down. I was starting to get worried about myself for keeping on doing as he says; but since he technically just saved my life, I decided to listen to what he had to say first.

“A-Aren’t we supposed to call an ambulance?” I realized my knees were shaking just like my voice was when I asked the question.

“It’s too late for an ambulance. They’re both dead.” He answered, and the hair at the back of my neck stood up hearing the certainty in his voice.

“How do you know that?”

He looked me straight in the eyes and hesitated. And just when I thought he was going to give me an answer, he turned and stalked off—leaving me no choice but to follow.

“Wait!” I cried as I tried my best to keep up with him. It made me slightly perplexed how the boy whom I was probably taller than by a couple of inches, could be leaving me behind. Yet while he gave me no chance to catch up with him, he seemed to vary his pace such that there wouldn’t be too much distance between us and I wouldn’t lose him.

I’ll be completely honest and admit that I knew he was baiting me; but at that point, there were just too many questions in my mind that I only cared about finding out what that he was all about.

“Let’s stop here.” He finally said and I realized I was huffing and my legs felt sore. The sky was beginning to get dark and we were standing in the middle of an empty field behind an abandoned factory.

I took the opportunity to examine the boy I had followed as I tried to catch my breath. He was, at first glance, what I guess people would call “attractive;” but he looked like he was a few years younger than me, and I was not into that kind of thing. Still, upon closer inspection, there was something in him that was just…off. I wasn’t sure if it was his almost perfect porcelain skin, or his pitch black eyes, or the fact that he blended in the dark so well that every once in a while it seemed like the darkness was trying to swallow him. And before long, I found myself suddenly feeling the apprehension that I should have felt long before I started following him here.

“I know you have a lot of questions, but I just want to tell you that I’m not someone you should be afraid of.” He started, making me wonder if he had just read my mind.

“What are you?” I ask for the second time, this time meaning to put the question in words instead of just thinking it.

“Someone who needs your help.” He responds without hesitation.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“And I said that’s not important right now.”

Something about the way he sounded so dismissive irked me, making me forget my apprehensions.

“Well if you’re going to be like this, I’m leaving.” I started to walk towards the opposite side of the field.

“Wait.” I stop walking and turn around to face him again. “I’ll tell you. But first, I really need your help.”

A/N: There's actually a third part to this... :D :D

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I may not be able to update tonight until one or two days later. I have some things to take care of. I'll make sure to give you quality updates when I'm able!!


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Chapter 28: aaawwww... its ok I understand that you have other priorities so it ok :) but please remember to finish this story because its so good ok. take care :):) <3<3<3
Chapter 27: Nonononoooooooo parang don't Leeaaavvveeeeeeee!!! TTOTT what about chanyeol and chanshik. Her parents are kinda selfish
Blehhhbambix #3
Chapter 26: Omg if Paran move
How about the murder case? And Chanyeol!
Chapter 26: NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Paran can't leave just yet!! *cries TT^TT
Chapter 25: Ah the mighty chanyeol is in loovveee~~ >\\\< so cute! I love it so so much. Good job and Please update soon...
Chapter 24: Aaah them flirting is just so cute >~< Especially when they both are taking small gazes at each other. Good job author nim :) please update soooon
Blehhhbambix #7
Chapter 24: Reading this chapter and previous chapters makes me feel like im watching cop-like series. Oh the intensity of investigating Chansik death. Group of murderer? I hope no one will get killed if they ever will confront the murderers.

And I absolutely love Paran and Chanyeol flirting. And the holding hand scene is not awkward in my point of view. It goes very smoothly.
FernsOfSilver #8
Chapter 23: Holllly sh*t this is one of the best stories everrrr a lot of other Chanyeol fanfic don't really give him emotions and u do!!! And dammmmmn this is soooo good I don't know how to put it in words it's really intriguing and jjust just amazing it's soooo good it should be a book it's just soooooo good !!! What if one of the murders is Jae un
Hey guys. My Internet connection is not working atm. Will update as soon as my connection is up! Sorryyyyy