
A Kind Stranger



Jieun let out a breath as she opened the door to the restaurant. The gust of wind from the pressure of the door blew back her soft curls. She straightened out her white collared blouse as she patted her light blue skirt. The waitress smiled kindly as Jieun held up two fingers indicating two people.

"Follow me, please." The waitress led the way to a small table set with a dove white cloth and three candles.

Jieun smiled at the lady, "Thank you."

"Sure thing; anything to drink for tonight?"

"I'll get two waters with lemon please."

As the waitress took note, she said, "Is this a date?"

Jieun blushed and sheepishly said, "My first one too."

The waitress looked up in surprise, "What are the boys of this generation doing not asking out a beautiful young lady like you?"

Jieun laughed shyly, "I'm not really outgoing."

"Well, I hope you have a fine dinner with that gentleman. I'll go and get your drinks."

Jieun smiled at the nice lady and looked around the elegant restaurant; she peeked at her watch which read 6:10 pm. She unconciously got a certain thought and immediately shook it away.

It's just 10 minutes. Besides, there were alot of cars outside.

Jieun proceeded to take out her phone and scroll through her feed. She liked a couple of pictures and put her phone down, looking at the people coming in at the entrance. There was a group of people at the door, laughing and smiling. It looked like they were having the time of their lives. Jieun sighed, wondering if she could ever experience that and checked her watch again: 7:00 pm.

Jieun frowned, but tried to stay positive. No big deal.

The people next to her started to stare apologetically in her direction like they knew what was going on.

Jieun started to feel worse and worse about her situation and squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to cry. Her hands were fists holding her skirt. A waiter, different from her previous waitress, came up to her table and asked, "Are you ready to order yet?"

She shook her head and whispered, "I'll wait."

The waiter finally realizing the situation stepped back a step and stuttered, "Uh.. yeah, um.. call me when you're ready."

Jieun nodded as the waiter sped off. Even though her heart and mind was protesting, Jieun brought her arm up and looked at the time once more: 7:30 pm.

He isn't going to show up, is he? Jieun let out a breath that sounded like a laugh; she laughed at herself for being naive and dumb.

I was such an idiot for believing this was real.

Just as she gathered up her remaining strength to leave, the chair across from her suddenly screeched in protest as a boy sat in it.

"Sorry honey! You waited long for me didn't you? I'm so sorry; the traffic was really bad," the unfamiliar boy apologized loudly.

Jieun's eyes were as big as saucers as stared at the boy. Just as she opened to ask who he is, he cut her off with a harsh whisper.

"Just play along, okay? My name is Ilhoon and whoever didn't bother to show up for this is a ."

Jieun nodded in surprise and Ilhoon grinned, "Waiter! Can we get a menu, please?"

After they ordered, Ilhoon continuously talked and talked, trying his best to break the awkward atmosphere between them.

"I was just passing by because I had nothing to do and then I saw you looking all lonely at that table. I wanted to help you for a gentleman knows he can't pass up such an opportunity with a pretty woman like yourself." Ilhoon took Jieun's plate and cut her steak up for her, ignoring her protests.

"So you were trying to save me?" Jieun asked.

"Yup," Ilhoon beamed as he gave her plate back.

Jieun was touched, "Thank you."

"Anything for you."

"No, really. Thank you." Jieun was starting to tear up. "This whole entire night, I kept on doubting myself and was really about to give up on everything. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't show up."

Ilhoon stopped chewing and put his fork down. He stood and walked over to her side of the table. Ilhoon kneeled down and pulled Jieun into a hug with his hand the back of her head. Jieun couldn't hold herself back then; the tears started to fall down her cheeks.

"Shh, Jieun-ah, don't cry." Ilhoon patted her back. He grabbed a napkin, dabbing it against her cheeks.

"Don't waste your tears; save them for something important, okay? I'm here for you now."

Jieun nodded; her eyes were red and swollen.

"Aw man, it was going so well before this." Ilhoon said, trying to break the sad atmosphere.

Jieun was still wiping away her tears but she managed to crack a smile.

Ilhoon smiled from ear to ear, happy that he was successful.

"Hurry and finish your food. I want to show you something after."

As they ate, Jieun opened up and got to know Ilhoon more. He was the same age as Jieun and he has an older sister who works as an actress. Ilhoon loves music and his favorite food is meat. Jieun could confirm that by watching how deliciously Ilhoon was eating his steak.

Ilhoon looked up from his meal with sauce on the sides of his mouth, "What?"

Jieun shook her head, laughing softly, "Nothing. You just got something right here..." She took a napkin and wiped his mouth. How like a child.

Ilhoon smiled widely, "Are you done?"

"Almost." Jieun stuffed her last piece into and said, "Done!"

"Yah, don't speak with your mouth full," Ilhoon reprimanded playfully. Just like a child.

Ilhoon paid for the meal much to Jieun's disapproval. "You helped me tonight! This is the least I can do."

"No, no, giving me your time is enough payment for me." Ilhoon said.  "So let me pay the bill."

Jieun felt the warmth in his words and didn't protest further.

After this, they left the restaurant and got in the car with Ilhoon on the wheel driving into the unknown.

"Where are we going?" Jieun asked.

"This may sound cliché, but it's a surprise," Ilhoon chuckled.

"Hmph." Jieun looked out the window at all the passing lights. She resisted the temptation of taking pictures.

"We're here."

"Hmm?" Jieun had unknowingly dozed off.

Ilhoon laughed, "You're cute when you're half asleep; did you know that?"

That shook the sleepiness right off of Jieun. "W-what?"

Ilhoon shook his head, unable to meet Jieun's eyes. "Nothing. Just hurry and get out of the car. You'll miss it." He quickly got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

Jieun gathered her conciousness and stepped out of the car. She frowned in confusion. "What am I supposed to see?"

Ilhoon looked at his watch. "It's not time yet; one and half minutes left."

Jieun looked at the worn down water fountain in front of her. There was nothing grand about it and it looked extrememly dull. 

"Are you cold?" Ilhoon looked at her rubbing her arms.

"N-no, I'm fine."

"Here," Ilhoon took his jacket off and made Jieun turn around, placing the jacket over her shoulders. He pulled her closer to adjust it.

Jieun looked up at his face; she hadn't noticed before how sculpted it was before. He had light brown eyes and his bangs swept across his face in the most attractive way. And he had a set of plump lips, making Jieun wonder how it felt.

Ilhoon pulled away, "You'll catch a cold if you deny something like that."

Breaking out of her thoughts, Jieun blushed, "Thanks."

"Anytime- oh look!" 

Jieun turned around and gasped in delight. "Oh!"

The seemingly broken water fountain was gushing out water, spewing it out in different directions. The clear stones inside the fountain sparkled like jewels. Lights around them blinked on one by one; it almost seemed to cool to be real. Pink, green, blue, purple, red, yellow, all sorts of colors burst around them. As it got brighter, Jieun noticed the trees surrounding them and not just far away, a small lake existed with fireflies flying over it.

Ilhoon looked at Jieun smiling and smiled himself.

"It's beautiful!" Jieun clasped her hands and held them to her chest.

"I'm glad you like it," Ilhoon chuckled. "This place opens exactly at midnight. I wanted to show it to you."

"Really?" Jieun turned to him with twinkling eyes. "It's very pretty; thank you."

"Anytime," Ilhoon's expression turned serious; he faced Jieun and took one of her hands.

"Jieun-ah, I know I met you like 4 hours ago, but you really bring out my protective side. I want to be by your side and shield you from the hurt you received and will receive." He rubbed his thumbs over the back of her hand after sighing and continued. "My world lights up whenever I see your smiling face and I want to be the reason why you smile. I really like you and I've never felt this way about anyone before and it's crazy but will... will you be my girlfriend?" As soon as he finished, Ilhoon looked down, embarassed of himself.

Jieun looked at him with surprise, but quickly regained her composure. She pulled Ilhoon's hands that were holding on to hers and embraced him as she breathed one word:


Ilhoon was shocked at the situation but soon beamed like the sun as he threw his arms around her to hold her tightly. "Thank you, thank you so so much."

"No, I should be thanking you," Jieun's voice was muffled as Ilhoon squeezed her, trying to hug her as closely as possible. "You smell good by the way."

Ilhoon laughed, "You'll be smelling this every day."

Jieun smiled, "I'd like that."


And there you have it folks! I've written out a oneshot (even though it took like two months) !!!

I don't know what came over me to write this; it was most likely from Ilhoon messing up my bias list bc that man is super cute

I hope you enjoyed it! I'll try and update my other stories!


you should totally leave me a comment on how this was because I totally dig opinions :))))

thank you and have a great day!



Oh, if you don't know what I meant by "other stories", go check them out:

Is this love? ft. Taehyung (BTS), L/Myungsoo (Infinite), OC

The Heir ft. Minhyuk (CNBLUE), Baekhyun (EXO), OC

- inspiritb2utyforever signing off


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fieyqaa #1
Chapter 1: this is super cute!!!
Chapter 1: wow... never imagine something like that would happen. it's really sweet that ilhoon come to her table and act like 'the man' she's waiting for *imagining sitting in the restaurant with ilhoon* :D