If Only..




Tiffany was riding the merry go round. It was already dark now, and the park was empty. No one was there but the black haired American girl. She was holding the handle of the wooden white unicorn, humming along the music that was played.

“Well, aren’t you having fun…” A little blonde girl said, standing just outside the ride, leaning herself on the rails.

The crescent eyed girl giggled and extended her hand to the blonde with the shining face. “Come on, hop in.”

And the blonde girl jumped into the spinning platform. She then walked towards Tiffany and stood next to her.

“I want to ride with you.” She begged.

“Of course, come here.” And Tiffany took her hand without hesitation, and helped her climb on top of the wooden mystical horse.

The black haired American girl wrapped her arms around the blonde, and smiled. “This is fun, right?”

The shining girl nodded and they rode the unicorn for some time; singing and laughing.

“This is getting boring…” The blonde said after a while.

“Want to try some other ride?” The crescent eyed girl asked.

“No.” The blonde shook her head. “I like this one.”

“Okay…” Tiffany nodded.

“Let’s fly away.” The little girl said.

“Hm? How?”


And the wooden horse slowly and magically turned into a real unicorn with golden manes and a horn. The black haired American was amazed at the sight and watched as the unicorn slowly moved its legs.

“Beautiful; isn’t he?” The blonde girl giggled.

“Yes…” Tiffany gasped in wonder. “Yes, he is…”

“Hang on tight.” The shining girl said as the unicorn stomped both of his front legs and started to run.

After running for a while, the unicorn kicked the ground a few times, and they started to climb the air like there was an invisible stair in front of them. Soon they were flying, getting higher with every kick. After reaching a certain height, they stopped climbing the air. The unicorn then took Tiffany and the blonde girl around the amusement park. The view was breathtaking.

“It’s so beautiful…” Tiffany said as she looked around the park, sparkling with colorful lights.

They passed the roller coaster and the crescent eyed girl giggled as she was reminded of Jessica and their ride together earlier.

“What’s so funny?” The blonde girl asked.

“The roller coaster,” The black haired girl said. “We rode it together, remember?”

“No, we didn’t.” The blonde girl said.

“What do you mean?” Tiffany was confused.

“You rode it with that Jessica. Her long blonde hair was waving. “Not with me.”

“Oh…” The crescent eyed girl realized her mistake. “… I’m sorry…”

The unicorn circled the park once more, and then flew to the mountains.


“You seem to really like this Jessica.” The blonde girl finally said after a while.

“I think so.” Tiffany nodded. “She’s a good friend.”

“More than me?”

“Don’t be silly.” The crescent eyed girl sighed. “You’re both very important to me.”

“Just be careful…” The girl’s voice sounded sad.                                                        


“I just don’t want you to get hurt…” She explained.

Tiffany smiled and the blonde girl’s hair gently. “I don’t think she would ever hurt me.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because I trust her; that’s why.” The crescent eyed girl said, her voice was filled with confidence that even she was surprised with herself.

“I’m glad that you’ve found someone you could trust…”


The unicorn then flew lower and entered a forest, running in mid-air. It took them deep into the woods, zigzag-ing through the trees. It then finally slowed down and stopped near a small lake with a waterfall.

Both girls got down from its back, and walked towards the water. Tiffany stared at the wide waterfall bathed by the moonlight and smiled.

“You seem to know many beautiful places.” She said as she turned to the blonde girl.

The little girl giggled as she pet the unicorn. “So; when are you going to name him?”

“Oh!” The black haired girl suddenly remembered their naming ritual.

“I think we should name him; Joe.” She flashed her eye smile. “What do you think?”

The blonde girl laughed and said, “Joe is a beautiful name.”

“Then Joe it is.”

They then spent their time sitting near the lake, watching the waterfall. The blonde girl rested her head on Tiffany’s lap, and the crescent eyed girl her hair gently. The beautiful sound of water and nature filled the air; relaxing them. There were countless fireflies hovering around them like small orbs of lights and a sea of stars in the sky, and Tiffany took a deep breath at her surroundings before she closed her eyes.

“This is so beautiful…” She whispered.

“Yes, it is…” The blonde girl slowly sat up. “… But you have to go now…”

“Why?” The black haired American opened her eyes to stare at the blonde girl, the light on her face was dimmer; but Tiffany still could not see her face clearly.

“Don’t worry,” The blonde girl stood up and Tiffany’s hair. “I’ll see you again, pretty soon…”

“Promise?” Tiffany felt her tears were falling down her face, like she was saying a sad goodbye.

“I promise.” And the blonde girl with her shining face flew away with Joe.


“Tiffany?” Someone was poking her leg. “Tiffany!”

“Tiffany wake up, you’re going to be late for school!” The Chinese girl said.

The black haired American girl opened her eyes slowly, and felt the room was spinning. She was sweating from head to toe, but she felt like she was sleeping on top of a huge ice block. was sore, her whole body was shaking because of the cold, and her head felt like it was getting pounded by a hammer.

She slowly lifted her head through her blanket and glanced to her feet. Her vision was so blurry that she could not make out who was standing near her bed, but she recognized her roommate’s voice. Jang Ri-in was standing there, still poking her leg.

“Tiffany, wake up.” She was starting to get impatient.

“Ri-in…” Her voice was trembling and weak. “… I think I’m sick…”

“What?” The Chinese girl stared at her pale face. “Oh, my God! Are you crying?”

“Hmm?” Tiffany felt her face and realized that tears were streaming down her cheeks.

“Oh…” She couldn’t say anything; her mind was disrupted by a terrible headache.

The Chinese girl quickly climbed the bed and put her hand on Tiffany’s forehead.

“Oh, my God!” She gasped. “You’re burning!”

“Oh, dear…” Ri-in panicked. “What are we going to do? Everyone’s already left!”

“It’s okay, Ri-in…” The black haired American girl gathered her strength to sit up on her bed. “… I just need some rest…”

“You go on ahead; don’t worry about me…” And she coughed.

“Are you sure?” Ri-in climbed down from the bed.

“Yes…” Tiffany nodded weakly. “… I’ll be fine…”

“Hang on; I’ll get you some cold medicine!” The Chinese girl rushed outside.

Tiffany was too sick to even think of anything, so she decided to hide under her blanket once more to warm herself.


Ri-in walked into the room once more holding a bottle of cold medicine, some snacks and a glass of water.

“Here, I brought you some medicine.” She said worriedly as she noticed Tiffany was back under her blanket.

“Make sure you drink it later, okay?” The Chinese girl rubbed Tiffany’s leg through the blanket. “I brought some snacks too; eat them before you take the medicine.”

“Okay…” The crescent eyed girl’s voice could be heard from under the blanket. “… Thanks…”

“Oh, we need to tell your school you’re too sick to come today…” Ri-in said. “… Do you have your teacher’s number?”

“Oh, I can just tell Jessica!” She just realized.

Jessica… Tiffany suddenly felt sad that she wouldn’t be able to see her today.

“I’ll text her right now.” She said as she took out her cell phone.

“Do you need anything else, Tiffany?” Ri-in asked worriedly.

“No, thanks…” The black haired American coughed again. 

 “Okay, I have to go now…” The Chinese girl said apologetically.

“Okay…” And the crescent eyed girl could hear the front door being closed after a while.

Tiffany sighed and wiped her tears. She tried to get up to get some water, but her body could not move. She had never felt so weak and so sick like today. She finally gave up and decided to get some more sleep.


“Tiffany?” A lovely familiar voice could be heard.

“Tiffany…” A lovely voice that she had not heard for a very long time.

The black haired American girl slowly opened her eyes, and she could see a figure sitting on her bed near her feet. Tiffany rubbed her eyes, and the figure became clearer, although still blurred; it was the woman she had not seen for ages, but she could tell right away who she was.

“Mom?” The crescent eyed girl gasped. “Is that you?”

The woman giggled and said. “Yes, Tiffany; it’s mom.”

Tiffany could not say anything for a while. She just stared at her mother, who was smiling ever gently at her. Her mother was still the most beautiful woman she had ever seen; her hair was long and wavy, her eyes were big and round, and very kind. Her face was oval; just like hers, and her skin was like porcelain. And her whole body was shining like an angel.

The crescent eyed girl could feel her tears were coming out from her eye once again, and she gathered all strength left in her to move her body and reached out to her beautiful mother.

“Mom!” She shouted. “I missed you! Oh, how I’ve missed you!”

Her mother slowly wrapped her arms around her and pulled herself closer. She her daughter’s hair ever gently. Tiffany wailed; she had missed her touch, she had longed for her warm hugs.

“There, there, Tiffany…” Her mother’s voice soothed her.

“Mommy…” She sobbed. “… I missed you so much…”

“It’s okay, honey…” Her mother tried to calm her down. “… I’m here now…”

“Mommy…” Her voice was getting weaker and she coughed again. “… Don’t leave me again…”

And she could not fight the cold and the headache, and she fell asleep again in her mother’s arms.


“Mommy?” Tiffany hesitated; she was scared that her mother was just a dream, so she didn’t want to open her eyes and found that nobody was there in the room with her.

“Mommy?” She called again.

“Yes, dear?” It was her sweet mother’s voice.

The crescent eyed girl opened her eyes slowly and found that her mother was still there, lying beside her on her bed, staring at her with her kind smile.

Tiffany smiled her sweetest. “Mommy; you didn’t leave…”

“Of course not, dear.” Her mother said as she petted Tiffany’s hair. “Did you have a good sleep?”

The black haired American girl nodded and put her arms around her mother’s waist. “Is it okay if I hug you?”

“Why not?” Her mother asked.

“I don’t want you to catch my cold…” She said shyly.

Her mother giggled and pulled her closer, tighter. “Don’t be silly, dear.”

“I would never catch your cold…”

“Thank you, mommy…” And she buried her face against her mother’s chest. “You’re so warm…”

“How did you know I was sick, mommy?” She coughed.

“A little bird told me.” Her mother said with her kind smile.

“I have to thank the bird later.” Tiffany giggled.

“Hold me tighter, mommy…”

Her mother smiled and tightened her hug. And they stayed like that for a while.


“Tiffany, dear…” Her mother finally said.

“Yes, mommy?” The crescent eyed girl looked up to mother’s beautiful eyes.

“Are you hungry?” She said; still her greasy hair.

“A little bit…” Tiffany said weakly.

“Let me make you a nice, warm and delicious chicken porridge for you.” Her mother said as she touched her daughter’s nose gently.

The crescent eyed girl giggled, and her mother slowly pulled away from her arms.

“I’m going to use your kitchen, okay?” She said as she walked towards the door.

“Mom…” Tiffany was scared she would leave her.

And it was like her mother knew what she was feeling at the time; she turned to her and smiled. “Don’t worry, honey; I’m not going to disappear.”

“I’ll just be a second, okay?”

The black haired girl nodded, and her mother went to the kitchen. Tiffany wanted to crawl out of bed and follow her mother to the kitchen, but her head was still very heavy, and her body was too weak. She then gave up and returned to her previous position, calmly waiting for her mother to return with her lunch.

It’s been a long time since I had mom’s cooking, She coughed and closed her eyes.


“Tiffany…” Her mother was calling her. “Tiffany…”

The crescent eyed girl opened her eyes and saw her mother sitting beside her on the bed. She was holding a bowl of porridge with one hand, and a spoon with the other. Tiffany could smell the delicious aroma coming out from the hot bowl, and her stomach started to growl. She then tried her best to sit up on her bed.

“Here; say aah… Her mother raised a spoon full.

Tiffany smiled as she realized it had been so long since her mother last spoon fed her. “Aahh…”

“How is it?” Her mother asked when the crescent eyed girl munched her meal. “Is it too hot?”

“It’s delicious, mom.” The girl smiled. “Like always…”

Her mother smiled and gave her another spoon full; but not before she blew on it a couple of times to make sure it would not be too hot for her lovely daughter.

“Thank you, mom…” She said as she happily munched the food.


After Tiffany had finished her lunch, her mother gave her the cold medicine. The crescent eyed girl was not happy with the medicine because it was not in pink and she shook her head violently, avoiding the cold syrup, but in the end her mother managed to persuade her to take it.

Tiffany squinted as she tasted the medicine, and whined to her mother that it tasted awful. Her mother giggled and pulled her into her arms, hugging her tightly.

“Mom…” Tiffany said after a while.

“Yes, honey?”

“Why did you leave me?” Her eyes were teary. “Why did you leave us?”

Her mother looked surprised at the question, and did not know what to say. “I-I…”

And Tiffany’s tears started to flow again.

“Tiffany…” Her mother her hair. “I’m sorry…”

“Why did you have to get sick?” The black haired girl covered her face with her hands. “Why didn’t you get better?”

“Why did you have to die?” She wailed.

And her mother could not do anything but held her tighter. “I’m sorry, Tiffany…”

She waited for her daughter to calm down a bit before explaining to her.

“I’m sorry for leaving you, honey…” She said gently. “But God needed me more than you needed me at the time…”

“Why did he need you?” The girl sobbed.

“Well, he needed me to help him watch all the children in the world.”

“Why did he need you to do that?” Tiffany asked again. “Couldn’t he do that by himself?”

“Of course he could, silly.” Her mother explained again. “But he needed someone like me to help him see through a mother’s eye.”

“Why a mother’s eye?”

“Well…” She giggled, “… Because God is a He; so he couldn’t possibly be a mother now, can he?”

“But why did he chose you?” The crescent eyed girl giggled too.

“Because he knew I was a good mother; because I had raised you to be the perfect daughter.”

Tiffany finally calmed down, and she stared at her mother’s eyes. “Is it hard; watching all the children in the world?”

“It is,” Her mother tightened her hug once more. “Because not every kid is as perfect as you.”

The crescent eyed girl giggled again. “Am I really a perfect daughter?”

“You are,” She smiled. “You’re beautiful and kind…”

“And very strong…” She stared at her daughter’s teary eyes.

“That’s why although it was a very difficult decision; I decided to help God and left you…”

“Because I knew how strong you were, and even without me to guide you; you would always find your way…”

“But I miss you…” Tiffany sobbed.

“And I miss you too…” Her mother shed a tear. “… And I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there for you when you needed me the most…”

“… But I promise you that I will always watch over you…”

“Don’t cry, mommy…” Tiffany wiped her mother’s tears with her hand. “… I’m sorry…”

Her mother pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. “I love you, Tiffany… Always…”

“I love you too, mommy…”


“Michelle misses you too, you know…” The black haired girl said after a while. “… And Leo too…”

“Leo?” Her mother asked.

“Leo, mom; your son!” Tiffany giggled. “Don’t tell me you forgot about him.”

“Oh, yes, Leo…” Her mother looked puzzled and she bumped her bottom frame.

“And Michelle.” The crescent eyed girl stared at her mother again. “Your eldest daughter!”

“Oh, yes, yes…” She giggled awkwardly. “How are they?”

And Tiffany laughed at her confused looking mother. “That’s all you have to say about your children?”

“O-Oh, of course not…” Her mother stuttered. “I miss them too.”

“I-I was just distracted for a while…”

“Really? Mom?” The girl was still laughing. “How could you forget about your children?”

“Well…” Her mother giggled once more. “Because they’re not as cute as you.”

Tiffany blushed and quickly buried her face against her mother’s chest again. “Thank you, mommy.”

“You’re welcome.” She smiled. “Now get some sleep, you must be tired.”

 “Yes, mommy…” And the crescent eyed girl fell asleep, again.


“Mom?” Tiffany woke up and found that she was alone. “Mommy?”

Her tears were building up again. “Mommy!”

“What’s wrong, Tiffany?” Her mother opened the door.

“Don’t do that!” She coughed a couple of times. “Don’t leave me like that!”

Her mother smiled and sat on the bed. “I’m sorry, honey…”

“I was just making you a soup.”

“Soup?” The black haired girl asked.

“Yes; a soup.” Her mother gently rubbed her feet. “For your dinner.”

“Dinner?” Tiffany looked to her window and realized it was already night time.

“I figured you would want a different dish as your dinner.” Her mother stood up and walked towards the kitchen. “So be a good girl and wait a minute, okay?”

“Yes, mommy.”

After eating dinner and another spoon full of medicine Tiffany started to feel better. She felt that her strength was returning to her body, and her head was not as heavy as before.

“Mom…” Tiffany pulled away from her mother’s embrace.

“Yes, honey?”

“I’m icky…” She said as she sat up.

“O-Oh…” Her mother looked confused as she adjusted her glasses. “Do you want to take a bath?”

“No, mom; I’m still a bit dizzy…” She whined.

“Okay, then…” Her mother looked around. “Do you want to wipe your body?”

Tiffany nodded weakly and lied back down.

“Let me get you a towel then.” Her mother said as she went outside.

Soon she was back with clean towels in her hand. She then went to the closet and pulled out a new pajama.

“Here, you can change with this.” She said as she put the towels and pajama on the bed.

“Mom…” Tiffany called her again when she was about to leave the room.

“Yes, dear?” Her mother turned around.

“Could you help me wipe?” The crescent eyed girl said as she raised her hands.

“W-What?” Her mother looked surprised. “O-Oh, you can do that by yourself, can’t you?”

“But mommy…” Tiffany coughed.


Her mother stayed quiet for some time; confused was clear on her face. She eventually gave in and closed the door. “Okay, okay…”

She then climbed into the bed with the towel and started to her daughter’s pajama. Tiffany giggled as she stared at her nervous mother. “I have the best mom in the world.”

The black haired girl sat back on the bed and noticed how her mother was blushing when she finally managed to take off Tiffany’s shirt. Her mother kept adjusting her glasses and took her sweet time cleaning her daughter’s body. But she diligently wiped Tiffany’s body; first her neck, and then her shoulders, and then her back. And when it came to wipe her daughter’s front, her hand was shaking a bit. The crescent eyed girl giggled and wiggled around a bit when her mother wiped her belly.

“Mom…” She said laughing. “… It tickles…”

“Oh, really?” Her mother glanced at her and purposely put more pressure on her side belly.

Tiffany squealed at the pressure and started to wiggle vigorously.

“Stop. Mom!” She laughed.


Her mother had just finished wiping her legs, and she was reaching for the clean pants for Tiffany to put on; when the crescent eyed girl whined once more.

“Mom…” She begged. “… I need to change my too…”

Her mother turned around to face her and her eyes grew bigger in an instant.

“W-What?” Her face was bright red and she nervously adjusted her glasses. “I-I…”

“Hurry, mom!” The black haired girl whined. “I’m cold!”

“O-Okay…” She crawled out of the bed and went to the closet once more, and took out the first pair of underwear she could find.

“H-Here…” The blushing mother handed the underwear to her daughter and turned around to face the closet.

“Y-You can at least change your by yourself, right?” She stuttered.

Tiffany sighed and lazily changed her underwear. “Yes, mom…”

“I’m done, mom.” The black haired girl said after a while. “You can turn around now.”

“G-Good.” Her mother said as she took a smaller towel with her and climbed the bed again.

“Here; let’s wipe your face now…”


The mother and daughter were in each other arms for quite some time, before her mother realized it was getting late, and she had to go.

“Tiffany, honey…” She said gently. “… Are you feeling better now?”

The black haired girl nodded and buried her face against her mother’s chest. “Yes, mommy…”

“Thank you…”

“Good,” Her mother gently her hair. “It’s time for me to go…”

“Why?” Tiffany looked up. “Why can’t you stay?”

“You know that I would love to stay with you.” Her mother smiled her sweetest. “But I have to go now…”

“I have to help God watch the other children.” She sighed. “I’m sorry…”

“I know…” The crescent eyed girl buried her face again.

“I knew you’d understand.” Her mother sounded proud. “You’re a good girl after all.”

Tiffany tried her best to hold her tears. “But I’ll be all alone again…”

“You’ll never be alone, honey…” Her mother lifted her chin. “… You have your friends…”

“And your brother and sister…” She cupped her daughter’s face. “… And your father…”

“No.” Tears were streaming down her face once more. “He doesn’t even care about me…”

“Why would you say that?” Her mother wiped her tears with her hands.

“Because it’s true!” There was anger in her voice now. “Ever since you died he only cares about himself!”

“He always works!” Tiffany clenched her mother’s shirt. “He doesn’t have time for anything but work!”


“Oh, honey…” Her mother gently kissed her forehead. “… You know it’s not true…”

“Yes, it is!” the black haired girl wailed and went back to hiding her face again. “It is!”

Her mother stared her and smiled sadly. “Listen, honey…”

“Your father is hurting just as much as you…”

“He buries himself in work to cope for his loss…”

“He is trying his best to stay strong for his children; for you…” She held her daughter tighter.

“He was confused because he had to be a father and a mother at the same time…” Her voice was as soothing as ever.

“And no one was there to show him how…”

“So he tried his best; the only way he knew how.” She sighed. “But that doesn’t mean he’s right.”

“That doesn’t mean he could turn it as an excuse for not showing you the love that you deserve…”

Tiffany slowly lifted her head and stared at her mother as she continued. “But you have to help him too…”

“You have to make him understand that he’s not alone; that you are there for him too…”

“How; mom?” The crescent eyed girl found comfort in her mother’s explanation. “How can I help him understand?”

“Well…” Her mother her daughter’s hair gently. “… Start with something simple…”

“Like talking to him.” Her mother smiled. “And telling him that you’re doing okay here.”

Tiffany hesitated for a while, “Will that make him love me again?”

The kind mother giggled and said. “He already loves you so much, Tiffany…”

“He just doesn’t know how to show it.”

Her mother then touched her nose gently and continued. “Would you help your father, Tiffany?”

“For me?” She said with her ever soft and kind voice.

“Yes, mommy…” Tiffany finally said. “… I’ll try…”


Her mother did not say anything after that; giving Tiffany the time to fully grasps her mother’s words. After a while the black haired girl started to feel sleepy again, as all the crying and talking were still too much for her weak body.

“Mom…” She said weakly.

“Yes, honey?” Her mother whispered.

“Would you sing me a lullaby?”

“Of course, dear…”

“Thank you…” She said as she planted a long kiss on her mother’s red cheek.

And her mother’s sweet and beautiful lullaby eased her mind and body. It was a beautiful song she had heard before, although she forgot where and when, and as she was drifting to the dream world; she could feel her mother slowly pulling away. She could feel the bed shook a bit as her mother crawled out of her bed, and she could hear her mother walked towards the door. Tiffany was sad to know that her mother was leaving her, again; but somehow she was happy that she got to spend the whole day with her caring mother.

“Mommy?” She said without opening her eyes; she was too tired and sleepy.

“Yes, honey?” Her mother’s sweet voice said.

“I love you, mommy…” A tear fell down her cheek. “… Good bye…”

“I love you too, Tiffany…” Her mother’s voice was trembling. “… Good bye…”

And the crescent eyed girl slightly opened her eyes to see her mother one last time. Her vision was coming back to her, although still blurry. She could see her mother reached for the door and opened it. Tiffany took the time to really carve her figure in her mind; her gentle eyes, her small nose, her thin lips, and her beautiful long and blonde hair, and her light brown glasses.

Why did mom dye her hair? She wondered as she closed her eyes once again. And since when did she start wearing glasses?

“Jessica?” Taeyeon’s voice could be heard by the door.

Jessica? Is she here to visit me? I want to see her… And with that Tiffany entered the realm of dream.


“Oh, hi, Taeyeon.” Jessica said as she closed the bedroom door.

“You were here?” The shorter girl looked curious. “No wonder we didn’t see you at practice…”

The blonde girl smiled at the slanted eyed girl and went to the kitchen. “You’re home early…”

“Oh; yes…” Taeyeon answered. “Ri-in told me Tiffany was sick, so I got home early to check up on her…”

Jessica smiled and started to wash the plates and dish wares she had been using earlier.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that!” Taeyeon quickly said as she tried to take over the responsibility.

“It’s okay,” The blonde girl smiled. “I don’t mind.”

Taeyeon gave up and decided to watch her instead. And then she realized that the blonde looked like she had been crying. She wanted to ask what happened, but she was afraid her answer would make her heart aches.

“Thank you for taking care of Tiffany today…” The short girl finally said; somehow she wanted to cry too.

Jessica giggled and turned to her. “You sound like her parent or something.”

“Oh. Well…” Taeyeon blushed as she stared at the beautiful blonde giggling. “… Thanks anyway…”

“You’re welcome.” The blue eyed girl had finished washing and was drying her hands. “I did it because I want to.”

“Oh…” The slanted eyed girl stared at her.


“So how is she?” Taeyeon asked as they sat on the couch in the living room.

“She’s okay now.” The blonde said. “She’s just too tired from yesterday; all that rides and her clothes got drenched, and everything…”

“How about you?” The shorter girl asked again, she looked worried. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” Jessica said as she checked her cell phone.

“I drank a lot of vitamins when I got home.” She giggled, and Taeyeon soon joined her.

“Well, I better get going now.” The blue eyed girl said as she stood up.

“Oh.” Taeyeon was a little surprised and quickly followed her to the front door. “But you can stay here as long as you want…”

“Thanks, but I have to go home now; it’s getting late.” The blonde said as she turned around.

“W-Well,” The slanted eyed girl was surprised when she realized that she was standing so close to her. “Have you eaten yet?”

“Yes.” The blue eyed girl smiled and nodded. “I cooked some food for me and Tiffany…”


Taeyeon stayed quiet for a while, but then she realized that she could not keep her any longer. “O-Okay, thanks again, Jessica…”

The blonde nodded and opened the door, but she quickly turned around when she was about to step outside. “Oh, one more thing…”

“Can I ask you a favor?” She asked.

Taeyeon stared at the blue eyed girl on front of her and slowly nodded.

“Don’t tell her that I was here.” Jessica said.

“What?” The shorter girl looked surprised. “But why?”

“Hmm…” The blonde looked like she was pondering something. “… I think it’s better that way.”

Taeyeon just stared at her, trying to figure out the reason of her odd request. But she could not think of anything, or rather; she did not want to read the situation any further, so she gave up and nodded to the blonde. “Sure…”

“Promise?” Jessica smiled.

“I promise.” And the shorter girl returned the smile.

“Thanks, Taeyeon.” She said as she turned around and started to walk. “Good night.”

“Good night, Jessica.” The slanted eyed girl said and stared at the blue eyed girl disappearing into the elevator, before she went back inside and closed the door. She stood still and leaned back to the door and let out a deep sigh. She closed her eyes for a while, before taking a couple of deep breaths.

She walked towards their shared bedroom and opened the door. She stared at the smiling sleeping beauty in her bed and let out another deep sigh.

“I should’ve stayed behind…”


Jessica was in her taxi heading home, when Yuri called her. The blonde girl let the call went into her voice mail since she was too exhausted after nursing Tiffany the whole day, but Yuri quickly made another call and the blonde finally decided to answer.

“Yes, Yuri?” The blue eyed girl sighed.

Sica-yah! Where were you today?

“Oh…” The blonde girl pondered whether she should tell her tanned friend the truth or not.

“I was not feeling so good…” She finally said.

Oh! Are you sick? Tiffany is sick too, you know…

“Oh, really?” The blonde tried to sound surprised.

Yeah, what a coincidence, huh?

“Yeah, what a coincidence that we both get sick after we got drenched yesterday…” Jessica took her glasses off and placed them on her lap.

Oh… Yuri laughed awkwardly. Yeah… Sorry…

“Never mind.” The blue eyed girl sighed. “So, what do you need?”

Oh, right! I was going to tell you something bad! It’s about Seohyun!

Jessica raised her eyebrow. “What happened?”

She’s still mad because we left her the other day…

And she refuses to talk to us during training!

“I don’t see anything strange,” The blonde pinched the bridge of her nose. “It’s natural that she’s still mad because you left her alone to prank me and Tiffany.”

Jessica remembered how the girls found Seohyun sitting on the bench near the merry go round; the exact same place Yuri and Yoona left her. Juhyun did not cry or showed any sign that she was upset that day, but calmly walked towards her older friends saying that she had waited for too long. Yoona asked her why she didn’t call her unnies, but she just shrugged and said that her cell phone had run out of battery. That was the last words she said that day, and now Jessica knew for sure that she was actually very upset with her irresponsible unnies.


Yuri was panicking, But we apologized to her already! We even bought her a chocolate cake yesterday!


So… Yuri sounded sad. … We were thinking if you would help us by talking to her, you know…

“What for?”

So she would forgive us already! Come on, Sica… Help your poor y friend out…

“I’m still mad because you guys tricked us the other day, you know.” Jessica sighed. “I’m on Juhyun’s side on this one.”

Oh, come on, Sica! We already apologized to you too!

Come on; please? Pleassee? Pweeaassseee?

“Okay, okay!” The blonde could not stand hearing her friend’s aegyo. “I’ll talk to her tomorrow…”

Really? Thanks, Sica! You’re the best! Yuri shrieked.

“Yeah, yeah…” The blue eyed girl sighed once more. “… Just remember that you owe me one for this.”

“And for yesterday!”

Okay, okay! The tanned girl laughed. I owe you big time!


So, are you feeling any better now? Yuri asked after a while.

“Hmm?” The blonde took some time before she realized that she was supposed to be sick. “Oh! Yeah, yeah…”

“I’m feeling much better.” She continued. “I think I’ll be okay tomorrow…”

Well, I figured so because you don’t sound sick at all…

“Are you saying that I’m lying?”

No, no! Of course not! Yuri laughed awkwardly, and she decided to end the call before Jessica gets annoyed by her.

Great! Well; see you tomorrow, Sica-yah! And thanks again!

“Yeah.” The blonde said as she hung up.

Jessica put her glasses on again and stared at her phone strap for a moment. Her mind quickly wondered to the events that happened that day. The blonde girl found out that Tiffany’s mother had passed away. She found out that even the most cheerful and happy go lucky girl had some painful memories inside of her.

The blue eyed girl sighed as she remembered how Tiffany looked so vulnerable and weak at the time, how she was crying because she was missing her mother. She was crying because her of her father. She was crying because she felt alone. She stared down at her shirt, and realized her chest area was still wet from Tiffany’s tears. Jessica stared at her hands; those very hands that were holding Tiffany close and her hair and cupped her lovely face.

Everything changed… She thought to herself.

Everything is not the same…

And she remembered what someone asked to her a long time ago, “Do you believe that you would be able to protect that smile this time?”

“I will try…”

“No.” She said firmly. “I will.”       

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Chapter 45: I'll patiently wait for your next update..
chemical-ostrich #2
I’ve just finished reading. Patiently waiting for an update! Take your time, author! <3
Authornim please update if only pretty please!
GoldenStar98 #4
I feel like... out of all the fanfics that I've read, this is one of the ones that seems really mature. Like the content isn't those typical fluff or angst stories.
Authornim please update if only pretty please!
Chapter 45: AUTHOR-SSI!!!! YOUR HUMBLE VASSAL IS STILL WAITING FOR YOUR UPDATE HAHAHA hopefully you could grant this selfish wish of mine
Chapter 45: Author please comeback i miss your story so much ㅠㅠ
flyjessica #8
Please updatd this author-ssi. This is awesome!
Chapter 45: Update faster please
Chapter 45: Unfortunately, because I'm so busy these days I barely get to comment :( but I want you to know that I always keep up with this fic and that you always leave a crazy mess XD in the good kinda way though Hehe~ this chapter though...oh gosh, I love, love, LOVE how realistic you make every chapter. It's crazy, and anyone can relate to it. The way Tiffany reacted here was so on point...Ahh teenagers XD BoA however really surprises me, but it's great to have her in the fic :D but then again who can ever resist THE Jessica Jung? Hahaha. Anyway, fantastic update and I will comment when I can, but if I don't...please know that I am always following your updates and always fangirling Hahaha :D