



It has been reported the stars of our generation, Oh Sehun and Kim Kai, are to be casted in a new project to be aired on EXO-TV. According to our sources, the two have been offered roles and are currently in the talks to take the lead roles in an upcoming romantic drama titled ‘Take the Lead’.

Despite often sharing the top 2 spots on the search engines, the two have rarely been able cross paths throughout their entire careers. We look forward to the news to see if we will be able to watch the phenomenal chemistry unfold between the actors. If things go according to plan, it is said that filming will begin two to three months from now.







“Hello Mr Oh, just head into the elevator up to the top floor and there will be someone waiting for you there to you.”

Sehun nods and follows the worker’s directions and heads into the elevator. His manager had told him to head up first and sort things out himself. Being one of the top actors in the industry has its advantages. Having the opportunity to make his own decisions about his job is one of them.

Once the elevator doors open, he’s greeted by another worker waiting for him, just like he was told. As he’s led towards his destination, he makes sure to greet the other people on the floor with a smile and a nod. As soon as they reach the door of the room, the worker leaves and Sehun smiles in thanks.

From behind the door he can already hear someone in the room talking so he makes sure to prepare his best face for the first impression. As he opens the door the smile on his face falls and turns into one of disbelief.

The person that was already in the room also has the same expression on his face. He’d stopped talking on the phone as soon as he saw who had entered through the door, ready to greet them only to be stunned into silence.

Snapping out of it, Sehun slams the door closed behind him and stomps over to the other person.

“What are you doing here?!” Sehun exclaims.

“Me? I should be asking you that!” the other person retorts.

“Listen, Kim Jongin– no wait, Kim Kai. Let me ask again, what are you doing here?”

“What are YOU doing here” Jongin answers back, raising an eyebrow. Sehun narrows his eyes and steps back to rest his weight on one leg, waiting for an answers. Rolling his eyes, Jongin crossing his arms and answers, “I was called to be casted for this project”

“You’ve got to be kidding me” Sehun deadpans.


I’m casted for this project” Sehun answers, slightly annoyed as he watches Jongin’s confused face turning into an expressionless one.

“…you’ve got to be kidding me” he deadpans, just like Sehun had.

Frustrated, Sehun walks over to the end of the table and drops down on a seat. Jongin walks towards the glass wall overlooking the city of Seoul.

“Check the news” he hears Sehun say behind him. Without turning around, Jongin whips out his phone and types in his name. Not surprised, he sees his name appear on the top bar… along with Sehun’s.

“… Oh Sehun and Kim Kai reportedly casted for a new drama project… to be casted in a new project to be aired on EXO-TV… How the hell do people get their hands on news like this?! WE barely even knew about it” Jongin complains. Sehun shrugs from where he’s seated and continues to scroll through his phone.

Heaving a sigh, Jongin walks over to the table and takes a seat opposite Sehun. “Look…” Jongin starts off. Sehun raises his eyes to glance at Jongin briefly before letting them fall to his phone again.

“This was going to happen sooner or later and, I guess, luckily it happened later for us. But now the time’s come for us to work on something together– DAMN IT, SEHUN. LOOK AT ME, WOULD YOU?” Jongin shouts.

With a sigh, Sehun puts his phone down and looks at Jongin straight in the eyes. Trying to ignore the weird feeling in his stomach, Jongin continues to make his point.

“This is actually a good project and you know it – so do all the fans. If we don’t accept this there’s no doubt that people are going to question things and the last thing we need to is some hate rumour slash scandal going on”

“Where’s the rumour” Sehun snorts, leaning back in his chair. A few minutes of silence is followed before Sehun breaks it.

Crossing his arms over his chest he says, “Just so you know, I’m definitely going to accept the offer. Whether you accept it or not is up to you”

“Good. I’m accepting it too” Jongin replies quietly.

The two stare at each other silently, as if trying to read each other.

“The project…” Sehun starts off as he starts to get out of his seat, “is going to last six months. For the following six months, expect nothing more than what’s expected from our profession. I expect nothing more from your side either”

With that, he gets up completely to move towards the door to find the rest of the people meant to be at the meeting when Jongin speaks up.

“With what happened back then... between us... do you think… maybe…” Jongin starts, unsure of what to say. He looks up to see the expression of Sehun’s face harden.

“It was never meant to be like this, Sehun” Jongin pleads.

“Maybe you should have figured it out a little more before you left” Sehun answers and with that he leaves without a second glance back at Jongin, slamming the door shut.

Now alone in the room, Jongin slumps down completely in his seat and rests his head in the palms of his heads.

“Why did I have to screw up” he mutters to himself, “we used to love each other so much”

A/N: Thank you for reading! Comment/upvote/subscribe if you like it so far :)

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Chapter 2: A good storyline, hope you'll continue to write this story :(
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 2: if
Chapter 2: awww why they end up like this
Sapphire_Archer #4
Chapter 2: Great chapter! But im so curious about sehun's and jongin's past!!
superannesnow #5
Chapter 1: Wonder what jongin had done that make sehunnie so in mad
Chapter 1: awww whyyy they broke up