In your embrace

Just hold me


It's one of those days again, the days where Jimin just want's to criticise every little flaw and judge every one of his little imperfections, It's not like he actually means to but sometimes it's easier to just give in and accept it rather that wasting your energy denying it, Because at the end of the day he knows he's nowhere near good enough, Despite all the praise and compliments he receives he still feels useless 

"Kids, Breakfast is ready!" He hears Jin call from the kitchen, followed by a stamped of footsteps (that's probably Taehyung and J-hope) rushing past his and Jungkook's shared room 

He slips on a black beanie in hopes of taming the mop of red fluff he calls hair before checking his reflection, forcing a smile and leaving the room 

'Time to go be happy' 

"Jimin, get your in here!" He hears their "mother figure" bellow, this time followed by a chorus of laughter 

"I'm right here, no need to shout" he grins as he sits beside Suga, Who currently has his head on the dining table (seemingly asleep) and starts to eat, avoiding everyone's gaze 

"Great, It just took you all of 5 minutes to get your skinny little out of your room" Taehyung laughs obnoxiously loud before being whacked over the head

"Language young man" Jin chastises, pointing his chopsticks at him threateningly 

The mood would have stayed serious then had J-hope decided not to choke on a mouthful of rice mid-laugh, sending the group into a fit of laughter and managing to wake Suga from his peaceful slumber only to glare at everyone 

"Not sure if I need sleep, coffee or to punch someone in the face" he grumbles before beginning to eat his rapidly cooling breakfast 

"You always need to sleep" Rap monster points at him accusingly only to get a shoe to the face curtsy of Suga himself as he stands, grabs the cup of coffee from Jin's hand and makes his way back to his room mumbling about "little brats"

Jin stares at his hand with bemusement before pouring himself another cup and walking away followed by the Vhope couple demanding to be taken for ice-cream 

Jimin pays no attention to anything around him, instead he stares down at the floor 

Sometimes he so envious of the other members, they speak their minds and show no fear and it makes him feel so weak that he's crumbling apart inside 


Only when a hand takes hold of his does he realise he's not alone and 
That Jungkook is still sitting right in front of him, a worried look in his eyes that causes Jimin's heart to ache

'I'm making him worry' he sighs looking back down to avoid the younger boys stare 

"Hyung what's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong Kookie, I'm just tired" he replies leaving to escape to the sanctuary that is his bedroom before he could be interrogated 

He doesn't mean to shut him out like that, he just doesn't want to worry him with his burdens 

When he finally gets back to his room he flops down on the bed with his face buried into his pillow as he heaves a long sigh, however the comfort doesn't last long as more depressing thoughts plague his mind, he walks over the the mirror to once again scrutinise his entire being 

"I don't see anything special" he frowns running a hand through his hair, failing to notice the door open and close or a figure walking up behind him 

"How could anyone see anything other that plain old me?" He asks himself already knowing he's not going to get a reply 

"Well you know what I see?" Jimin nearly jumps a mile high when Jungkook wraps his arms around his waist, staring at him through the mirror

"I see someone, beautiful and talented and beyond amazing and it hurts because he can't see what I see, he can't see that he's incredible is every single aspect, now are you going to tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to force it out of you?" Jungkook smiles into the crook of his neck 

Jimin decides that it's no use lying to him, he'll find out anyway, but as he opens his mouth to speak he's greeted with nothing but silence 

'Why is this so hard?!' He thinks trying his hardest to fight back the dam of tears ready to burst 

Already foreseeing what was going to happen, Jungkook spun him around to face him as he wiped the stray tears away with his thumbs and offering a soft smile

"It's okay, take your time" 

He took a few deep breaths before spilling his heart and a lot more tears, he spoke about his fears and his problems, about how he feels like a burden most of the time 

"Do you know what it's like to feel like a burden Kookie?, it hurts a lot and I don't want to be a burden so I bottle it up, become the positive little ray of sunshine that everyone thinks I am and then late at night when everyone is fast asleep, I'll finally break down and cry myself to sleep, only to wake up and do it all over again and I just can't take it anymore, I try and try my hardest to just keep going but despite my best efforts I'm still left at the end of the day feeling like a useless piece of and I want it to stop because it's so ing frustrating, I just need it to stop please, I don't know how long this has been going on for but I can't go much further, I have no fight left in me" by the end he was whimpering whilst clutching onto his hair and Jungkook reacted quickly, pulling his hand away from his hair to wrap around his neck and pressing their foreheads together, giving Jimin no choice but to look at him 

"Listen to me, you might think you have no fight left in you but you can do it. I know you can. You're great, You're really great. Right now you just need a pick me up. You need more positive things. I know it's frustrating and annoying but it'll pass. I'm not saying it'll get better because it won't - sorry but nothing ever does - it'll get easier to deal with though. You'll be able to cope more and you'll become stronger through it and I'll be damned if I'm not by your side every step of the way, so don't ever think that you're in this alone because I will always be there for you... Always" 

With every word he was saying he seemed to calm him down and soon enough they were both lying in bed, Jimin curled up into his chest as he drew soothing circles on his back

"Silly Hyung, we all love you for who you are, I love you for who you are and not who you could be, so please... Never change" He whispered pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before falling asleep failing to notice the smile on Jimin's lips

Jimin could fool anyone but when it came to Jungkook he was his favourite open book and one that he had read so many times, he knew now that if he ever needed a shoulder to cry on that Jungkook wouldn't be too far away and yet at the same time somewhere deep down he ready knew that, because he is after all at home in Jungkook's arms 





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raebmonster #1
Chapter 2: This is so beautiful, my heart hurt so much :')
tvdtami #2
Chapter 2: Amazing , perfect T-T
Chapter 2: this is so freaking beautiful..i really love it
Igus777 #4
Chapter 2: So beautiful!
Chapter 2: This is so sweet i love it