
Project Love

Krystal's p.o.v

"Hello?" I spoke into my phone.

"Hey", he answered back. 

"How's the states without me", I smirked.

"Oh Krystal it's terrible I can't live without you. You are the air that I breath please come back to me best friend", he sighed.

I laughed at his response.

"Was that along the lines of what you expected?" he chuckled.

"I guess so".

"How's Elaine?" I continued.

"She's fine, she moved to Cali for Uni. So sadly now I'm all alone", he pouted.

Elaine got into Standford University, but Jackson didn't want to move away, but they still decided to be together. So they see each other during their breaks and well I guess it must be lonely without her.

"But don't you have Mark there with you?" I asked genuinely worried.

Mark is Jackson's roommate. I've seen a few pictures of him and I got to skype him once, but I've never really met him. Jackson seems to really like him though.

"Yah but you know Mark is Mark. I need a real woman in my life", he demanded. 

I chuckled. 

"You better not do anything stupid to loose Elaine. I live on the other side of the world so there's no way of me comforting you if you two break up", I warned.

"Yes, mom. I'll be sure to keep my distance from all the girls at school", he obeyed like a little child.

"Anyways guess what?" He cheered excitedly. 

"I'm going to visit some family next week in China", he began.


"And well, mom said I could come a week earlier to visit you in Korea", he chirped up. 

"Omg. Really!!! Wait what about school, though. You can't just leave like that", I asked worriedly.

"It's no problem, I've already alerted my professors and they gave me the work I'd be missing. I just have to hand everything digitally", he assured.

"Oh ok, cause I wouldn't want you failing because of me", I replied in relief. 

"I leave in a few days".

"Oh that's great cause we have a break next week", I explained.

"Ok, just send me the address of where you're staying and I'll see you in a few".

"Ok, bye. Can't wait to see you. You'll be in for a surprise at my transformation", I finished before hanging up.

I squealed all the way to the table. I happily took a seat, everyone looked up at me curious at my excitement. 

"What's got you so happy", Luna asked, taking a bite of her meat. 

"Remember the guy I told you about from the states", I began turning to face her. 

"You mean Jackson, right", she answered with food in . 

"Yah, him". 

"Ok so, what about him", Amber budded in.

"He's coming to visit for a week", I sang happily.

"Really! That's great", Sulli cheered.

"I know! I'm so excited. There is so many places I want to show him. Could you guys help me out", I pleaded.

A deep cough interrupted our conversation.

I spotted Kai eyeing me.

"So who's this Jackson?" he asked curiously with a tinge of anger.

"Just a special friend of mine from the states", I clarified, grabbing my spoon.

"Oh, ok. And he's coming when exactly?" He asked with a forced laugh.

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be during our break", I answered taking a spoon full of soup. 

"Oh great! That wrecks the vacation I had planned", he scowled.

"What plan?" I asked curiously looking up from my food.

"Yah Kai what plan?" Suho questioned with a knowing grin.

"You know, the plan I told you about. What we're going to do during the break", he clarified, through clenched teeth at Suho.

"What are we doing exactly?" Suho continued with a giggled.

Finally realizing Kai was making all this up on the spot I chuckled silently in my seat not wanting to interrupt the show. 

"Come on guys, have you already forgotten how I invited you all to my beach house in Milan", he spoke shaking his head in annoyance. 

He gave the guys all a look.

"Ahhh that... Yah I remember now", Suho answered finally deciding to play along with Kai. 

I looked over at the other guys who looked completely clueless. 

"Wait, what's this talk about a trip. To where?" Sulli asked excited to be leaving the country.

"Oh, well Kai's family owns this house in Milan.  And we sometimes go there for break. I guess this year he wanted to invite you guys also", Suho smiled.

The boys finally catching on to the scheme all replied accordingly.

"Yah, I remember him telling us about it", Chanyeol added.

I glanced over at Kai who sat leaned in his seat smiling at his lie becoming reality.  

"Sorry to burst your bubble guys, but I don't really think I can come. This is the only time Jackson can come and it'd be terrible for him to come and I'm not here".

"Then... Why don't you just invite him. I've always wanted to meet him anyways and I'm sure that'd be fine with Kai", Luna grinned facing Kai. 

Everyone glanced at Kai for his answer.

"Well, I've already planned this and there's only a certain amount of rooms. I don't think there's any room for him", he spoke folding his hands in front of him apologetically.

"I guess Soojung isn't coming then", Luna teased, turning to face me. 

"Uhhh... Maybe I can work somethings out," he spoke clearing his throat, which resulted in laughter from everyone at the table.

Who knew he would change his mind because of me? Did he really want me to be there that badly? Could he actually like me? 

"Ok, so I will be sure to inform him. Thanks Kai", I thanked genuinely.

I've got him right where I want him.


I rang the doorbell to Sulli's mansion like house. I was really looking forward to going to  Milan with Jackson and everyone.  The weather was getting colder and I was not in the mood to freeze.

The wind blew through my hair, pushing my hair into my face, I ran a hand through my hair before placing it back into my coat pocket. I waited patiently in front of the front doors.

The door swung open revealing an irritated Sehun.

"Does Sulli never answer the door?" I questioned curiously. 

"Sadly, this seems to be my permanent job", he answered with a frown.

"I really don't understand why you're always so grumpy.  I'm pretty sure you'd make much more friends if you smiled once in a while", I responded with a fake smile.

He attempted a smile, but I could tell it was forced.

I followed him through the open doors of the mansion.

"Did you bring the books", he asked scratching his head lazily with another hand in his pocket. 

"Yep, all in here", I spoke tapping my bag.

"Ok, then follow me", he led the way heading upstairs.

"Wait, aren't we just gonna work down here?", I asked warily.

"Can't, my parents are having a party tonight with some really important people and I don't want us interrupting them", he answered.

"Oh, I see".

He led me up to his room which was located a few doors past Sulli's room. It was surprisingly extremely clean. Everything was neatly folded and hanged in his closet. His book shelf was neatly organized. There were a few books stacked beside his bed. No wonder he was so smart. 

His bed was nicely made. His room itself was huge. There's was a mini living room right as you opened the door, with a black couch and a t.v planted unto the wall. There was a glass center table in the middle. Off to the side there stood a little cubby with a reading light ahead. On the desk was his laptop. 

I dropped my bag onto the couch and settled down onto the floor in front of the table.

I brought out the books from my bag and laid them onto the table.

"Wow, your room is amazing", I commented in awe.

"Really, I guess I've been in here way to long to notice anything special", he answered at the door way. 

"But... doesn't it get lonely in here?" I asked. 

"I guess you could say that, but that's why I don't come up here a lot", he yawned.

No wonder his room was so clean.  

He took a seat on his computer chair as he began eating from a bag of chips while looking down at me.

"Ok, so I took this one out. It should help with picking a topic", I spoke handing him the book. 

"Well I was thinking we could do something like this", I explained handing him my notebook to look at.

"Impressive", he spoke cleaning his hand as he got up to sit down in front of me.

He looked through my notebook, nodding his head at certain parts as he looked up at me. 

"So what do you think?" I asked a bit nervously. 

"I think it could work, good job traffic light", he commented with a thumbs up.

I held onto the ends of my hair consciously.

"I'll get some snacks before we get started", he spoke getting up and heading towards the door. 


I watched his back as he excited the room. I took it as a chance to explore his room while he was gone.

I found myself wondering into his open walk in closet. I looked through his clothes. His taste was so similar to mine. Mainly dark colours sweater and coat a few sweatpants and some nice shoes. 

Exiting his closet I found a bulletin of pictures. I saw a lot of picture with him and his family. A few with him and Sulli. I found one of him and Irene hugging. They really must have been close. One picture in particular caught my eye, a picture of him and Kai both smiling widely. I removed it from the board to get a closer look when the door opened.

"What are you doing?" He questioned leaning on the doorway with a tray of snacks.

I clipped the picture back onto the board.

"Ahh... Nothing", I muttered, walking towards him and grabbing the tray.

"Okayy..." He answered not very concerned.

I placed the tray on the table examining the content.

"Wow, this is a lot of food". 

"All for you, my fat friend", he smiled sheepishly.

I gave him a look.

"Anyways", I spoke grabbing a bag of potato chips.


We were almost finished with the project when we heard the door bell ring from down stairs. 

"I guess your guests are arriving, now", I explained.

"Wow, I never would have guessed", he retorted rolling his eyes. 

"Is it just me or are you being exceptionally mean to me this evening", I scowled. 

"It's just you", he smiled back. 

"And well, I guess that is my queue to leave", I spoke getting up. 

I began packing my things up when he came and sat on the couch watching me.

He suddenly grabbed a strand of my hair and started playing with it. I looked at him, but he didn't seem to notice.

He was acting extremely weird this evening. 

I began walking when he stopped me in my tracks by grabbing my hand.

I felt my heart beat pick up. What was happening? 

"Please stay", he whispered.

I turned to face him and noticed his face looking down.

"What... are you... saying?" I stuttered with a chuckle. 

My heart was pounding heavenly in my ear like a kick drum.

Suddenly the door swung open revealing a tall lady with long curled dark hair her eyes were a pretty almond shape, her features soft, she was wearing a beautiful long white gown that elongated her long legs. She had a sharp aura to her and I could tell she was Sehun's mother.

"Sehun! Why aren't you ready? I already told you we have company", she yelled.

She acted as if I wasn't even there. At this point, Sehun had dropped my hand and folded them over his chest. 

"Mom you know I hate things like this and you understand that, that's why I never had to go", he whined.

This was a new Sehun I've never seen before. It was kind of funny. 

"Yes, but today you have a visitor here for you", she cheered in an attempt to sound excited.

"No, no no don't tell me it's her", he whined, helplessly. 

"Don't speak about her like that", his mother warned.

"Mom, I've already told you I didn't want to do it", he spoke sharply.

"You must. I've let you go up until now because of that irene girl, but now I expect to see you down there in 15 minutes or else I'll call your father", she finished storming off.

"What a mother you've got", I giggled.

"Tell me about it", he sighed placing a hand onto his head. 

"What's this about a girl you don't want to meet?" I questioned grabbing a water bottle off the table. 

"My fiancé".

I half way spit out the water in my mouth. My eyes bulging out of my face. 


"Sad, but true".

"I thought that only happened in movies", I commented. 

"Look at my life it's practically a movie all it needs is a crazy and obsessed fiancé".

I burst out laughing.

"It really isn't funny you know", he sneered.

"No, it really isn't, it's hilarious!" I laughed harder, feeling tear release from my eyes. 

He walked into his closet bringing out a towel.

"Wait, does that mean Sulli has one too?" I asked. 

"No, mom would never put her through it after the Kai incident. Lucky girl", he spoke through gritted teeth. 

Those words clarified why I was here. To get revenge for Sulli.

"Wait, are you going to take a shower with me in here?" I questioned with a raced brow.

"Why not?"

"Because.... well....we aren't really that close yet", I argued a little embarrassed at his words. 

"Chill out Soojung, it won't even take long", he assured. 

He walked into the shower and I waited outside cause there was no point now in leaving so many more guests would have already arrived. 

I took out my phone to check my social media. A few new followers, some news on Infinite a text from Jessica and a missed call from dad. I began texting Jackson about the change of plans.

Soojung: Hey

Jackson: What's up? 

Soojung: There's been a change of plans.

Jackson: About me coming over? 

Soojung: Yah.

Jackson: Are you gonna be busy during that week or something?

Soojung: No, nothing like that.

Jackson: Ok then what?

Soojung: This guy invited my friends and I to his beach house in Milan. You just have to change your ticket to go there instead.


I laughed out loud at his reply.

Soojung: Don't worry about the plane ticket, I'll ask my dad to send you some money if you need some.

Jackson: ...

I saw a drop of water land on my phone screen.

"You didn't tell me you were going to Kai's house in Milan".

I turned to face him when I saw him with a towel wrapped around his waist drying his hair. 

"Uhhh...yah... How'd you know about it?" I stuttered shifting my position on the couch.

He was completely exposed, his body... there was no words. The way the water dragged down his body. 


There was another ring at the door and I got up to leave for the second time.

"I really should be going", I grabbed my stuff and headed towards the door.

"Wait. Soojung", he spoke.

"Yes, did I forget something?" I asked turning to see Sehun's wet face in front my mine.

"I'm sorry. I can't let you go", he whispered extending his arm past me to shut the door. 

His face was inches from mine, his voice made me shiver, I wasn't thinking my brain was cooperating. I tried to back away from his closeness, but there was nowhere to go.

"Uhh... What are you doing?" I asked nervously shaking, managing to get the words out. 

"I need you right now", he whispered again.

I felt the feeling leave my legs.

"What do you mean?" I muttered under my breath unable to face him.

"I need a favour from you", he continued, this time facing me while droplets of water dripped down from his wet hair.

"What is it?" I gulped trying to recover my breathing.

He back away from me finally leaving my personal space.

I let out a sigh of relief, I don't know what I would have done if he was there for any longer.

"I don't know how to say this", he continued not wanting to look into my eyes.

I was quiet still trying to register what had just happened.

"Soojung... I need you to be my girlfriend".

My mouth dropped open as my eyes bulged out of my face. 

I looked at him as his eyes pleaded with mine.

"What are you saying right now?" I asked unsure of his question.

I was confused. I wasn't understanding my feelings. Did I have feelings for Sehun? Does he actually like me? 

I looked at him as he began to explain.

"Well, the thing is... well you heard the entire speech my mom just gave about my fiancé...", he began roaming around his room in only a towel. 

His body or his words. I had no idea which to pay attention to.

"So that's why I need you to be my girlfriend", he finished with a weary look. 

I looked up from his body to his face.

"What?" I answered snapping back into focus. 

"Come on Soojung", he spoke walking over and grabbing both of my hands.

He had no idea how he was making me feel right now.

"I can't Sehun. Think of Sulli, what will she think?"

"She's gonna know and so will my friends and I'll be there with you most of the time", he smiled.

I looked at him and he looked like he genuinely wanted me to be there with him.

I let go of his hands.

"This just isn't right", I spoke.

"Please Soojung. I cannot deal with Jiyoung. I cannot let her know she has a chance", he pleaded.

"Wait, what did you say her name was?" 


If this was the Jiyoung I knew. This could turn out to be a very enjoyable evening.

"Sure, I'll do it", I answered with a mischievous smile.

He looked surprised by my quick change of thought.

"Thanks. I really owe you one", he answered pulling out his phone to text someone. 

"I just texted Sulli about everything. Just go to her room and she'll get you ready", he finished.

I exited his room, making sure take a finally glance at his wonderful body.

Headed over to Sulli's room I was welcomed by a overjoyed Sulli.

"I knew there was something going on between you and my brother", she chirped. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Come on Soojung. The fact that he asked you means something".

"Ok, whatever you say", I spoke rolling my eyes. 

"I'm guessing you don't really like Jiyoung either, " I asked her as she applied some foundation onto my face.

"I guess I don't hate her as much as Sehun does. But she can be incredubly annoying, but I had 2 suitors to marry and Jiyeon's brother was one of them ", she explained.

"Too think, I would have been engaged to him if it wasn't for Kai", she continued with a little giggle.

"What about the other guy?"

"Taemin", she answered now applying my eyeliner.

"Ohhh, so that's how you knew him at the club", I said finally fitting a puzzle piece together.

"Wait, but who's Suzy?" I asked remembering her name from when the two boys argued.

A dark cloud washed over Sulli's face. 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything", I replied quickly. 

"Don't worry i'm ok", she spoke with watery eyes.

I grabbed a tissue from the box on her counter and handed it to her.

She accepted it as she finished my hair and makeup in silence.  

"All done", she chirped excitedly. 

She did my makeup lightly while elegantly placing my hair in a low bun curling the ends that were left out. She added some pearl beads into the bun of my hair. 

"Ok, so since this is a cocktail party you're going to need a nice and elegant evening dress", she chimed.

"Nothing pink", I warned.

"I know I know", she chuckled walking into her closet. 

She came back with a long black dress and some black heels. 

I put everything on and I gotta say I looked great. I cannot wait to see Jiyoung again. 

I waited for Sulli to get dressed and helped to pick out a nice black lace dress, it was a little revealing, but she looks so hot. I was a proud mom.


I exited Sulli's room to already see Sehun waiting outside. 

He gave me a glance up and down.

"I guess you look decent", he grinned.

Here starts the insults.

"Is that anyway to speak to your 'girlfriend'", I spoke placing air quotes around the word girlfriend.

"Fine then, Soojung you look extremely ravishing", he smiled.

"You don't look so bad yourself", I commented back.

He wore a black dress shirt with a black suit. Elegantly classy.


He stood beside me as I looped my arm around his.

"Are you ready for this", he asked.

"Let's do it", I answered as we began to descend down the stairs. 


How do you like? Alot of Sestal. Jiyoung? Girlfriend? Fake or ... Comment what you thought. P.s remember Krystal's hair is red not brown. I couldn't find a picture of her hair in a red bun or any bun at all since she wears her hair down most of the time. If you liked it be sure to vote and subscribe. Not gonna say much just gonna let it all sink in.


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xxinv0 #1
Chapter 19: can we have more sestal? and maybe more krystal and jackson moments please? thank you! hwaiting, looking forward to your update :)
Chapter 19: yeay!!! kaistal is real!!! so happy for them btw update soon please:)
Don't hate me for this but, I just switched to Kaistal coz Kai ruined my bias list and all
It's official guys, SM just announced that Kaistal's dating . . . in real life!
Kaistal_Forever17 #5
Chapter 18: i bet Kai's getting jealous xD Update soon authornim. fighting!
LittleCupcakes #6
Chapter 18: Please update soon:):):):):):)
Chapter 17: yeay jackson!!!:) update soon please
ByunShari #8
Chapter 17: Yassss Jackson to the rescue
KateChance #9
Chapter 17: I miss sestal huhuhu ~~~ Update more please!!! Jackson is here!!!
Graylu #10
Chapter 17: sestalllllllllll pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!