Loving each other


               ------December 6th 2014------Seoul 



Kyuhyun  was eyeing the ceiling  waiting for a call. A call from Ryeowook.  It was is daily routine. But Ryeowook  never called. 

Ryeowook  was his boyfriend  who went abroad  to study.  Back in that time , they made a promise to always love each others . Ryeowook even told him he will call him every day or weeks if he was busy . He hold onto his promise the forst yeaf but now he has stopped without telling him why. Now , Kyuhyun  was waiting . But he never did it .

However , Kyuhyun  never doubt in his lover . He never broke his promises once . His friends has told him to stop waiting for him , that it was the time for letting him go . But he didn't listen to them .

"Ryeowook will call . I'm sure of that . He must be exhausted  by his work ."

"Kyuhyun... He won't call you . You know ? Maybe he has give up on you and I guess you should do the same ." Donghae , one if his friend told him .

That made Kyuhyun  angry . Who he was to dare bad mouthing  about his Ryeowook ? He didn't know him as well as him . He didn't spend 5 years being in love  with him .



----Kyuhyun 's birthday -------

All of his friend were here on his apartment  wishing him a happy birthday . Still , Kyuhyun was missing something,  well , someone. 

"You can keep having fun guys , I'm going to my bedroom  . Ryeowook told me he would call  me for my birthday  ." 

They look at each other with sympathy  .

"You know , he won't call Kyu... He has stopped calling you a long time ago . " 

"Stop saying  that !! He will call because he promised me !" He shouted  back and went to his bedroom,  slamming  the door behind him .

His friends were worried about him , yet they couldn't do anything about that . They tried to explain that Ryeowook was gone but he never listened  to them .

Kyuhyun  was holding tightly  on his phone but he didn't call . He waited until midnight  but he never called. Kyuhyun  sighed and said that maybe Ryeowook  was really busy because he couldn't have forget , right ?


Once , kyuhyun  wondered if Ryeowook was cheating on him in America  . But Ryeowook  would not dare to do that . Neither did Kyuhyun. 


It was Monday and as usually  Kyuhyun would go see one of his close friend : Yesung . He was understanding . Kyuhyun  would tell him all his probems with his others friends who were doubting Ryeowook 's faithfulness. 

"They said he didn't care about me anymore but I know it's wrong because he promised me he will always love me."

" When was the last time you talked to him ?" Yesung asked .

" 5 months ago . He told me he missed me and he wanted to be here with me . "

" Sure it's a long time ... But maybe , perhaps  your friend could be right ?"

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow not liking what Yesung was implying. 

"What do you mean by that ?"

"Well you know , maybe he drifted apart . Maybe he left you ."

This day , kyuhyun stopped going in his friend 's house . All the same . Not wanting to believe  in Ryeowook . He thought. 


Another raining day , Kyuhyun tried to call Ryeowook 's mother because maybe she had news about his son 

"Hello " said the gentle voice on the other line 

"Hello ? It's kyuhyun . "

"Ha... Hello my dear ... How are you ?" She asked , her voice a little sadder  .

"Can be better but I guess I'm OK . Do you have some news about Ryeowook  ?" He asked in a hopeful voice. 

There was a blank for a few seconds before she answered. 

"I'm sorry . I know you would like to talk to him but you can't ... I can't even let you talk to him ."

"Why? Did he say something  about me ? Does he hate me ? Did I do something  wrong ? Please tell me ! I can't live without  him ."

"I'm sorry again Kyuhyun  ." It was her last words before she ended the call.


Kyuhyun  was opening his eyes when he heard a sound  inside his apartment  . Thinking it was a thief he grabbed the near  thing he had and made his way toward the kitchen  .

Then , once he saw the view , he stayed still , speechless  . Ryeowook  , his love , was here , cooking a breakfast  for him . The latter turned and noticed the other 's presence  .

"Kyuhyun  ! You're awake !" He exclaimed  .


"Ryeowook  ? What ... what are you doing here ? I haven't heard of you for 6 months now and here you are in my place !" 

"Well.. sorry I was really busy for work and I wanted to surprise  you by coming back . I hope you're not really disappointed  ." Ryeowook said , pouting . 

"Of course I'm not ! I missed you so much you don't know !" 

Kyuhyun  ran towards him and kissed his pretty lips ,so happy  he came back to see him . 

 " I missed you too Kyuhyun.  When I was in America  I would not spend a day without  thinking about you . "

"I'm glad you're back . But next time tell me or at least keep in touch  with me , not that I don't like your surprise  though " he said

"I know i know . So next time  , I'll call you every second saying that i love you till you'll be upset  about me ."

"I will never get feed up of my lovely  boy "

"Pfff  . You're too much Cheesy  Kyu.  But I love you "he looked up in his eyes .

"You don't  break promises  ."Kyuhyun grinned .

Ryeowook smiled back at him .

"Never . I will always love you Kyuhyun  ".

Just at this moment , Ryeowook  started to go away , to fad away . 

"Ry...Ryeowook  ? What's happening  ? "

But he only smiled friendly at him . 

"Please come back  ! Come back to me!" Screamed Kyuhyun. 

Suddenly  , he woke up from his dream , no, nightmare.  It seemed so real that Ryeowook  was with him .He sat on his bed and walked toward the kitchen still thinking about the night .

"Wookie ~a ,  where are you ? " 

After taking a break feast  he walked back to his room but then something  catch his eyes : it was an  unfolded  Journal  put in the corner of his desk . Like if he wanted to treasure  that paper .  Kyuhyun  took it . It was from July 2014 .


                July 12th  2014     250 death  , no rescued. 

" The plane from Atlanta to Seoul  crashed in the ocean . All the passenger were  found dead  . No rescued .  It was reported  that a wing of the plane had a default wich cause the crash ."



Ryeowook had lost is life 6 months ago in a plane  crash . He was planning  to go back in Korea for Kyuhyun 's birthday .

When kyuhyun  heard the news , he didn't want to believe it so he closed his mind . He was too hurt . His friend tried to make him face the reality  but he wouldn't listen to them , calling them jealous of his relationship  with Ryeowook  .

So they made Kyuhyun  see a Psycholog : Yesung  . He was going to see him every Monday and every time Yesung would listen  to him trying to show him the truth . But again , he closed his mind , still believing  that Ryeowook would come back . 

Even Ryeowook  's mother knew about his problem  but didn't wanted to hurt him more so she tried to make up some lies telling him that Ryeowook  was busy .

Kyuhyun  was blinded by his love and refused to admit that Ryeowook was dead , still holding into this promise they made together back then .

They promised  to love each others . In fact none of them broke that promise because Kyuhyun  will always love Ryeowook  and the latter never stopped  to love him till his last breath .

                             .  THE END .



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