happily ever after;

Once Upon A Bookshelf

A/N: I forgot to include this in the first chapter. I wanted to let you know that Hyewon is a pretty baby. She's also a 95-liner and I ship her with Hyuk back when she was still in F-VE DOLLS. She's also known for being the ‘Little Goo Hara’ because she resembles KARA's Hara, and she's a really good rapper. Just in case some of you guys might be curious as to where I got Hyewon or something. She's under the same agency as T-ARA and SPEED.

More A/N: Sorry about this, really. I wasn't supposed to put these in but I wanted to let you know that I'm sorry. This update was supposed to be days ago but I was in the hospital for almost a week so I didn't get to update earlier. Good news though, I was able to draft in a lot of new drabbles from being isolated in the hospital room (yeah this is what happens when I'm isolated in a quiet room) so I'm gonna do something really special for October. Yeah, I'm saying it too early right? Lmao. Anyway, enjoy and thank you for all the lovely comments! Ily.

Legend: Flashback, Sanghyuk's POV, Narrator's (Hyewon)







“ Then one kiss of love is all it takes.
One breath of life to wake a sleeping beauty.
One touch of warmth from one in love.
Just one kiss...


The play was coming to an end.

The prince and the fairies get inside the castle and up to the tower, where the princess lies on her bed. The prince slowly walked towards her and gives her a faint kiss on the lips. She awakens, sees the prince and smiles.

Just as Sanghyuk was about to place a kiss on Namjoo's lips, the lights turned off. They were confused, shocked and the whole theater gasped in surprise. However, Hyewon continued as she thought the show must go on.

...Once again, the princess awakens from a handsome prince's faint kiss.

The lights so suddenly and Namjoo quickly hugged Sanghyuk, delivering her lines and continuing with the play. The people applaud to them, until it was all finished. It came to its end. The whole cast bowed individually—being introduced as their characters—and once again, bowed altogether for the last time.

The students gathered backstage, a bit dumbfounded. They were murmuring and talking about why and how the lights turned off like that. Namjoo ignored, shrugging it off and forgetting it happened, she sauntered back to the dressing room to change. Naeun came inside the room and to her to congratulate her—she smiled and told her she'll be waiting for her outside and they'll get something to eat after. The other girl felt happy and excited, changing back to her uniform as soon as she can.

"Naeun?" Sanghyuk smiled, seeing her as she got out of the dressing room.
"Oh, hey Sanghyuk! Congratulations! You did really well."
"Thank you! Uh, is Namjoo in?"
"She's changing. Why? I'm sorry but she's got a date with me."
He chuckled. "Is that so? Hmm, I'm just curious. I want to ask if you know what happened to her foot?"
"That's... Uh, she hurt her foot too?"
"You're lying."
"I'm not. I-I don't know, really—"
"Please? I'm really really worried."
Naeun elicits a soft sigh. "Don't tell her I told you."
"A glass broke last night and slit a skin on her foot. It's nothing serious but she's probably hurt by the pain because she wore such irritating shoes. She doesn't want to tell you because.. Uh, I don't know."
"I swear, I don't know." she shrugged.
The door opened and came out a cheerful Namjoo calling Naeun. She saw Sanghyuk and her face immediately shifted.
He smiled at her. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"I'm sorry, Sanghyuk. Naeun and I have to eat."
"Can't I go with you? I am your classmate anyway, right?"
Namjoo glanced at her friend, evidently asking for help.
"I'm really sorry Sanghyuk but it's a date for two. Us, two." Naeun spoke.
"Alright." he smiled again. "I lost. I guess I'll just see you two around?"
"You will," Namjoo nodded. "And you did great today. I forgot to tell you."
"Bye, Sanghyuk!" Naeun waved, pulling on Namjoo away.



"Aish, Kim Namjoo. You're only confusing yourself more. Don't you realize that?"
"Well what do you expect me to do?!"
"Talk to him, and clear everything out."
"You think that's easy? It's much better if I just avoid him."
"You'll avoid him, but he's the one coming to you. You can't just go ignoring him forever? The poor guy cares about you."
"That's why I hate him. He cares too much about me, I started getting these... These unwanted feelings. He cares too much but he doesn't even like me."
Naeun scoffed. "How do you know?"
"He likes Hyewon?"
"How do you know that he does?"
"Because it's obvious?"
"You don't know that. Even your answers are all doubts."
Namjoo shook her head. "I don't know... Maybe I just know—or not."
"Listen to me, you should talk to him."
"I-I'm scared.. but," she heaved a sigh. "Alright."
Naeun thought of something to try and cheer her friend up.
"You know, uh, you and Sanghyuk have something pretty in common."
"That is?"
"You two call my name a lot." she giggled.
"Wow." she replied in a sarcastic tone. "That's a really nice conclusion."
Naeun laughed.

"You don't make a good matchmaker, Son Naeun."


On their way home, Naeun spotted Sanghyuk standing at the bus stop. Unfortunately, Hyewon was clinging on his arm and seems to be talking to him when the guy just keeps smiling in response. She pulled Namjoo away but she stopped her, asking why she was suddenly pulling on her. Naeun pursed her lips and shook her head. Namjoo chuckled a bit, confused.

"Namjoo!" Hyewon called out to her.
Naeun tried telling her not to look but she turned around so quickly, she was too late. Hyewon was waving, trying to tell her—them, to come over to them.
"Namjoo, let's not... If you don't want to."
"You're the one who said I should stop ignoring, right?"
"Let's go, Naeun." she held onto her hand and smiled. They both walked towards them and Sanghyuk grinned.
"Hey, Hyewon. You did really good today!"
"I should say that to you, you did really well even without practice."
Namjoo chuckled and thanked her. The guy felt relieved just by the sound of it and he was staring at her—adoringly. Naeun noticed but she kept shut.
"Are you on you way home?" Hyewon asked.
"We are! How about you?"
"Oh, Sanghyuk said he'll take me home so I said it's okay."
Namjoo glanced at Sanghyuk. "I-Is that so? That's great. He'll take good care of you, I'm sure!"
"I know he will. He's like a real prince!"
"I'm sure he is." she smiled a bit.
"Oh yeah! The others told me they noticed you were limping awhile ago, did something happen? Are you okay?"
"Yeah," she nodded. "I am. Don't worry."
Sanghyuk glanced at her foot.
"I'm glad you are then! I was curious as to why they were telling me that I'd replace you if you're suddenly sent to the clinic." Hyewon replied. Namjoo's eyes widened a bit, she didn't know how to react further.
"Sanghyukkie must've been worried. Since he's really like a real prince who's worried about his princess." she added.
"I'm not a real prince." he laughed, getting back to his senses.
Namjoo looked away for no reason. "Naeun," she whispered.
"Uh, I want to—" Sanghyuk interrupted, but just then the bus arrived too. Namjoo felt grateful for it and pats her friend's shoulder, whispering a 'let's go' as she did.
"W-we'll go now." Naeun spoke.
"Eh? Aren't you going in the same bus?" Hyewon asked.
"No." Namjoo replied.
"Y-yeah. We still have to eat."
Sanghyuk tilted his head. "Didn't you already ate a lot at the festival?"
"We're still h-hungry." Naeun blinked. "Y-you know Namjoo, this girl doesn't get her stomach full ever."
"Well, yeah." the guy chuckled and nodded.
"See you on Monday!" Hyewon bid goodbye. The two girls only smiled, and left.

When they got far enough, they paused at their spot. Naeun grimaced a bit and gave a sigh. Namjoo apologized,

"Okay. That Hyewon is honestly annoying." she nodded.
"I told you."
"But Namjoo, I'm tired of making excuses, and lying."
Namjoo apologized again. "Don't worry, by Monday I'll tell him that I'm okay, that nothing happened to my foot, that he can stop bothering me now that the play is finally over."
"Remember when I just said I don't like lying."
"Son Naeun... what?"
"I..." she rubbed her nape. "I told Sanghyuk what happened the other night, to your foot."
"What?!!" the other girl exclaimed.
Naeun was lifting a v-sign up and saying sorry repeatedly.
"I guess it can't be helped." she sighed.
"But hey Namjoo, I saw something earlier."
"Sanghyuk was staring at you, it wasn't just a stare. There's something, he has admiring eyes."
"Stop it, Naeun. Again that is not helping."
She giggled a bit. "So, what are you planning to do now?"
Namjoo shrugged. "What if..."

Regular classes resumed. Both Namjoo and Naeun focused on their studies, and individual clubs as well. Same with Sanghyuk. Namjoo became the speech club president and always gave extra help to Naeun and the other students. For these past few days, she has been successfully avoiding Sanghyuk, too. And it puzzled the latter—worried him a lot as well. He was aware of everything Namjoo does and is happy for her at times, but everytime he sees her, smiles at her, she looks away and ignores him. He doesn't see her in the library anymore too. Neither the bus stop nor the hallways and the streets. In contrast to this, Namjoo would always see him with Hyewon, but of course, she'd avoid getting seen. So they still meet, she thought. It hurt her, but she'll eventually get over it. Who was she to act jealous when she's not even Sanghyuk's girlfriend, she thought.

What's wrong? Was there something I did for her to avoid me? Does she hate me still? Everytime I approach her, she takes more than ten steps away. I don't understand. I thought Mrs. Jang said there was something in Namjoo's eyes that looks at me the way I do too. I'm... confused. Is it because of Hyewon? or, because she just really dislike me..


One fine day, Namjoo was walking the school hallway, reading a book when all of a sudden, Hyewon grabbed her wrist and asked to talk to her. Sure, namjoo was still annoted but she wouldn't want to be too obvious. She asked why and Hyewon pulled her to one side. She requested her to listen, Namjoo said she will.

"You know, I really like Sanghyuk."
She shouldn't be hearing this, she thought. But she let her talk.
"I should also tell you that Sanghyuk mentions you a lot when we're together. He's the one who told me how he noticed your foot back then, and now he mentioned how you've been down lately."
Namjoo smiled. "I'm fine. Just, a little, busy with schedules. You know.."
"I know you are. I just hope you know he cares for you."
"I'm sure he does, and to you too."
She giggled. "That's a pity."
"A pity?"
The bell rang, and Hyewon had to go.
Namjoo was left with her question unanswered.

In the classroom, Sanghyuk came in looking for Namjoo. Unluckily, she wasn't there. He walked towards Naeun and tapped on her back. The latter turned to him and pursed her lips.

"What do you want?"
"Can I ask you a favor?"
She shrugged. "Depends. What is it?"
"Can you please tell Namjoo to go to the library today and talk to me?"
"And why would I do that?"
"What's wrong with the two of you? You've been giving me the cold shoulder lately."
"I'm not one to answer that."
He sighed. "Then can I please talk to Namjoo? Please?"
"What for? You already have your girlfriend to talk nonsense with and be with."
He chuckled a bit. "Is this what it's about?"
"Why are you laughing... Ah, this must be the feeling of wanting to punch you like Namjoo said."
"Namjoo said that?"
She hissed. "Why do you care, just leave us be."
"I can't do that."
"Why not?!"



A few minutes later, Namjoo came into the classroom and Naeun approached her. She told her about talking with Hyewon earlier in the hallway. Sanghyuk was in his seat, glancing at the two as they talked.

"Well, that girl is really annoying." Naeun mumbled.
Namjoo nodded slowly. "Yeah, but she's also nice. So, uh, I don't know."
"W-we shouldn't think about her anymore, because I need your help."
"Here's a, uhm, list of some books I need for tomorrow's articles, can you go to the library to get them? I need to pass some papers after class, I couldn't do it alone."
Namjoo grabbed the list and took a quick glimpse at it. "I'm on it, Naeun. I'm always here to help."
"As expected of speech club's president!"
She laughed.

After class, Namjoo headed to the library soon. She greeted Mrs. Jang—who wanted to talk to her but she apologized because she couldn't, or wouldn't want to—and started looking for the books. She walked from one shelf to another, searching for the books Naeun listed. She was looking earnestly, a bit wondering why the books aren't there. She moved to another shelf and another, hoping she'd find them sooner because she feels like not wanting to stay any longer. She paused at one point and started looking again. Just as she pulled on one book, Sanghyuk surprised her, peeking from the other side. She gasped as softly as she could.

"Is that Aurora? Has my princess come back for her prince?" he spoke as if her was delivering his play lines.
Namjoo scoffed a bit. "What are you doing?"
"No, don't answer that question." she walked away, in hope that Sanghyuk wouldn't follow but of course, he would.
"Hey. I heard you became the speech club president. You took my advice."
She replied, trying not to look at him. "It wasn't your influence. It wasn't because of you."
"Namjoo, can we just talk properly?"
She continued looking. "Can't, and won't. I'm sorry."
"The play is already over. Why can't we just go back to not knowing each other? You know, that's much better."
"I'm afraid I can't do that."
The girl glanced at him and kept silent.
"Aren't you going to ask why?" Sanghyuk tilted his head.
Namjoo turned to him, and sighed. "What's the point?"
"Just hear me out please?"
"Two minutes."
"Two minutes?! How am I going to explain in—"
"1:56... 55... 54.." she turned to her back.
Sanghyuk took a deep breath. "I don't care if you won't believe me, because I know you'll eventually do."
The girl kept quiet, listening while she pretended to still scan the shelves and books.
"I know you hate me for your own reasons, and I don't want to question that. But I also know you care for me, you even kept avoiding me when I'm with Hyewon. But the first truth is, she's just a schoolmate. I know, too, that you'll deny the fact that you've been jealous of her?" he chuckled a bit.
Namjoo flustered, she heaved a breath before shifting gazes to him. "You don't know how I feel. And never, never ever will you understand how I will feel."
"I'm sorry that I misunderstood you and Hyewon. Who wouldn't? You were always together, and sweet." she groaned softly. "I probably hate myself more than I hate you."
Sanghyuk smiled. "Namjoo.."
"Your time is up, Han Sanghyuk. It's still better if we just keep avoiding each other, like we haven't met. Alright?"

She walked out of the shelf and to where the other students are. Sanghyuk followed and suddenly pulled on her arm, making her turn to him and their faces only a few inches away. The other students were intrigued, even Naeun was there at the door, looking for her, she smiled.


"...Just leave us be."
"I can't do that."
"Why not?!"
"Naeun, I like Namjoo. I'm in love with her. I shouldn't be telling you this but there I said it, I guess you needed to know too."
The girl gasped— agape.
"Please? Can you help me?"
Naeun blinked a lot of times. "W-wait, and Hyewon?"
"She's not my girlfriend, for Christ's sake. I'm sorry if you and Namjoo misunderstood that but no, she's not my girlfriend."
"Alright." she sighed of relief. "Tell me what I need to do to help you."
"Just, just tell her to go to the library. I'll take care of the rest."
Naeun smiled. "I just hope you're true to your words, Namjoo was hell jealous of you and Hyewon—and I shouldn't be saying this either but you needed to know."
He laughed. "Really?"
"Yes, she's gonna be happy if you can confess to her well."
Sanghyuk tilted his head in curiosity and chuckled.
{end of flashback}

"Who's not a good matchmaker now?" Naeun giggled, behind the doors.

"W-we're in front of Mrs. Jang and a lot of students.. what do you think you're doing?!"
Sanghyuk smiled. "What we failed to do during the play."
"Wait, w-what.."
He pulled on her waist and gave Namjoo a faint, sweet kiss. The students started eliciting sounds of astonishment and surprise. The latter withdrew immediately, flushed and in daze.
"And they live happily ever after." he said, with a wee chuckle.
"I got a lot to explain right? We have the library to ourselves after school, I have food here too. What do you say, Ms. Speech Club President?"
"I hate you, Mr. Book Club President. So much."
He laughed. "I can get used to that."




Number of words: 2.8k

{gifs are mine}

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VIXXjjangraceL #1
Chapter 2: *squeal~!!as expected.^-^ that kiss tho.love it!!♥
Ahh Hyuk really make me smile haha the kiss owhhh pelase help me ><
Ahaha at first I ship Hyuk with Seolhyun lol I don't really know Hyewon, just know Eunkyo XD
Nice story and nice gif :3
Thanks you!
Chapter 2: Great enough to make my fingers curling.ahhahhah
dingdongdeng #4
Chapter 2: Awww.. so cute ♥♥
Thanks for this lovely story authornim, get well soon ^^
Hope to see another story of your :D
Chapter 2: yey ! I love this ^^
Chapter 1: Oomg please just don't let hyewon replace namjoo as the princess :(
I couldn't watch anymore... ><
It's really sad for namjoo i know it :(
Hye there author-nim .....started liking your story..im looking forward for the next chapter...you make me flutter with hyuk's charm.....ㅋㅋㅋ
pikariachuuu #8
Chapter 1: Omg it's you again!! The one who made "In A Daze" I love you ㅠㅠ this is really awesome!! I like your plot ❤❤ keep it up!