A Best Friend's Sudden Confession

A Best Friend's Sudden Confession

You and Dongwoon have been best friends since junior year in high school. Strange right, to be close in such a short amount of time? That's what many people had thought. You both made it look like you guys knew each other for such a long time because of the close relationship you guys have. You thought nothing of it. all you thought was that you and Dongwoon were best friends nothing more, nothing less.

It's been about 3 years or so since then and you and Dongwoon are still the best of friends. That's what you thought anyways. Dongwoon on the other hand was fighting with himself, inside of course. He was trying to fight these feelings he's had that he thought would go away and that was 2 years ago. He tried many ways to just stop thinking about it like, keeping busy at work, or ignoring you for a few days. He thought not seeing you would make it easier for the feelings he had to pass but, it did the exact opposite, he started longing for you more. He realised that he saw you more than a friend and that he liked you, maybe even loved you but the friendship you two shared was not something he wanted to risk.

Today was your 21st birthday, and what better way to celebrate being 21 at a bar? Haha Dongwoon definately took advantage of this opportunity to get himself drunk and maybe drink his prrblems away. Boy was this a BIG mistake.

The party was starting to die down and people were heading home. All who were left were you, Dongwoon and some of his other friends. You had a few drinks but not enough to be really drunk. You were never fond of drinking after seeing what it does to people. Dongwoon on the other hand was REALLY drunk. He must have had 10 or more beers and yet he still was drinking. Seeing this, you thought that he should stop. So you grabbed the bottle from his hand and put it on the side and tried to make him stand up. You figured it was about time everyone went home anyway.

As you were trying to get him up, you lost your balance and he fell on top of you. One of Dongwoon's friends, Doojoon saw and went to help you. He got Dongwoon off of you, and as you got up, you had asked Doojoon if he would mind helping you take him home. Glad to help, Doojoon nodded and you told him to follow you.

As you were walking to your house since you were afraid Dongwoon were to do something crazy or stupid by himself, he started mumbling things that neither you or Doojoon could make out. It sounded like he was trying to say something but it was too soft to really make out what he was saying. Finally you both made it to your door.

As you were about to open your door Dongwoon said something. Not sure what he was trying to say, you tried asking.

Then he said very clearly mind you, "Choi~~~~, I'm in love with you!! What am I supposed to do" He seemed very frustrated but then he passed out and Doojoon just carried him to your couch. On the other hand, you were in complete shock. Dongwoon is in love with you? What? You were still at the open doorway when Doojoon went pass you to put the passed out Dongwoon on the couch.

"Hey, you okay ~~~?" Doojoon asked as he waved his hand in front of your dazed face to get your attention.

"Huh?" you said as you broke out of your thoughts, "Um, yeah I'm fine Doojoon, thanks for helping me bring him home" you said as your tried to smile.

Not really wanting to get into your business he just decided to leave you guys alone. He told you goodbye and then he left. You closed the door and then walked to the passed out Dongwoon. You were unsure if you should actually take what he said to heart yet you didn't want to get your hopes up. (a/n: yes you do like Dongwoon XP). You went upstairs to get an extra blanket and then put it over Dongwoon. After you too went to bed. It was a fun day and you enjoyed your birthday yet you still wondered about Dongwoon.

The Next Morning

Dongwoon woke up the next morning to a major headache and realised he was not in his own apartment. He looked around and noticed it was your apartment yet he didn't know how he got there. Trying to remember, he saw you coming out of the kitchen with soup.

"Hey Dongwoon, I bet you got a major headache from last night so I made some soup. Eat up okay!" You said trying to stay calm. Yet Dongwoon could see that something must have happened last night.

"~~~~~, did I do anything strange last night?" Dongwoon asked.

"Umm...No. You were drunk so yeah" You said, unsure of what to really say.

"Did I do something to you?" Dongwoon asked worried because you were acting strange around him.

"No, don't worry Dongwoon. I'm fine, tired a little I guess. Anyways eat up! You'll feel better" you said as you left to your bedroom.

Dongwoon POV

Okay then? ~~~~ is acting strange so she must be hiding something. I wonder what.


You came back after you gathered your thoughts in your room and saw that Dongwoon finished. As you were about to grab the bowl, Dongwoon grabbed your hand.

"~~~~, I know something's up. So just tell me." Dongwoon said.

"Nothing don't worry about it" you replied as you were trying to get out of his grasp.

"You're lying, I know your are" Dongwoon grasped you tighter and you whinced a little.

"Dongwoon please just let go" You said.

"Not until you tell me what's up" Dongwoon replied.

"Fine! You wanna know? Then I'll tell you" You shouted a little which shocked Dongwoon. You were never one to shout.

"Last night, do you remember anything you did Dongwoon? Do you?" you asked and Dongwoon shook his head.

"You really want to know what happened?" You asked and Dongwoon nodded his head.

"Fine" You sighed, "Well you do know it was my birthday and we were celebrating at a bar nearby. We all had a few drinks, yet you on the other hand over did it I guess. You had like 10 or more beers. So I decided to stop you and take you home. Trying to get you out of your seat, I lost my balance and you fell on top of me. Then Doojoon came and helped get you off of me and then I asked if he could help me take you home but I was afraid you might do something crazy or dangerous being by yourself, I asked Doojoon to just help take you to my house. Throughout the whole way, you were mumbling incoherent words. And then when we got to my doorstep you were talking. Since I didn't know what you were saying I asked and that's when you said..." You stopped catching your breath trying to explain what had happened.

"What did I say ~~~~?" Dongwoon asked.

"You said that you were in love with me." You said softly yet Dongwoon still heard you. He was completely shocked. He confessed to you while drunk and now he understood fully why you were acting strange so he got up anf headed for the door.

"So, that's it Dongwoon? You're not even going to bother to explain yourself or....if you really meant it?" You mumbled the last part so he couldn't hear. Dongwoon then stopped at the doorway and turned around.

"I get it ~~~~" is all Dongwoon could manage to say. He was hurt because he thought that you didn't accept the fact he liked you.

"Get what Dongwoon? That what you said was a lie?" You shouted.

"It wasn't a lie, ~~~~! What I said I meant it. I'm in love with you yet you don't feel the same, I get it!!" Dongwoon shouted back.

You started to cry, not because he yelled but you were happy that he liked you back. Seeing you cry, Dongwoon quickly ran to you to appologize.

"You're an idiot Dongwoon to think that I don't feel the same" you said while crying onto his shirt. Hearing you speak, he realised he jumped to the wrong conclusion and hugged you even tighter because he was so happy.

"C-can b-breathe Dongwoon" as you were trying to get Dongwoon to loosen his grip.

"Sorry ~~~. I'm just so happy right now." Dongwoon said happily and you smiled.

"So ~~~~, will you be my girlfirend?" Dongwoon asked suddenly.

You smiled, "Of course Dongwoon"

And that's how it ended. Like every relationship, there are ups and then there are downs but you stuck through it and forever is how long you and dongwoon last.

The End XD


By the way this is my first oneshot type fic. I'm farely new so I appologize if some of my stories are terrible.

Also thank you to those who subscribe and comment. I really appreciate the comments.


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Wow this is so cute!!! :3
danielboo #2
Chapter 1: this was adorable =)
seungriism #3
Haha! Cute :))
waniey951215 #4
aigooooooooo~~~~~ ! ^^
waniey951215 #5
aigooooooooo~~~~~ ! ^^
LovableTaemint #6
Aww... Hehe... Cute fic~~ :D
mrsb2st #7
Ah it was so cute!! Heh heh. This is a really good Oneshot. I like your writing style. :))