
Tell No Tales


[Breaking news]: The Scorpion is on the loose, another victim sent to police headquarters in Seoul.


Yue raised her eyebrows, watching the screen intently as her brother walked briskly away from the reporters, his face hidden behind the horde of microphones aimed at him.


"The Scorpion is known for sending bone sculptures to the police headquarters." One of the reporters shouted into her mic. A man pushed her away, shouting orders, and she, flustered, ran a hand threw her hair in a show of unprofessionalism. “Excuse me, I’m sorry-”




“And here we have the police detective working on this case. Has the Scorpion sent you any other clues? Have you-”


She would have laughed if the situation wasn’t funny. Her brother looked downright pissed, brows joint together and eyes downcast, almost as if he wanted to shove away the mic and the reporter along with it, but she knew more than anyone that this was Haoran they were talking about, someone who couldn’t hurt a fly even if he tried.


“Please, the police are trying to do their work. We would appreciate some peace and quiet.”


His voice, deep, masculine, husky, echoed in the empty house, and she sighed to herself.




“Yes, yes, we are looking into it. This is the toughest case that we’ve-”


“Turn that thing off.”


“I didn’t hear you come in.” Yue flicked the switch of the television, and the screen out with a small buzz. Her voice was more quiet, almost as deep as his, and equally husky. Haoran raised an eyebrow at the small crack that signalled misuse in her vocals then dumped a bag on the coffee table. “How long have you been staring at that TV?”


“Ever since I saw the news on my phone.”


“We needed you at the police station, you know.”


“The reporters would have a field day.” She snorted, some of the normal spunk coming back as she stretched, hearing her shoulders crack. She was still in her school attire, and Haoran wrinkled his nose, picking at her jacket and her messy hair with a look of disdain. “Most eligible bachelor on the market, Mr. Liu Hao Ran, handsome as Casanova, more sought after than James Dean, has a younger sister who is a freaky psychic?”


“Yeah, well, you technically weren’t even allowed on the case cuz you’re underage. Good point there.”


“Anything new?”


“Nope, nothing.” He sighed, collapsing onto the sofa. His 1.83 m body was obviously too long for the minimalistic couch, leaving his legs to dangle off the side. She was on the floor, not even moving from her original position, and she stared up at him, blinking. “Same old, same old. Guy, small frame, delicate as hell. Isolated ribs broken, taken out, and one ivory carving sent into the station. Ivory carving is human bone, matches the DNA of the body.”


“Sicko.” She stood up, walked a couple of steps, then thought better of it and playfully collapsed onto the couch beside him, trapping him under her own 1.70 frame and laughing as he let out a groan.


“Tell me ‘bout it.” He pushed her off, then sat up, dark hair tousled and messy. She lifted a hand to smooth it down, then thought better of it and messed it up even more. Letting out an indignant squawk, Haoran collapsed onto the couch again, and she laughed.


Reaching for the bag, she drew out a small box of cream and opening it. Carefully dabbing some on the knuckles of her right hand, she smoothed it out, flexing the bones carefully.


Haoran watched his sister’s every move.


A long, deep scar ran over her right knuckle, practically covering the entire expanse of bone. It was a gruesome sight, dark burgundy in color, almost looked as if the wound had never healed properly. A stark contrast to her lightly tanned skin, the scar stood out like a black smudge on white paper.


“Does it still hurt?”


“Kind of.”


They fell into silence, the only sound filling the room being the rustling of the plastic bag.




“Rimmie~~” Hyerim cooed, as a small furry grey animal bounded into her outstretched arms. It rubbed its head affectionately against her arm as she brought it closer to her chest, before settling herself on the ground with her back leaning against the lone tree in the backyard garden of the school, her natural reddish brown hair pressing against the tree bark.


“Hyerim?” A familiar voice travelled towards her as she looked up, only to see a male cuddling another one of her pets. The animal, like its counterpart, was grey, but with a small black patch at the tips of its long ears. “If you were looking for Yoonie, he’s here.” He settled down beside her, stretching his legs comfortably out in front of him. “I needed to talk to something.”


The male was her classmate, with the name of Nam Woohyun. They had different homerooms, but happened to be in the same class for music lessons. Like Hyerim, Woohyun played a few instruments including the piano and was one of the teacher’s favourites. He was of average built, his neatly-cut hair dyed with a slight hue of red.


She smiled slightly. “No wonder… I was wondering why Yoonie wasn’t following Rimmie around. I pity Yoonie’s ears to have to put up with your ranting. You know how your ranting sound like some hella out of tune singing...” Like Woohyun, she stretched out her legs in front of her, kicking them against the ground. “Why the sudden rant though?” Her smile disappeared as it was suddenly replaced with a serious expression.


“The news.” Came the simple reply as he ran a hand gently over the animal’s head between its ears. “The Scorpion. Heard of him?”


Hyerim nodded, hesitantly as she observed the bunny twitching its nose in her arms. “The guy who goes around killing people then carves their bones into sculptures? Of course, he’s kinda cool.”


Woohyun raised his eyebrows, unamused. “You know very well that we are talking about a serial killer here, right?”




“You’re lucky for the fact that I do not judge you unlike the people out there.” Woohyun stated, before setting Yoonie onto the ground gently. “And you’re lucky that there’s no one else here except for Rimmie and Yoonie. As I was saying, I needed to talk to something because I obviously needed to get things off my chest and going to people like Sunggyu would not help because he would just ignore me, coming to you is out of the question because like who are we to each other even so the last resort I had was to come to Yoonie.” He rambled, watching as Yoonie tried scaling up Hyerim’s lap to reach its female counterpart.


“I see…” Her voice trailed off as she pulled Yoonie into her arms. “Um, do you want to…”


“I’m fine now, I spent one hour ranting to him already. And by the way please do not go around saying that you think the Scorpion is cool. I might agree with you on that but people out there are going to judge you and I certainly do not want to get myself associated with the two biggest weirdos in school.”


Hyerim rolled her eyes. “You do realise that you are a weirdo too… Please tell me that you do.”


“I’m not one. I mean like, who on Earth hangs out with a psychopath and a weirdass kid helplessly in love?”


To Woohyun’s surprise, a laugh escaped Hyerim’s lips. “I’m actually honoured to be known as a psychopath, now explain your statement.”


“You know that weird kid likes you.”


“What? Who?” Hyerim looked beyond amused, as the two bunnies cuddling with each other in her arms were forgotten.




“This? Friend, you know he’s madly in love with Rimmie not me. I’m just his owner.”




Woohyun slapped his palm on his forehead as he looked at Hyerim incredulously.


"I honestly want to smack you right now."


Hyerim blinked.




Yoonie let out a little squeak(whatever sound rabbits make) RIMMIE! I love you!


“Are you dense? I meant Yoonie! As in Kang Seungyoonie!” He almost yelled, causing the two animals in Hyerim’s arms to leap away.

“Wait what?”

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FIRST SUBSCRIBER WAHAHAHA. because i likemystery type of story