
Love Is So Hard [HIATUS]



I was walking to Youngjae's classroom with my bag on my shoulder. The girls are watching and whispering all around me as I showed them my flirt smile. I reached there and trying to find Youngjae. He still sit on his chair while putting all his things inside the bag. He's really cute. 

"Youngjae-ah!" I call him. He looked up and smile to me. I swear that I feel butterflies in my stomach and my hearts raced up. After finished everything, he walked to me. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Wanna hang out together this weekend? My treat."

"Hmm I think about it. We are just barely know each other, Myungsoo-ah."

"That's why I am asking you to go out with me. Maybe you likes me then. You never know if you never try", I explained. 

"Okay, okay. But I am not sure now. Let me think first okay?"

"Okay then. Hey, where you want to go after this?"

"Home. My mother is asking me to get there early. She has something to do with her new boutique. You?", Youngjae answered.

"Me too. If that so, why not I'm sending you home?", I suggests. 

"No, no. It's okay. I can go back by myself."

"Come on. Let me show you my charms. Let's go to my car." I grabbed his hand and walking to my black Lotus. Youngjae gives his smile as he just let me dragged him. 

"You are cute, Youngjae-ah. Don't you have a boyfriend before?", I curious about him. 

"No. I never dated anyone. If you ask Junhong, he will say that I live for books only", he laughed. 

"Oh yeah? Such a pity. You are cute but beautiful. Every guy must be on the line if you want to date. And I'm include." He slapped my hand lightly as his face already turned to red.

"Sweet talker you are." He shook his head in amusement. Suddenly, Youngjae stopped walking. He looked into one of the music room that we passed by. Then, I heard someone was singing a song in a very sweet voice. The voice could melts everyone's heart. Youngjae opened the door slightly wanted to see who is it. 

"Youngjae-ah, why?" I looked into the room, only to find the one who is singing with his heart is Daehyun. I feel jealous when Youngjae seems absorbed with his singing till his eyes never moves from the cold prince. As if sensing there is someone watching him, Daehyun opened his eyes and looked at the door. 

"What are you doing?" he ask boringly.

"Ermm.. you--"

"Nothing. We are just passing here and accidentally heard your voice", I answered him with a glance. I could feel a tension surrounding us as Daehyun and I technically glared at each other. Well, he might no showing it but I knew that he doesn't like me. I don't like you either.

"Erm.. your voice is great." Finally Youngjae has a courage to say it. I don't know why but the way Youngjae looks at Daehyun is not like a friend. It looks like someone who seeing their lover. Are they dating? But Youngjae said he never date anyone.


"Let's go, Youngjae. You said that your need to get home early", I cut Daehyun's word and purposely locking Youngjae's hand into me. I followed Daehyun's eyes who stared at us with no reaction. Youngjae nodded. I smiled at him. We want to exit the room before Daehyun's voice stopped us.

"Wait!" He then took his bag on the floor. 

"Why Daehyun-ah?"

He approached us at the door. No. Scratch that. He technically approached me. By standing an inch from me, he stopped and leans forward to my ear.

"Stay away from Youngjae. I don't like you", he whispered, enough for me to hear. I scoffed at him and looked into his eyes.

"I don't like you either. Let me tell you first. I do whatever I want." Daehyun stared at me with a poker face. He retracted back and looked at Youngjae.

"What are you two talking about?", Youngjae ask in confusion. He watched us back and forth.

"I'm going", Daehyun walked away. 

"Itch, what's wrong with him?", Youngjae feel annoyed. At the same time, I could see that he is worried over the cold prince.

"Let him be. Nothing really." I showed my sweet smile to him, reassuring nothing we talked about. Then, I sending him to his home.






Today is weekend. I decided to agree to go out with Myungsoo after being convincing by Junhong. He said that he will go too because he doesn't trust with Myungsoo yet. I don't want to fight anymore and just let him follow us. 

"Hyung, let's go! Myungsoo already here", Junhong shouts outside my room. I just replied 'yes'. I looks at the full-length mirror and checking if my outfit is okay or not. I straigthen my blue shirt and fix my already black hair. Accidentally, the white teddy bear that Daehyun gave to me catch my sight through the mirror. I halted for a while. I go to my bed and take the teddy bear.

For the past days, I couldn't see Daehyun anywhere at school. When I ask to Yongguk or Himchan, they simply said that he always being like that. I feel this urges just want to see his face. Even with Myungsoo tried to cheer me up, I only can stop thinking of him just a minute. Then, I continued to search the sight of Daehyun whether in the cafeteria or the hallway. 

"Yah, are you avoiding me? I--I miss you, Dae", I unconsiously said it. I caressed the head of teddy bear. I pouted to myself.

Why I just can't stop thinking of him? So many questions comes out through my mind. Is he sick? Is it something that I do wrong to him? What's with the feeling of empty I had when he's not around?

"Youngjae-ah, your brother is waiting. Better go now if you don't want him to nag at you", Mrs Yoo told his eldest son at the door. 

"Okay, I'll go down." I put back the teddy bear beside Areum on the bed. 

"Hyung, why you take so long, huh?", Junhong complained. I smile and apologized to him. Then, we go out of the house after bidding goodbye to our mummy.




Myungsoo drove us to the amusement park since I said I wanna go there. Well, it's Junhong's idea actually. He doesn't want us to go anywhere that less people around. Myungsoo felt defeated as he followed the idea then. He goes to the entrance to buy the ticket for us. Junhong, Jongup and I just waits for him at the gate. I watched the scene as there are so many people comes since it is weekend. 

"Isn't that is Yongguk hyung?", Jongup points at somewhere. We looked at the direction. Suddenly, a smile formed into my lip after saw Daehyun was comes along with Yongguk and Himchan. He just followed quietly behind them while looking at the ground. Himchan already waved happily as they saw us.

"Wow! You are here too, Youngjae!", Yongguk said. I noticed that Daehyun immediately looked up after hearing my name. 

"You are here? Are you planning to meet him, hyung?", he asked. 

"No. It's just a coincidence, Daehyun-ah."

I eyeing his outfit today. He always know how to dress up well. But I noticed this one thing about him. That thing is he always wearing a sleeveless sweater with a black jacket around his waist. Plus, to make him more charming is the sunglasses and white cap that he wear in other sides on his head now.

"Hyung, stop checking on him", Junhong whispers in a not satisfied voice.

"W-what? I am not!", I denied in a loud voice. Everyone eyes then turned to look at me. 

"What's wrong, Youngjae?", Myungsoo ask after he get there. I think I heard that Daehyun make an 'itch' sound.

"Err.. nothing. Have you buy the ticket?"

"Yeah. Oh, didn't notice you there!", he greets Yongguk, Himchan and Daehyun.

"Is it okay if we joins you, Youngjae?", Himchan asked a permission. 

"Of course! The more, the merrier!" Junhong answered for me. I watched Daehyun silently as he seems staring into something.

"Is it okay for you, Daehyun-ah?"

"Huh? Erm.. why not?", he replied to Yongguk. Then, he walked from us to enter the amusement park. 




We played all of the games there with a happy face. Erm.. except for Daehyun, of course. He doesn't want to play anything and just keep following us silently wherever we go. Currently, it is a lunch time. We walked to the restaurant together. Myungsoo already get close with Yongguk and Himchan after he apologized for what he had said before. I looked at the back and saw Daehyun walking with his hand in the pocket. Then, I purposely slow down my step in order to get near to him.


He looked up. Our eyes met to each other. My heart couldn't help but beats faster everytime I saw his attractive eyes. I break the contact first.

"Are you avoiding me?", I asked while walking next to him. It feel nice when he besides to me till I need to hide my smile.




"I--I miss you, Daehyun-ah", I told him before I could stop. Well, I couldn't help. After so many days not seeing him, I feel something not right in my heart. My face then turned to red as I slapped my mouth repeatedly.

"Really?", he looked at me with an amuse face.

"No. I mean-- I mean I miss you as a friend only."

"Oh I see."

Then, he keep silent. I mentally frust what to say next as I want him to go on the conversation. But here he doesn't cooperate with me. I played with my fingers and surprised when Daehyun hugged my body and bring me far from the others.

"W-where are we going?"

"Let's ditch them." Daehyun keeps me in his embrace. I holds my breath along the way and blushed too much. Being this close to him making my heart feels nervous. I took this time to examine his handsome face. The sunglassed already out of his face and left at the top of his cap.

"Am I that handsome?"

I snapped out. My face becomes hot when he looked down at me.  We were so close enough to ki--. Aishh, what am I thinking of??

Daehyun dragged me to the nearest ice cream shop.

"What flavour do you want?" I looked through the glass and points at the peppermint ice cream.

"One peppermint and one green tea." he told the cashier. Ten minutes later, we got the ice cream and decided to eat them at the park. 

"Where are you these past day? I haven't see you at the school." 

He his ice cream before answering my question, "I have something to do."

"Are you having problem, Daehyun-ah? Share with me then." 

I watched him as he seems hesitates.

"What are you with Myungsoo? Your boyfriend?" Instead of sharing, he throwed me an unexpected question. I stopped eating. Daehyun stared at my face. 

"W-why are you asking? No. He is Junhong's friend. And I just treat him as well as a friend. Nothing more."

"Really? Himchan hyung told me otherwise." he casually wiped the ice cream at the corner of my lip. I blushed with his brave action. 

"W-what is he told you? Myungsoo likes me?", I hold his hand that now caressing my lip. I don't know why he do that but he seems staring too much on that.

"Do you likes him?"

"Y-yah why are you like this? I don't like anyone though."

"Not even me?"

There, the silent surrounded us. I blinked at him confusely. Daehyun gives me the alluring gaze that I couldn't look away. 

"I don't like you with Myungsoo. J--just don't too close with him", he broke the eyes contact and continued eating his ice cream. What? He sounds jealous. 

I smirked hearing that. Knowing he doesn't like me being with other guy, I immediately knew that he was jealous.

"Why? I can be friend with anyone freely." I swayed both of my leg in excitement.

"Just don't", he insists. I close the distance towards him and ask playfully,

"Are you jealous, Daehyunie?" He seems flustered with my question. I laughed silently.

"It's okay if you don't want to admit." He choose to keep his mouth shut. I looked at his ice cream and suddenly have the urge want to taste it.

"Is it delicious? Can I have a taste?"

"What? You have your own", he raised his single brow while bringing his ice cream far from my reach. I pouted.

"Let's exchange. You have mine", I held out my ice cream to him.


"Daehyunie~ Let's exchange. I want your ice cream", I whined in childish way. I grabbed his strong arm and shake it slightly. 

"No, no, no. Just eat your ice cream. It will melts later", Daehyun opposed the idea.

"I don't want. Let me taste your ice cream first. Please, please. Pretty please." I make a puppy face in front of him. He glanced at me and  sighed loudly before giving up on the ice cream. I took the green tea ice cream and eats them happily. Thanks for your aegyo, Youngjae!

"Wow, I don't know it is so delicious!"

"Yah, eat slowly. The ice cream won't go away", Daehyun told me as he took my ice cream. He shook his head as he finishing my leftover.




Is this okay?

I can't wait for BAP's comeback! :) 


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Chapter 13: Are u still busy with your studies authornim?i still waiting for u (╥﹏╥)
These fic are amazing..i just read it..but i totally fall in love with this has amazing storyline
I hope u can update..hwaiting~~
I like this!~ Will be waiting for the next chapter :)
Chapter 1: this is cool! dear, i think you should change your tag to 'daejae' so that daejae shippers can search and view your fanfic.
i want to continue reading your ff. :D
WarOfCraziness #4
Chapter 6: Please update soon!! I'll look forwrd for it! Love ya arthor-nim
WarOfCraziness #5
Chapter 3: Kyyaaaaaaa!!!!!! DaeJae!DaeJae!DaeJae! *fangirling - squeling*