Chapter 54 - Happily ever after

The Heart

Ji Hyo ended up spend the whole day with his mother and only came home when it was late. She opened the door and Jong Kook was already waiting for her in the living room, rewatching the most recent Running Man episode.

“How is everything yeobo?” – Jong Kook asked, concerned as Ji Hyo’s face was very upset.

She threw her bag on the couch, making a sad face, not answering his question.

He snuggled next to her, pulled her tired body to his chest. – “It’s ok if thing doesn’t go well yeobo. We will figure thing out.” – He softly said thinking she just had a bad day with his mother.

“Got you.” – She suddenly jumped up and laughed happily.

Jong Kook looked at her, all puzzle. – “What is that?”

“I am just playing with you oppa. Eomoeni finally approved our marriage.” – Ji Hyo happily squeals.

“Really?” – Jong Kook couldn’t hold his happiness and gave Ji Hyo a tight hug. – “You are awesome yeobo.” – He screamed happily.

“You have to treat me well after married ok oppa? I have been suffering a lot”- Ji Hyo said, kittenish.

“Of course, my fiancée has been through a lot for me. I will treat you like a princess.” – He promised, sweetly.

“Remember that.” – She said, playfully

“Let’s get married next month yeobo.” – He excitedly said.

“Next month? Is it too soon? We still have a lot to prepare.” – She concerned

“It’s ok. We will start doing it tomorrow. Let’s start looking for the church tomorrow ok?” – He asks

“Sure. I actually have a place in mind oppa.” – She told him


She showed him the picture from her phone and he got frozen for a moment.

“I don’t think it’s a good place yeoo.” – He stated, low voice

“Why oppa?” – She asked

He exhaled sharply, settled back to the couch – “That place is where I had the wedding with Soo Jin before and also …” – He hesitates for a moment

“Also the place I got stabbed?” – She asked, softly

He looked at her surprise – “You know about that?”

She nodded, smiled softly. – “Of course I know but isn’t it why we got back together. Maybe that place holds out fate.”

He was surprise for a moment, hearing her thoughtful reasoning then he smiled gently at her – “You are right. Let’s go see the Father tomorrow then.”

She nodded, happily.

The next day, just as planned, they visited the church where Ji Hyo wanted the ceremony to take place. Lucky for them, the church was going to be available on their wedding day. Ji Hyo couldn’t be happier. They walked to the front of the church together with the Father to discuss about what they want to decorate. Ji Hyo excitedly stood on the top of the stairway, imaging how it would look like when she stepped on those stairs as a bride while Jong Kook was focusing his conversation with Father. But suddenly, some image appeared in her head, a crazy girl was running toward her with a sharp knife. Next thing she knew, her body was covered in blood. It was scary. She was panic. Her head hurt. She got dizzy. She couldn’t stand straight any more. Her body felt weak. She lost control over her legs

“Oppa” – She weakly called before falling down the stair.

 “Ji Hyo” – Jong Kook screamed, running after the falling Ji Hyo. His speed was faster than lighting. His brain was in panic. The image of that day came back to him clear like day light.

 Her weak breath, her bloody body.  

No, he can’t let it happen again. He ran like his life depended on it, like the world was ending and the cataclysm chasing him by his feet.

He had to get her, he couldn’t let the history repeated again

 Luckily, he caught her half way. She was safe in his arms.

“Thank you oppa.” – She softly said before fainted.

“Ji Hyo” – He screamed in worry.

He quickly took her to the hospital. He ran with bullet speed from the hospital entrance to emergency room with her on his arms.

Doctors and nurses quickly performed treatment on her. He stood in front of the clear glass door, kept looking at the unconscious her in worry.  

“You can come in” – The nurse walked out of Ji Hyo’s room and told Jong Kook.

“Really?” – He said and quickly walked in.

The doctor took out his mask and talked to Jong Kook. – “She is fine now, just need to rest. But she has to be more careful from now on. The first trimester is always the most sensitive time.”

Jong Kook looked at the doctor in surprise. – “Trimester? Are you saying that she is pregnant?”

“Yes, don’t you know? We found a second heartbeat inside her.” – The doctor said.

“Are you serious?” – Jong Kook happily asked and gave the doctor a tight hug – “Thank you very much doctor. Thank you” – Then he ran to Ji Hyo who was still lying unconscious.

“Did you hear that Ji Hyo? We are having a baby. Wake up soon so we can celebrate ok?” – He held her hand and said happily.

They spent the night at the hospital since Ji Hyo still hadn’t waken up. Jong Kook couldn’t sleep the whole night because of his excitement. His eyes were only closed when the dawn was about to break through. He woke up after just a few hours as his phone alarm went off. He rubbed his eyes and looked around but Ji Hyo was no place to be found. He got panic and ran around to look for her. The hospital was big and looking for one person was not an easy task.  

After a half hour of searching in panic, he finally found her on the bench of the hospital garden, breathing the fresh air.

“What are you doing here? I have been looking for you?” – He asked her, breathless.

She looked at him, warm eyes, the kind of look that he hadn’t seen in her for a while, a mature, loving kind of look. He was speechless for a moment, kept staring at her eyes.

“I’m sorry oppa. I just feel like having some fresh air.” – She said, softly – “Sit down here oppa.” – She signaled him the space next to her.

He sat down.

 She softly rested her head on his shoulder. – “Isn’t the sky is pretty oppa?” – She asked.

“Yeah, it is.” – He answered. For some reasons, he felt that she was different today. He wasn’t sure if it was because of her weak body or she was just very calmed, not as hyper as the normal 15 years old Ji Hyo.

“Oppa, can I ask you a question?” – She softly asked


“Do you prefer the 15 years old version of me or the 34 years old version of me?”

He was surprised a moment from her sudden question. He got quiet and think.

“I prefer you.” – He answered – “It doesn’t matter if you are 15 or 34, you are still yourself at heart. You are still a sweet, thoughtful, and kindhearted Ji Hyo that I fall in love with in the first place.”

She smiled, softly. – “What if I can’t remember anything for the rest of my life oppa? Don’t you think it is going to be difficult marrying an immature teenager?”

“No” – He shook his head. – “Even when you are teenager, you are still yourself. I accept everything about you both good and bad because they are parts of you. I happily take them all” – He answered, firmly.

“Thank you oppa. You are always so thoughtful. Have you ever at all hate the 34 years old Ji Hyo for leaving you?” – She asked

“No. I was sad but I never hated you. I can’t hate you. I love you too much that I don’t have space for hatred in my heart, I guess.” – His lips curled, half way.

“Sorry for making you suffer too much oppa. I will make up for you in the future. Let’s live everyday happily like when we were in Texas ok?”

“Sure” – He answered but surprise immediately attacked him. He never told the 15 years old Ji Hyo about Texas. He stared at her with hope, wondering. – “Did your … Did your memory come back?”

She looked at him for a while. He was nervous with each nanosecond passing by, desperately waiting for her answer.

“Yes, I am.” – She softly answered.

He immediately jumped up and pulled her in his embrace. – “Don’t lie to me ok? Tell me that your memory really came back.”

“N-ne, it came back when I woke up. Do you want to test my memory?”

“No, of course not. I only need your words. I am so happy yeobo. We are having baby and now your memory came back. I can’t be happier.” – He squealed happily

“Pregnant? Am I?” – Ji Hyo asked surprised.

“Yeah, don’t you know? The doctor said you are one month pregnant. You have to be careful from now on ok?”

“Really? I am so happy oppa.” – She hugged him, tightly.

The wedding happened one month after that day. They chose the same church for their ceremony. Ji Hyo chose purple tulips to decorate her wedding as a sight of her getting over her painful past. With Jong Kook by her side, now she can love purple tulips once again.

On their wedding day, the church is full of celebrities. Both side of their family happily joined the wedding.

In the bride dressing room, Ji Hyo was waiting readily, Shin Hye was busy helping her fixing up the dress. In front of the door, a young man was standing hesitated. Ji Hyo spotted him

“Dong Jun ah, come in.” -   Ji Hyo called him.

“Noona.” – He finally walked in, still hesitate.

Shin Hye politely walked out, leaving them private space to talk.

“You are very beautiful today noona.” – He smiled looking at her angelic like figure in the beautiful white wedding gown.

“Thank you.” – She softly said

“I heard your memory was recovered.” – He paused, sad eyes – “I am sorry for all the things I did to you and all the misery that you had to go through because of me.” – He said, low voice.

She shook her head, smiled kindly at him – “Not at all. Everything is just the past. Don’t keep bothering yourself about that! Be happy in the future is the best thing you can do for me.” – She gently said.

“Thank you noona.” – He said, happy.

“Time to go unnie.” – Shin Hye rushed.

“Ok” – Ji Hyo answered.

“Congratulation noona.” – He said then walked to the ceremony hall.

In front of God and Father, Jong Kook and Ji Hyo were doing the vow. They decide to make their own vow instead of following traditional vow.

“The groom, please make a vow” – Father said

“Song Ji Hyo, from today on, you are my wife. I vow to be responsible for your happiness for the rest of my life. After today, if you are ever upset, hurt, or frustrated, it will totally be my fault. And I will do anything in my power to prevent it from happening. I will love you, protect you, spoil you for the rest of my life. Even when all your hairs turn gray and all your teeth fall off, you are still my precious wife and I will treat you as a princess. I will be loyal to you and only you until the last drop of Pacific ocean drained down.” – He vowed, firmly.

She looked at him, smiling happily.

“The bride, Please make a vow” – Father demanded.

“Kim Jong Kook, I want to tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a little girl who kept locking herself in the castle of her painful past. Her life was full of darkness even though she was living in the bright kingdom of fame. One day, a prince came to her, unlocked her from the dark castle, and showed her the beauty of love. He patiently stayed by her side even when she hurt him and crashed his heart to pieces. But he never gave up on her. That girl was in love with the prince. And today, she promises that she will live up to her prince’s love, be a loyal life partner, staying with him, taking care of him, making him happy for the rest of her life. Because you are my love and my life, today and forever on.” – She said, touching.

He smiled, blissful

“I pronounce you are husband and wife. Now you can kiss the bride.” – Father said.

And with the cheer of all the guests and family, he gave her the deepest kiss.

7 months after their wedding, Ji Hyo gave birth to their first daughter and a son two years after that.

(Song Ji Hyo's daughter - Aren't they look alike ^_^)

Ji Hyo wrote a book about her life which was later adapted to a popular drama and staring her as main female lead. Jong Kook reopened his agency which later became one of the biggest singer agencies in Korea.

And they live happily ever after.


A/N: Thank you everybody very much for being with me the last 2 months. You guys are big part of my story. To me, you are very great friends, taking time and effort to support and anticipate my writing. Because of your comment, compliment, and encouragement, I have the power to write and complete this story. I am very emotional right now saying goodbye with all of you. I know I will see some of you in my other story but for the ones that are not reading my other stories. I would like to say goodbye and send my sincerest appreciation.

Love you all.

If you want to check out my other stories, you can visit them at

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Hi every one, since many of you requested me for another Spartace story, I start a new one name Revenge. Hope you will like it. Please check it out at http://ww


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Chapter 54: This is by far one of my fave spartace fics, it really played with all my emotions, happy, sad, anger, joy, surprise and lots more. Thanks for sharing this, I really enjoyed reading and getting drawn into their drama.
Chapter 54: I love this story ... thank you so much <3
beatupoldbeetle #3
Chapter 54: Such a beautiful story. Very well made. Got me laughing and crying. Because it was so balanced, I even doubted at first if this is really a Spartace story or not or if this will end happy or not. It was unpredictable. Your authorship really sewed the story well together.

Thank you so much, authornim. More power to you. Spartace forever! ;)
beatupoldbeetle #4
Chapter 33: "What you are afraid to happen already happened." -- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA way too funny.
sweetdreamerz #5
Chapter 36: OMG dear, I've just read this story of yours today. & I can't stop reading. I wish i've read this earlier, way earlier, right when you are in the middle of it. So I can drop comments, loves & all my feeling in here at the right time.. I don't know how many times have I cried before reaching this chapter. & I didn't even know what I cried for at certain scenes. My heart just know that it is the right times for my tears to make appearance. I even have butterflies dancing all over me for the joy I feels. & the facts that I just halfway through this story just make me overwhelmed. I'm crying at this chapter but, I stopped in the middle because I think that I must really thank you for this story. When I first read this story this morning, I really want to say something, but the urge to know what will happens at the next chapter is killing me. I keep saying later.. Later.. I will later. But i've been dragged to far until now. I am a great fan of running man especially Ji hyo & you just made my day with this story. I can't thanks you more. I love this story no matter how it will end. I know it's completed already, I can skipped to the final chapter to know what the ending is. But I want to live the journey so, I'll pass. Owhh my dear author you are such a romantic person. A very wise romantic person. I love all the make up gifts & the proposal is awesome (^_^). Lastly but not least, keep up your piece of art because it is what there are (^_^).
Chapter 2: Wow.. what a nice story here^^
After this, im sure I cannot watch rm w/o thinking about spartace
Awe thank you very much dear. It's a sweetest comment ever
This story deserved thousands of votes and subscribers. You're awesome author-nim.
Hi every one, since many of you requested me for another Spartace story, I start a new one name Revenge. Hope you will like it. Please check it out at
ahmefrance83 #10
Chapter 54: Waaaaah. It ended! Huhuhuhu. The story has ended. Thank for the very nice story. Pls give us a sequel. Hehehehehehe.