
BTS OneShot

“ off.” Suga’s voice was heard throughout the room, and while V and JHope snickered at their hyung’s crude language, someone wasn’t too pleased.

“Yah! Min Yoongi!”a shocked yet annoyed voice made them all look up in fear of the owner of said voice. Jin stood, arms crossed, glaring at Suga on the floor. JHope turned his camera off with wide eyes as V quietly snuck off, pulling his hyung with him away from the scene. Suga was in trouble.

Suga blinked up at Jin, noting that shock and annoyance put together was a good look on Jin, and reminded himself to do something like that again. But the look in Jin’s eyes made him gulp, and rethink that. Standing from his blanket spead on the floor, Suga raised a hand hesitantly, and waved slightly at the man in front of him, currently lighting him on fire with his gaze.

“Ah, Jin hyun-“

“Don’t you ‘Jin-hyung’ me! How could you just curse like that? To Hoseok!?” the older male scolded. Suga avoided eye contact, settling for rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly with one hand while the other was shoved in his pocket, and his eyes moved from the floor to the door behind Jin to the window to the vents on the ceiling, to his feet. And stayed there.

“But hyung, he- he woke me up!” Suga defended, only to realize that that was the dumbest excuse he had ever heard. Granted, it was a true one, and they all knew that Suga was irritable when he’s woken up, but that didn’t seem like a good reason to him anymore.

“…Yoongi, are you seriously telling me that you outright cussed your bandmate because he woke you  up?”

“I-” whatever Suga could have possibly said was cut off by Jin’s exasperated sigh.

“No cursing. Amongst any of you, okay? Ever. Especially you. You’re supposed to be older than them and setting the example, you know.”

“Well yeah, but they have you, so they know not to do what I do!” Suga mumbled. For some reason, Jin stopped. He just stopped, blinked a few times, then a small smile grew on his face, and he looked down at his feet. The others were in complete confusion, but Jin shook his head and soon removed himself from whatever trance he was in, and looked back at Suga with softer eyes.

“Not again, okay, Suga?” he smiled at the other. Suga, confused and in awe at the visual in front of him, could only nod in agreement. Jin’s smile widened slightly, before he turned and  left the room, a slight bounce to his step.

“…What just happened?” Suga asked, and Jungkook snickered from his chair.

“Jin-hyung’s a hopeless romantic. Nothing’s more romantic than a domestic life, and nothing says ‘domestic’ like ‘they have you to learn the good things from and me to learn everything else from’; like we’re your kids. Ah, Suga-hyung’s really clueless, y’know?” he snickered. When he noticed everyone looking at him, he rolled his eyes.

“You’re all idiots. And blind. Blind idiots, all of you.” he muttered, shaking his head, before pointing to the door.

“Suga-hyung, if you go now, you can totally have awesome .” he said, and everyone’s jaws dropped. Soon though, Suga recovered and dashed outside. He came back in, pressed a sloppy kiss to Jungkook’s cheek and went back out. The maknae was right, if he got any tonight (and hell yes he would) then it would be good, but what he could get now, when Jin’s feeling all emotional and loving? Nothing could be better than that.

He went around until he found Jin, in the bathroom, splashing water on his red face, to keep himself cool. Suga smiled faintly at the girlish giggle that escaped the other, most likely replaying what was earlier said.

“Hey.” he said, and Jin turned to look at him with a red face, one which got redder as he approached.

“H-Hi.” he replied, and Suga smiled at how cute the other was. He put a hand on Jin’s face and caressed it gently, just liking the feel of his skin on his, even if it was a simple touch like this.

“So, what was all that about?” Suga asked finally, and Jin giggled again.

“What part of it?” Jin asked, and Suga laughed; there really was a lot to ask about, but not all of it was when Jin was there. Jungkook, for example, was something to ponder.

As he leaned in towards Jin, he wondered. What were the reactions of the others to their maknae’s lack of innocence?

Well, all other thoughts flew out the window as he and Jin came into contact.


It was silent as Jungkook continued going about his business on his phone.


“Jungkookie, don’t say stuff like that! You’re supposed to be the innocent one!” JHope said, and Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

“The innocent one’s probably been getting it a lot more than some of the others.” he mumbled. Everyone was quiet as they turned to V.

“What? He asked for it! Literally!”

“Because I was sick of hearing my name through the walls. It sounds better up front and personal.” Jungkook said, smirking slightly towards the end. Rap Monster stood.

“Okay, I’ve had enough. God, I can’t listen to this.” he said, then left. JHope was discreetly tugging on Jimin’s sleeve to get him to leave, but the younger was rooted to the spot, mouth gaping at the word war going back and forth between V and Jungkook.

“…in front of everyone!” V sounded appalled, but it was fairly obvious to them all that he didn’t mind, but was using Jungkook’s words against him, from when they first got together and V was really into PDA.

“They’re our bandmates, and they’ve heard a lot more through the door you left open that night!” Jungkook countered, and V sighed.

“Oh come on, one time!” he whined, earning an eye roll from the younger.

“Once is enough, isn’t it?” V groaned at his words and hauled him up from his chair by the collar, bringing their faces closer together.

“Once doesn’t count.” he said, his voice getting noticeably deeper. Jungkook smirked.

“It does. They found out, didn’t they?” he breathed, tugging his collar from V’s grasp and leaning forward slightly.

“They would have eventually.” came the response, and V tilted his head to the side a little, for a better angle.

“Eventually. When we had more experience with the whole thing and could have possibly talked it out calmly instead of freaking out.” Jungkook snapped, and V made a face.

“At least it ended okay.” he said, and Jungkook laugh gently, but nodded.

“Yeah, it did.” he said, and the two closed the space between them.

“Ah… okay, we’re leaving. Come on, Jiminnie.” JHope said, dragging him towards the door.


“No ‘but’s. We’re leaving. Now.”

“Yah, Jiminnie-hyung!” they turned at the cal of Jimin’s name from Jungkook.

“Remember that thing we talked about? Try it; it works!” he said, and  Jimin turned a light shade of pink, shoving JHope out the door and closing It behind him.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, you don’t think I’ll just let that go?” JHope asked. Now that he knew that their innocent maknae wasn’t innocent at all, he was really wondering what he and Jimin talk about. 

“Let what go…?” Jimin asked, avoiding looking at JHope. Said boy looked around, then dragged Jimin by the hand through the halls of the building until they got to an empty room, then locked the door behind them and backed Jimin into a corner.

“You and Jungkook talk?” he asked, and Jimin nodded.

“What, I can’t talk to a band member?” he asked, and JHope smiled.

“That’s not it, idiot. I just wanna know, I’m curious.” he said, whining at the end. Jimin bit his lip, something JHope found rather distracting, and sighed.

“Jungkook and I have kind of been talking a lot recently… about… um… being the… uh…” he was bright red by now, the red he turned when they all explained puberty to Jungkook during trainee days.

“Just say it, Jiminie. Don’t bother being polite.” JHope said, and Jimin gulped.

“We talk about being the ones who get ed instead of doing the ing, and how to make it feel even better than usual for both of us.” he said, really fast. So fast JHope had to take a few seconds to find the words, then to process them. He smiled, huffing out a laugh as he buried his face in Jimin’s shoulder.

“Ah. Well then. Let’s go.” JHope said, and Jimin frowned, confused.

“Go? Where?” he asked. JHope smirked at him.

“You’re going to show me how you can make it feel better than usual for both of us.”

I don’t regret a ing thing.


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bangtan_1349 #1
Chapter 1: Cool....this was published on my birthday....nice fic too......
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 1: Thumb up for you..nice fic..
Blue82 #3
Chapter 1: ...I like this.