
I Told You

Hoseok’s POV


I am Jung Ho Seok. I am a horse-man leaving on pink planet with my best friend the muscle pig-Wait, scratch that. I love horses but man, I am not being a horse in this story. Let’s start this again. I am Jung Ho Seok also known as J-HOPE, human, ordinary 18 years old boy in high school with hormones and I’m gay(inserts horse version of trololol face).

Today is just an ordinary school day for a student like me, going to school, assembly, principal’s speeches, enter classroom, study, lunch with my younger best friend(yes he’s younger), study again, end of school, co-curriculums, go home, dinner, homework, sleep and repeat.


“Hyung!” Someone ruins my thinking time and jumps on me from behind and I don’t have to look at the ‘someone’ who jumps on me because I know who has that habit of jumping on my body.

“You're heavy. Get off!” I shake my body in order to make him get off my body.

“Aww, it’s not like you're not familiar with it” The said boy got off me and gives me a large grin.

“I am very familiar with it but I can’t help it you're heavy as hell” I said, pushing his chest a little before adjusting my bag and walks ahead.

“Aww, why so grumpy?”He said as he follows me from behind.

This is Jeon Jung Kook. The muscle pig I mentioned earlier but well, he’s human in here. He is a freshmen and I am a senior (see the age difference?! I felt old. Well that not so much age difference actually but whatever). He is a good kid but very, very sadistic. He loves jumping around and he carries his bag on his back all the time, I don’t know what is wrong with him. He does a lot of weird things, I do too but not as weird as him and I am pretty sure he is not normal. Well as a conclusion, we are best friends! That ends weirdly? 0.o I’m out of ideas.

“Instead, why you so happy?” I looked at him from the side of my eyes and he stops in his tracks as he stares into my heart (starts puking).

“I don’t know either. Maybe I just do!” He gives me his well-known eye smile.

I just shrug it off before I head to the indoor hall with Jungkook. As we are walking and chit-chatting with each other we bumped into two familiar guys. The blonde that I attracted to (since my sophomore year) and his red headed short best friend. The blonde that I am talking about named Kim Tae Hyung, he’s a sophomore (look, I am attracted to a sophomore so what? There are a lot of people who judges okay. I am very sensitive about it).

I like him, Jungkook knows, Jimin (the red headed) knows, my noona knows, my mother knows, Jungkook’s mother knows, my grandma knows, my neighbor knows, Baekhyun knows, Daehyun knows, my dog knows, everyone know! But he doesn’t know nor get it at all because he is just one innocent fairy and that is why I like him (you have to give me a round of applause).

I have been trying to bring him out on a date since spring! And we have reached autumn now (sighs). I don’t know he is that naïve to not understand all the pickup lines I’ve been throwing him (sighs 2.0). Let me show you.

“Hey Tae, tie your shoes! I don’t want you falling for anyone else” I said with a smirk plastered on my face.

He looks at his shoes before looking up at me with a questionable look.

“But my shoes are tied. Very neatly” He said in confusion, almost sounds like a question.

I smiled. Jungkook snickered. Jimin chuckled.

I told you.

But I promise you, I will make him mine by this year.

I just pat his head before starts walking away leaving him and his best friend behind with Jungkook following suit after.

I finished my day as usual. Playing a playlist in my iPod before entering my dreamland and I am hoping to see horses and fairy Taehyung in my dream (I am seriously [J]hoping it to happened okay. I love horses and the blonde so much).



The next day come in the picture. The cool breeze of Friday morning hits my face, I wonder who the hell opened my freaking window it’s freezing to death! I opened my eyes to see the sight of my older sister smiling down at me which is looking pretty creepy to me.

“Noona, why did you open the window? It’s freezing” I whined as I sat up on my bed, looking at my older sister. She looks especially beautiful today and I don’t know why.

“Hosiki-yah! I have something to tell you. You slept too early yesterday, I didn’t get to see my dongsaeng! But, go wash up first, you looked handsome but funny as hell” She said as he pulls me up from my comfy bed (cries in 8 languages T.T) and shoves me into the bathroom that attached to my bedroom before she throws a towel at me and closes the bathroom door. I didn’t argue. I am a good younger brother.

It took me almost 20 minutes to finished bathing and put on my uniforms (noona gives me my uniforms when I am done bathing, don’t get me wrong). I went out of the bathroom, towel on my head since my hair is not completely dried yet.

“Oh you’re done?” My older sister said, looking up from her hand phone to look at me.

“Yeah, so what is it you want to tell me?” I asked as I turn the chair by my study table facing her before taking my seat on it.

“Okay first of all, I am engaged!” She beamed before she reached to hugs me. She pulls back and shows me her ring.

“I am very happy for you. Hyung is a good person” I smiled to her.

“Thank you Hoseok” She looks at me lovingly. “So, I want to ask you, do you still like Taehyung?” I told you she knows and so I nodded my head and asked, “Why?”

“Okay so, how about you just tell him the truth since he is that naïve no offense he’s one blank kid but I would love him to be my brother-in-law. He’s nice and cute. Besides you have liked him for quite a long time and you don’t want him to fall for another person right? So?” She explained. I can see the sincere in her eyes.

“I will think about it” I smiled to her and she returns the smile.



I sat at the table where I usually hang out with Jungkook in the canteen, waiting for the said boy to shows up, he is buying us foods, it his turn today. I played a game on my hand phone as I wait for him. When I felt a presence beside me, I put my hand phone on the table and seats properly, expecting it to be the younger.

“Kook, what takes you so long to-” I looks up to find a fairy stand by me. I panicked. I don’t know why I panicked too. LOL

“Taehyung, sorry I thought you're Jungkook just now” I crack a smile as I rub the back of my neck.

“It’s okay!” He gives me his boxy smile. I’ve always love his smile. It is a very pleasant sight to be seen.

“Uh, okay. So, meeting me or?” I look at him, silently praying that he wants to meet me.

“Meeting you” He replies simply (BINGO, He’s meeting me), offering me a cute smile. I smiled back at him and offer him to take a seat.

“Okay, what is it?” I asked.

“Um, well” He said softly, looking down to his hands under the table. I just look at him with a questioning smile tugs on my face.

“Well… if you're not burden can you um… help me with my homework…? It’s my first time asking a senior to tutor me and I only know a few seniors and you're one of them… I asked Namjoon hyung but he’s busy and uh… its okay if you don’t want to-”

“Sure. When?” I said, looking at the boy in front of me with a grin plastered on my face. I am one intelligent boy okay.

“Really? Um… today, after school?” He asked hesitantly.

“Cool” I replied.

“Oh… okay! See you after school. Thank you Hoseokie hyung!” He grins before he gets up and walks away.

Seconds later, Jungkook approaches me with a smirk on his face as he wriggles his eyebrows repeatedly.

“What is wrong with your eyebrows?” I rolled my eyes as I take a bread on the tray that the younger just place on the table.

“You got a date with Taehyung after school hmm?” He smiles to me.

“Well, yes. Lucky guy aren’t I? Unlike you and by the way when are you asking Jimin out? Seriously you’ve been staring at his for a month now” I ask, smirking at the boy in front of me when I saw him widen his eyes.

“Wait- How did you know?!” He snaps.

“I know everything about you” I pat his shoulder before continue filling my stomach.



It’s finally the end of school. I am currently heading to the library where Taehyung and I had promised to meet. He texted me on lunch just before I enter my classroom, apologizing for not telling me where to meet and had set out our meeting place, the library.

I stand in front of the library, holding the strap of my bag, looking at the signboard majestically wrote LIBRARY. The place I've never went to, 3 years I studied here.

I take my first step in and start searching for the blonde. I found Taehyung sitting at the table by science fiction section. I take a deep breath (le rapping to Kai’s deep breath /coughs/ sorry) and approach him.

 “Hi Tae” I greets him with a smile. He looks up from his book and looks at me before he cracks a wide grin.

“Hi Hyung! Thank you for coming” He gives me his boxy smile.

“Nah, I promised right?” I pat his head before taking my seat in front of him. “So, let’s us start right away! If we starts it early we can complete it early and maybe we can hangouts for a while” I gives him a smile. I want to finish this early. I have to take this opportunity to get close to him and maybe I can just confess.

“Sure!” He smiles again before he takes out all his homework.



It’s about 4.30 p.m. now which means we completed all Taehyung's homework in an hour.

“At last! I completed all my homework! Thanks Hoseok hyung!” He grins as he leans forward and I am so tempted to kiss him right now but I hold back (sadly T.T).

“Taehyung-ah” I called him.


“I really like you” I said it peoples. I tell him I liked him because my sister is right.

He looks at me with a questioning look. Seriously I thought I’ve said enough for him to understand what I am saying. I don’t think he is that oblivious.

“Uh… well I like hyung too… um” He said in confusion.

“No. It’s not that kind of like. I mean- I like means I love you and I want to make you mine” Shoot me now.

“What? So, you were actually trying picking me up with those pickup lines?” He widens his eyes.

“Wait- so you actually understand that it’s all pickup lines?!” I asked him in disbelieve.

“Of course I do, idiot! I've always taught you're just playing around and you actually like to use pickup lines with everyone!” He throws his head backwards as he laughs (angelically).

“And I taught you’re oblivious” I raised an eyebrow to him.

He stops laughing and looks at me. “I am not that stupid” He said, leaning forward to the table and so I leans in to the table too (LOL).

“So, will you accept me as your boyfriend?” I asked him with a smirk plastered on my face.

“I… accept you as my boyfriend. Hi, boyfriend” He gives me a smile but I swear his face is as red as tomato and I know that I am smiling like a mad person right now.

“May I kiss you?” I lean further and hold his chin up.

“You may”

That is all I need for me to catch his lips with mine. He tastes better than what I expect, he tastes sweet like honey. I could kiss him all night long. I’m honest. With that we become a couple and I am [J]hoping it to lasts forever.

See? I told you I will make him mine. Peace out!




Jungkook’s POV

So, I am here in the library, for the first time since I entered this school, spying on my best friend and Jimin is here too. I don’t know he is just here, maybe he is spying on his best friend too.

I am currently sitting at the other end of the science fiction section, on the floor, with Jimin in front of me, holding a book, he look so cute right now, eyes covered with his red hair, red is my favorite, his eyes are shining like stars, his lips form into a pout, he is so beautiful (ehem, sorry).

“Why are you staring at me like that?” He asks me.

“I am not staring at you” I snort.

“Whatever” He said as he peeks at the couple at the other end of the section.

“Hey Jimin” I called him.

“It’s a hyung to you… kid. Anyway, what?” He looks at me for a while before he turns to look at his book again.

“Why are you so short?” I tilted my head. Yes, I am being a right now.

He looks up in disbelieve.

“What?! What is wrong with you seriously?” He raises up his voice a little.

“Just asking” I shrug.

“I hate you!” He snaps as he throws his book to me.

“What?! I am just saying the truth!” I snap back.

“Ehem!” A librarian stands behind Jimin and give me a knowing look.

Jimin turns around to see the librarian. “Oh… sorry Seokjin hyung” He said.

“Keep it down” The librarian said before he walks away.

Jimin turns and glares at me before he snatches his book back from my hold. I peek at the couple and found Hoseok leaning to Taehyung as he holds his chin and they kissed.

“Oh, they're kissing” I said, not looking away from the couple.

“Where?!” The red head in front of me said as he place his book down and I points at the lovebirds at the table.

I turn from the couple and leans to the book shelf, looking up to the ceiling.

“At last, they date!” I beamed quietly.

“Yeah” Jimin agreed, looking at me. I turn to look at him and offer him a smile.

“How about you? Want to date me?” I said as my smile turns into a smirk and he gasp. Cute.

“No. I’m taken. By Min Yoon Gi if you asked” He said as he gets up and walks out of the library.

Well that’s too bad because Min Yoon Gi is my closest cousin and he is currently not in a relationship.

Just wait Park Ji Min, until I make you mine.


So, hi.

Sorry if it's boring. My attempted comedy tho ;;;

I am not a fun person ;-;


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Chapter 1: Petition for a seq about Jikook
Barakamon #2
Chapter 1: Ew i need a jikook part :c
nice fic i like it
Kanna- #4
Chapter 1: Aww! I need a continuation of Jikook! It cant end like that! Please i wana know how jikook get together!