Part 2

The Oblivious Mind


The idea of inviting Taemin to the movies was, perhaps, not the best idea I’ve ever got. I had perhaps overestimated the level of relationship between the EXO maknae and the SHINee maknae, because it seemed like there could be nothing more disgusting for them than each other.

Everything was awkward even before we stepped into the movie theatre. We had bought a huge bowl of popcorn, and were sitting on a soft red sofa in the hallway. I was sitting in the middle, stuffing my mouth full of popcorn so to have an excuse for not talking all the time. Sehun seemed to be even quieter and more reserved than usually, and kept on glancing his phone very often. Taemin, on the other hand, seemed to be overly attentive in everything I said: every joke I let out of my mouth he laughed at very loudly and every time I glanced at his direction he was smiling the sweetest smile he knew.

It was painful.

As soon as the movie started, Sehun leaned towards my seat and whispered me a few excited remarks about the main actress. I nodded and listened to his words really well: the whole agent-thing going on in the movie seemed genuinely interesting and Sehun’s excitement on it made everything a whole lot better. I couldn’t help my attention dropping from the movie at times just to see his happy face: he looked irresistibly adorable there just leaning at my shoulder and giggling in the joy of knowing the events before they actually happened.

Every time Sehun said something to me I felt how Taemin was moving impatiently on the other side of me. He seemed very bored and not interested in the movie: instead, he kept on staring at his own hands and slowly drinking up the bottle of coke he had bought.

At one point I felt how he touched my shoulder. I glanced at him and he was waving me to lean closer so that he could whisper something at me.

“Don’t you think the storyline is a bit awkward?

He said, looking intensely straight into my eyes like his comment would’ve been somehow ground-breaking. I shook my head with a kind smile.

“No, I’m loving it.”

Taemin smiled at me like I’d been joking. I nodded as to confirm my words, and was about to lean back towards Sehun to listen to his epic commentary before I felt how the wrong maknae pressed his soft hair against my shoulder, snuggling closer and making himself comfortable.

“Do you mind if I sleep a bit here?”

Of course I couldn’t say that I minded.

It seemed like every time I tried to truly show Sehun that he really meant a lot for me something came and ruined it. Today had been a specific attempt of spending some quality time with him and it was a total failure: the disappointment in his eyes was painful to watch after he realised I would no longer lean to his side during the movie. I had some hopes of getting rid of Taemin after the movie and being alone with my Sehunnie, but everything – again – turned out really wrong.

“Joonmyun hyung just called. I really need to go.”

Sehun sighed sadly after ending the phone call outside the theatre. We were standing in a dark corner, trying to make sure no one recognised us. What we needed the least right now were sasaeng fans.

“Now? Can I call him and tell that I will take good care of you so you can stay a little longer?”

I moaned out, wondering why the EXO leader seemed to always be really strict on making sure his maknae was having early nights. I happened to know for a fact that Joonmyun himself, when he was eighteen like Sehun right now, spent whole nights out partying. Well, I had nothing to say in that. I had no say in Sehun’s life, unfortunately.

“Don’t worry, Donghae. You still have me. My hyungs never set any sleeping times to me. I don’t have to be looked after like a baby like some others do.”

Taemin almost sang out in a sweet tone, his happy smile completely in contrast with the rudeness of his words. I glanced at Sehun, who was busy setting up his hood to cover his precious blonde-dyed hair and pretended he was not hearing a word. But, I knew him well enough to know he was feeling really bad.  

“Bye then, hyungs.”

“Bye, Sehun-ah! I promise to…”

I had no time to finish my sentence as he was already running to find a taxi in the pouring rain.

Just when I thought things could get no worse, I felt how Taemin wrapped his arm around me really femininely. The way I felt he was looking at me send shivers through my spine. The feeling of being under a serious flirt attack was stronger than ever.

“What are we going to do, Donghae?”

“What do you want to do?”

I asked reluctantly, forcing a smile on my face while looking at Taemin. To be honest, I had no motivation to hang out with anyone now that Sehun was gone.

For a reason I couldn’t at first point out, Taemin insisted on going to my place. He kept on complaining how it was cold outside, and how he would love to see my apartment. I tried to tell him that my apartment was really messy at the moment, and how it was very small and modest and there was really nothing to see, but he seemed to be obsessed in going in there. Well, again I had no choice because I didn’t want to be rude.

I opened up the door and let him in. While he was observing the pictures on my hallway I quickly tiptoed to the kitchen and hid all the half-eaten food and undone dishes so that the place would look even a step cleaner.

“I really like your place. It looks like you.”

Taemin’s voice echoed in the hallway. I laughed by myself, unsure whether I should take that as a compliment or not.

“Glad that you like it. It wasn’t that long ago I moved in here and I’m still in the process of – “

I talked and turned around to walk to him, just to notice he was already standing right behind me. He was smiling mysteriously, glancing around the kitchen before locking his eyes into mine. Slowly, he took a step further and placed his hand on my chest, sliding it down seductively on my t-shirt. I was so confused I couldn’t do anything but to stare at him with my mouth open.

“I know you’ve felt it too, Donghae.”

He whispered, leaning closer and smiling while he brushed his lips against mine.

No, no, no…I found myself thinking. Of course I should’ve noticed it earlier. Obviously he was after me like this. I must’ve been blind not to see it, or maybe I refused from letting myself to see it. I had let things too far.

Finally I found my body able to act again and with a gentle shift I pulled our lips apart. Taemin was holding his breath, leaning against me his eyes closed. I suddenly felt really sorry for him.

“Taemin…I’m way too old for you.”

I said softly, almost on the level of a whisper. For a few breaths, he held onto me after which he rushed away from my apartment so quick I was left standing in the kitchen in complete confusion.


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Chapter 6: Thanks for this Sehae
Chapter 5: Everybody knew Sehun likes you Donghae hahah
Chapter 4: You can't tell him to leave, Donghae!!!
Chapter 4: You can't tell him to leave, Donghae!!!
Chapter 3: Poor baby boy ?
Chapter 2: He should't invite Taemin without asking Sehun first. He made an appoinment to hangout with Sehun, the two of them ALONE. He really should ask first.
Is tender how Donghae all the time was only looking and thinking in his Sehunnie ❤. He even wanted to get rid of him to be finally alone with his precious dongsaeng ❤
Chapter 1: Owww cute cute cute! The way Sehun is with Donghae is cute. How he smiles when he sees him, how he leaves his exo hyungs for him, how he EVEN COUNTS THE DAYS DONGHAE HYUNG DIDN'T CALL OR MESSAGED HIM!!! I find it all adorable.
And Donghae doesn't realize that Sehun is like a mood switch for him! He forgot everyrhing just talking to him and was smiling and hoping to see him ❤
Yaaay! Finally a Sehae fic with a good plot and most important COMPLETE! I'm eager to read this.
Iwantsurfaces #9
Chapter 6: You find a writer who 'gets' your favourite, brings them alive, makes them funny, y, sweet... and then you learn that she's only written 4 stories, and you've read them all, and they were written years ago, and she's got on with her life, and you're left here, re-reading her 4 stories.
Chapter 6: CUTEEE