Can't be with you anymore

Can't be with you anymore (ONE-SHOT)

Kyuhyun run towards me and try to catch his breath. it's 12 p.m. and I'm just sitting at this bench while do my summer homework.

"Why are you running Kyu Oppa?" Yup, I call him Oppa cause he 2 years older than me. He move with his parents at the same time with me 3 years ago. He is my best friend, ever.

"Donghae Hyung... collapse... hospital... Seoul... leukemia..." Kyuhyun still can't reach his breath but I clearly understand what he means.

"WHAT? HOW CAN YOU KNOW?" I shouted to him. Kyuhyun takes a deep breath before talk.

"Eunhyuk Hyung called me and said that Donghae Hyung collapse cause he has a leukemia.Doctor said he can't be heal cause it's already 4th stage. Eunhyuk hyung said that he can't call you so he call me." he explain.

"Oppa........... noway. He always playful. He always call me late at night when I haven't sleep yet. He always cheer me if I need someone. He never tired for check up on me. He... He... He always...." I can't hold my tears back.

"_______...... calm down.... he will be okay. You have to believe it." Kyuhyun said hugging me tightly.

"I always believe... I want to believe...... God.... please help him.." I cried out loud.

"_______, when you believe then he will be okay. Don't cry, just pray for him." Kyuhyun said calmly but I know he's in the same pain as me. He always look upon Hae Oppa as his older brother, just like me.

"I want to see him right now! I have to see him!" I shouted and run to my house. Kyuhyun run as well as he shouted my name but I just ignore him. I call my father as I reach my house.


"What's wrong with you, _______?" my dad said when he look my soaked face. I explain everything and said that I want to meet him. It's when Kyuhyun reach my house as well. My dad was shocked but he didn't let me go.

"No. You can't go. You still 18 years old, _______" he said.

"WHAT? You just said STILL 18 years old? I HAVE ALREADY 18 years old, Appa! And I wanna see my brother! He needs me!!" I cried as Kyuhyun hold my hand.


"WHY THEY KEEP FIGHTING!!!" I cried behind a big tree. I was running from home cause my parents fight for the million time.

"_______? Are you there?" I heard someone called my name.

"Hae Oppa?" I called him as well.

"Ah... I think you're missing. I'm worried you know? Don't scare me like that." He said smiling.

"But Oppa.... Umma and Appa is keep fighting like this world is never end. I'm tired..." I cry again. He hugs me tightly.

"But you still have me. Come to my room when you feel annoyed with them. You have me and I have you." He said and let go of his hug. He patted my head while smiling. "Don't cry my little angel, your face will ugly if you cry." he add and I'm laughing at his sentence. We laugh together after that and come home late at night. without our parents know about that.

*end of flashback*

HE HAS ME! HE NEEDS ME! Oppa..... I scream in my heart like crazy.

"Ahjussi, please let her meet Donghae Hyung. I will accompany her as well." Kyuhyun also beg my father.

"But still...." my father said but finally he change his mind. "Okay, I let you go to seoul. It's summer break anyway so you have your time. Just take care while you're there." I hug him tightly and keep saying "Thanks" to him.

I ran towards the computer room and search for airplanes ticket which go to seoul at that day but I didn't find any empty seat. I curse that day and punch the computer's table and take my cellphone. I switch it on and found 21 missed call from Eunhyuk Oppa, Hae Oppa's best friend. He also text me 3 times.

_______! Donghae is collapse!

HEY _______! WHERE ARE YOU? Why don't you reply my message?

Donghae has a leukemia. We just know about this today. Reply as soon as you can.

AKH! Why didn't I turn that thing on?? Oh right! It's because Sulli is always disturbing me. I text him back.

Sorry Oppa. I turned my phone off. How's Donghae Oppa's condition? I search for an airplanes ticket to Seoul but can't find one. Can you help me?

I'm crying again that night and without eat dinner I sleep with a swollen eyes. I'm dreaming.

I was standing in a beach. A really peaceful beach, but I can sense a sorrow at this place. someone patted my back.

"Hae Oppa..... The sea is so clear isn't it?" I said smiling while pointing at the sea.

"Uh huh. It's the same as your eyes." he replied."


"Saranghaeyo dongsaeng......"

"Saranghaeyo oppa~~~"

"I'm sorry, for leaving you." he said.

"Leave me? You're not leaving me at all, Oppa. You're here with me."

"This is our last meeting, dongsaeng."

"Last...... are you going to leave me? No you can't!!" he didn't reply anything and his body just like a picture that gone away from my side. more I call his name, more he far away from me. Then I open my eyes, I reach my phone and saw the clock on it. midnight. There's a message from Hyuk Oppa.

Hae has already wake up. He said He's okay so you don't have to worried anymore even you can't find an empty seat yet. of course I will help you.

I text him back.

Thanks Oppa, I owe you. Tell Hae oppa to get well soon.


I can't sleep so I play my guitar silently so my family wouldn't hear it cause it's already midnight, a raining midnight. *knock* *knock* suddenly my door opened.

"Oppa? You haven't sleep yet? Did I wake you up?" I said while put my guitar at its place.

"No you didn't. I hear your guitar's voice so I went in." he said.


"Haha, so you already know? arasso arasso, I give up. I know you can't sleep this night cause there's rain and thunder, so I check if you haven't sleep yet, and my thought is right."

"kamsahamnida oppa."

"For what?"

"For here when I need you."

"I always here, ______."

"Promise you'll never leave me?"

"Promise." we make a pinkie promises and chuckle.

*end of flashback*

"Oppa..... I missed you a lot. I don't wanna loose you.. please don't leave me..... you've already promise me right?" I cry again until fell asleep.

It's already 9 a.m and I still try to get the tickets but always failed. I WANNA MEET HIM IMMEDIATELY! ugh.


It have been 4 days since the day I knew about Hae Oppa's condition. I still can't get the ticket though. But finally I succeed today. I bought 2 tickets for me and Kyu. The plane is for today at 1 p.m. Kyuhyun and I already prepare the things. I told Eunhyuk Oppa that I go to seoul just now. He said take care and I turn off the phone cause I have to enter the plane.

6 hours after, I reach Seoul and immediately go to the hospital without turn on my phone, the same as Kyuhyun. as soon as I reach it, I run towards Oppa's room. Eunhyuk Oppa told me where it is just before my plane's take off. I open the door and found a cry Eunhyuk Oppa and a lifeless body of Hae oppa. My eyes got widen.


This is the 10th dream about Hae Oppa will leave me. He always said that it's our last meeting, and I always check my phone after that dream just to know an update about Oppa's condition. He's always okay. I sigh in relieve but not a full relieve cause I haven't met him yet.

I call Eunhyuk Oppa whenever he has a time and sometimes he gave the phone to Hae Oppa so I can talk with him.

"Oppa." I called.


"I always dream about you leave me lately."

"Maybe that's a sign,"


"Haha just kidding. I will never leave you, dongsaeng, I've promise it to you right?" he still remember our promise.

"But still....."

"No buts. I will never leave you. Enough?"

"YEAH! saranghaeyo oppa~~"

"Saranghaeyo dongsaeng~"

*end of flashback*

 I really can't hold my tears anymore.

"You promise Oppa! You promise!" I run and hug him tightly besides Eunhyuk Oppa that also crying by his side. "You promise not to leave me..... You promise to always be by my side.... NOW WHAT??? YOU'RE DEAD JUST LIKE THAT?"

"_______........" Kyuhyun cry as well as he called my name.

"You still have to accompany me late at night when I can't sleep, You still have to hug me tightly when thunder and rain is around. You still have to protect me until my prince is coming, You still have to talk to me.... at least for the last time.......... Oppa... Oppa!!! I've just come! Open your eyes!!" I shouted.

"_______-ah, Hae leave this letter for you..." Eunhyuk Oppa said while still sobbing.

Hi my little angel, my lovely dongsaeng! If you read this letter then I've already pass away. How can I know? Well, some kind of brother's instinct you know, haha. You have grown up, but you still my little crybaby.

I know I've promise not to leave you, I will never leave you dongsaeng. I will always live in your heart, just remember that. I will watch you from the distance. You will always be my only dongsaeng, the best ever that I have. Saranghaeyo dongsaeng, don't you ever forgot about that

n.b.: Don't forget to eat and sleep well. Watch the road if you wanna cross over it. Just listen to a music when it's raining and there's a thunderstorm. Be a good girl for our father and don't ever dissapointed him. search a good guy to accompany your life. with full of love, your big brother, Lee Donghae.

"Oppa......... I know you always live in my heart. But I really want to hear your voice, to see your smile, to know that it's okay for me when you say everything's going to be fine. To have you as my guard, to have you as my friend of a story about my lovelife.... Oppa, why do you have to leave me now........ I still need you..."

"_______, stop it. We know you have more pain than us, but you still have us. We can replace Donghae Hyung's position and carrying you." Kyuhyun hug me.

"Kyu Oppa... Eunhyuk Oppa..... I'm sorry....."

----------. ------------------------------------------------

3 years later

I visit Hae Oppa's grave and give a flower on it.

"Oppa, I have success now. I will show you that I'm a strong person. Though I still miss you a lot and have my hard time during this 3 years, I still remember your promise. You always with me. You never leave me. saranghaeyo oppa, you also can't forgotabout that. Blessed me with the person I love." I still can't hold my tears back if it's about Hae Oppa.

"_______, come on. We have to go to our wedding party. it's half an hours left for prepare it."

"Okay, Kyu Oppa." he wiped my tears.

"Blessed us Hyung. I will make her happy. I will never dissapointed you. Promise." Kyuhyun said and hold my hand when we're on the way to his car.




thanks for reading it! give me a comment about this fic!!!^^

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Chapter 1: Wow, this is a relic. Iconic yet you can tell its old. And the author account is abandoned T-T Yet I enjoyed reading this random story anyway~
gellow #2
so sad... T_T
It's so sad .
YesungLover #4
;__; great story
This is the first fanfic that made me cry. Ever. I have read many many stories out there but this is the first time that a story made me cry.<br />
You're awesome! :)
*cries* -*sniff-sniff*
gyaahhh~! *tsk* it's.. *tsk* a... *tsk* great.... *tsk* storyyy... *tsk* T_T
hyeamazing #9
It's so heartbreaking! A total tearjerker! :'( Go, go, make more fics like this! xD I have an obsession for terkjerkers, lol. xD I will support you, Rara unnie, so HWAITING!!! <3<3<3
shndr17 #10
^^ sorry unnie