Chapter Twenty [Finale]

What I Came To Be
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Suho smirked as he started the engine.

“Y–You’re.. Don’t tell me.. You’re going to run them over?” Chanyeol exclaimed.

But Suho didn’t answer him as he sped up and increased his speed.

It was fairly obvious of what he was going to do because a few seconds after Chanyeol asked that, everyone’s eyes widened as two bodies collide with their windshield, immediately cracking and shattering upon contact.




“Oh look! Those two are over there! Perfect!” Baekhyun shouted with his eyes opening more, and excitement was clearly shown a smile grew wider. He sped his car towards the two girls who were together.

Sehun asked, “Baekhyun.. What do you think you’re doing…? Stop..”

Right after Sehun finished, they see the two girls flip high into air.

“BAEKHYUN.. STOP!” Sehun screamed on the top of his lungs as he held the steering wheel, turning it into another direction while Baekhyun pushed the brakes all the way.

Upon the collision, Baekhyun’s car ended up flipping over Suho’s car and landed upside-down.

Glass was everywhere.




Seulgi had stepped in front of the car, attempting to push Irene out of the way, but got hit in the side. She held Irene tightly as she realized both of them weren’t going to make it into the safety zone.

They flipped in the air with one of Seulgi’s foot almost landing in standing position, but the bone marrow between her knee could not handle such impact, shattering part of that bone into pieces because Irene’s weight was also pressed onto her.

Seulgi wheezed and breathed in sharply, like a hiss. Blood was already pouring out of as she landed on the ground with Irene on top of her, on the verge of not being conscious.

W–why.. Couldn’t I stop the car..? Why couldn’t I sidestep it? What happened to my abilities..? Irene thought, as her eyes were slowly shutting.

Oh, I get it. I’d been poisoned by something.. The iced tea.. That male waiter who was suspicious as Seulgi looked at him and the waitress who was confused.. I’m too dependent on my powers… S–.. Seulgi..

Irene’s irises became red again. She sensed it –– blood.

Irene struggled to get her hand to caress Seulgi’s face while Seulgi was sprawled on the ground, not in control of her body.

She felt her body pulsing immensely, causing her upper body to pop up and down on the ground and groan like she’d been stabbed.

She felt the warm liquid escape and overflow out of .


Her organs were crushed.

“Eu–h––iu i–it… H–eu–erts…” Seulgi couldn’t even speak properly.

The sound of metal crunching sounded into her ears as noises eventually blurred together, including voices.

“Seul–Gi.. Seulgi.. Oh my god…”

She heard… Wendy?

Her eyes had shut.




Baekhyun climbed out of the crushed car, “I have a ing broken rib! Who the did this?” He roared.

Shortly after, Sehun crawled out as well. A trail of blood was running down his forehead on the side as he grit his teeth. His legs were unusable.

“We’ve got to.. Get out of here… Before the ambulance c–comes.. You know, we can’t go to the hospital…” Suho groaned as he struggled to get out of the other vehicle along with Kai and Chanyeol. They were all bleeding.

“S–Suho!? What the hell?” Baekhyun cursed.

“Dude! You’re the one who rammed into us!” Kai shouted, “What the hell man, look at what you’ve done!”

“Let’s just get outta here and talk about this later!” Suho ordered, “Now!”

“W–wait, has anyone seen Kyungsoo? He’s not in the car..” Chanyeol said.

Sirens were heard at a distance.

“We’ve got to go, now! Worry about Kyungsoo later, he should be around..” Suho partially jogged as he limped away from the cars along with the others.




Kyungsoo limped his way to his destination –– an abandoned little shed. He collapsed on his knees with his hands on the ground right in front of the building. He was supposed to meet with her here, but he struggled to get up. He was sweat-drenched in his waiter clothes that he hadn’t changed out of. He did look semi-formal to meet with her though.

He grit his teeth, wondering how he got himself into this situation, but he still went on with it.







They were all a group of dysfunctional best friends who hated each other anyway.

So he’s not sure if this is a betrayal to his gang.

A voice suddenly enters his ears as a figure appeared from nowhere in front of his eyes.

“Aw.. How sweet of you to come back to me so loyally like this even after that little car accident that you had back there, huh?”

A hand caresses his face as he breathed heavily, panting. Her hand lifts his head to look straight at her as she gives him her eye-smile and a grin.

“You did well, to be honest. Even with the draught I gave you, you knew how to use it, and you used it well.”

“Let’s just say… I–I d–didn’t plan for S–Suho to run over them.. W–what’s going to happen now..?” Kyungsoo asked, “They both got ran over! I–I basically just murdered t–them!” He cried.

“Such a tragedy, maybe those two might die together,” She sighed, “Though that’s not what I originally had intended. At least make Seulgi live. Just Seulgi, and I’ll be fine with it. It was my plan to have Seulgi live at least.”

“W–Why just S–Seulgi?” Kyungsoo asked, “What do y–you plan to do with a human?”

“Oh, you’ll see. I’m not telling you, it’s a surprise,” she smiled.

“You said that thing couldn’t kill right?”

“Yes, I did say that, Kyungsoo.. But did you know that if Irene got hurt –– like getting run over by a car –– she’s just another normal human who got hit by a car, nonetheless, taking damage like a human does. She’ll probably die. That thing stops our regenerative ability temporarily. And seeing that the accident occurred shortly after dinner, not long having that iced tea, she’s probably not going to regenerate back the damage she received.”

“Why are you doing this? What do you get, and how do you benefit from it?”

She laughed.

“This is part of my surprise to Taeyeon,” she stood up and held her arms out wide and smiled as she looked up at the night sky, “I can’t wait to see everyone suffer –– in all the different types! Emotionally, mentally, physically…”

Kyungsoo looked at her with wide eyes as he rumbled with fear inside, not knowing what he should feel.

She was a monster.

Unintentionally created by Taeyeon.

She’s lost her mind a long time ago.

Only this ‘thing’ shadows over her as she lost her humanity.

She’s insane, sick and –– sadistic.

“Think about it, Kyungsoo!” She continued, “If Seulgi lost her loved one, and she was the reason why Irene died because she’s the one who ends up living instead of her –– what do you think she’d feel? Tormented? Suffering? Sorrow? Mourning?... Everything! She’ll feel every one of those emotions!

I’m creating a monster out of her, don’t you get it?

She’ll turn into something like me, probably. Her organs were probably ruptured and damaged heavily, considering your situation right now, it doesn’t seem too good either, so she’s probably even more severe like what I just said. Irene’s going to have her blood donated into her, which is going to be a big mistake, not only that maybe her organs are too!” Tiffany bursted into a hysterical laughter, “I’m creating something that no one would want to be.”

Such a smart woman.

She’s had this plan ages ago.

She’s playing and toying around with everyone,

Without them even knowing it.

She’s controlling this and the outcomes from far away without even having to be physically present..!

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scarlet511 #1
Chapter 24: Hey, I've read some of your works here and I like it! I just read some ff for a year and i'm happy you're back at writing, even it's about something in your mind.
Everybody has their own way to solve what they had inside their head.
I hope you can made peace with whatever it is and be happy and healthy!
We might not know each other, but really i wishing you well.

It's always nice to visit the old memories, right? You can rant all you want here and some of us will response to you hehe.
Idk what the hell did i just wrote but i hope you can understand my good intensions.
seulreneislife #2
Chapter 24: Wow can't believe so many years have passed since i read this! i was around 15 that time lol. time flies... but i do hope your mental health is getting better and about wanting to post other ships using this account, just do it if its what ypu want, maybe you could just say to those who are waiting for ur unfinished work that you'd be writing other stuff for now, and also ur not obligated to finish ur unfinished work. Just don't stress urself furthermore with what should've been ur hobby and probably stress reliever.
KkapJpwn #3
Chapter 24: You're definitely not alone in what you went through. I've come to know of someone on this very website who struggles with depression as well. Whether you finish the stories is up to you, but I think a lot of your readers will be appreciative if you do. Either way, thank you for writing and giving somebody a moment to escape, an adventure for them to explore, or a place for them to just be, through your stories.
linsue #4
Chapter 24: Sorry you’re battling depression. I wish it’s something that someone can say, or do to make it better. Whatever happens just know that your health is more important and there are resources out there that can help you if you’re ever in a dark place again. Take care and hope you continue to do well.
Taitai84 1228 streak #5
Chapter 24: I have read some of your stories, am glad that you are now in a happier place.

And comfortable enough to come by a old hangout.

It’s true that some readers may start pushing for updates of their fav fics and question why only the new ones are being worked on.

So it may be a good idea to just keep them separate for now, n swing by here now n then to say hi. It’s actually ok to be still around here and not be obligated to work on the old fics~
trshcn6 #6
Chapter 24: Thank you and I wish for your happiness and well-being. Much love!
Chapter 3: ohhhh she turned into a vampire Idk what to feel
Chapter 2: Chapter two and I'm already loving this :)
I seriously need a sequel Author-nim hahahahah It was great but I really wanted to know if Irene was still alive and well ...