Wet Dog


Chanyeol gazed down at Baekhyun with a look of pure concern as he quickly began firing questions at the dazed looking boy, who instead of replying kept mumbling incoherent things about monsters. Before Chanyeol could even register what was happening the poor boy was crying, face buried in his chest with his shaking hands clutching desperately at the wet fabric of his white shirt. He couldn't make sense of the jumbled words spilling from Baekhyun's mouth at a rapid speed, so instead he settled for rubbing his back and murmuring soothing words in the hope that the other would calm down.

"Sir, can I take Baekhyun to the medical room, I don't think he's feeling very well" Chanyeol asked timidly, though his eyes didn't once leave the boy within his arms. He didn't bother to look at the teacher as he spoke, he wanted to keep his undivided attention on Baekhyun. Not that that was any different from usual, ever since he had laid eyes upon the small boy he had been unable to focus on anything else, unable to think about anyone or anything else as well.

"Ah yes please do you both are excused now go and tak-"

"I'll go! I'll take him instead it's fine sir. Let go of Baekhyun Chanyeol. Sit down Chanyeol." Tao ground out with false sweetness lacing his words like a pretty filter over deadly poison.

"He doesn't need two people to him, decide amongst yourselves but make it quick." The teacher barked out as he returned to looking at some documents on his desk.

"Chanyeol sit down, now"

"Stop shouting at me Tao, you're making him even more upset than he already is, just stop being so stubborn and let me walk him like two minutes down the corridor. There's no need to be so aggressive about this, this isn't helping him at all!" Chanyeol hissed out though he levelled his voice out to a more calm tone when he felt Baekhyun flinch as he shouted at Tao.

"Let him go Chanyeol I'm warning you"

"Alright then, look I just did but it hasn't changed anything, stop being such an Zitao" Chanyeol said in an even tone. Just to prove his point to Tao he had actually completely let go of Baekhyun, spreading his arms out by his sides and had smirked in victory when Baekhyun didn't move an inch.

"Neither of you can take him! Both of you are to sit down immediately, I will not have the two of you disrupting my class like this!" Mr Simmons shouted before continuing with "Baekhyun, are you alright? Do you want to go to the medical room still, if you do I'll get Luhan to you"

"I think I'm fine now sir, sorry for the disruption, I'll take my seat and please excuse the behaviour of my friends they are just worried about me" Baekhyun said quickly, desperately trying to smooth over the situation at hand, he didn't want Tao or even Chanyeol to get in any trouble over him. So he ignored the confused and worried looks etched on both of their faces and returned to his seat, shivering slightly as he looked down and saw that his clothes were now sticking to his skin in certain places. In the areas where he had been pressed up against Chanyeol, the water was focused across his chest and stomach, and his forearms as well. He tuned out everyone else and gazed down at the math paper with a mixture of anger and desperation as he looked up and saw the oh so confident look on Tao's face he crumbled in on himself in and wallowed in self pity.


Baekhyun really did try his absolute hardest to focus on the math test, honestly he did, even though question twelve was written, crafted, and placed in the paper by satan himself although the demonic creature must of been in league with his teacher as he had most certainly not been taught this. And if question twelve wasn't bad enough Baekhyun appeared to of been sat in front of a bored child who was serving as a huge distraction. But it wasn't an 'I can't stop daydreaming about his perfect face and gorgeous body and the way he held me' distraction but an 'if this idiot doesn't stop sniffling and squelching every two seconds I'm going to murder him' kind of distraction. And on top of that the oversized toddler known as Chanyeol just wouldn't stop kicking his chair as well. Baekhyun just couldn't focus on anything but the random jolt the kick would provide and how it would end up jogging him causing his writing to look like he'd been electrocuted while writing each word. Coupled with the pain he felt and the thoughts racing around in his weary mind the numbers and letters just seemed to dance around on the page as if they were mocking and taunting him. 

Glancing towards the clock at the front of the silent classroom Baekhyun saw that he had another forty-five minutes left of this torture. The pain of sitting there without making a single sound spare his wrist dragging across the paper with every new number or letter that he wrote and with nothing to do apart from work at the impossible math problems would undoubtedly end him. Baekhyun felt like ripping his hair out as he was having to endure all that left over time with nothing to occupy his mind bar the dreadful thoughts and flashbacks of last nights events.


And excruciating torture it most certainly was, Baekhyun wearily glanced at the clock hanging on the wall yet again to find he had only minutes left. Relief instantly filled him as the thought of finally getting to leave was actually becoming a reality and not just some ludicrous dream of his. The boy had long since given up on the test and had diverted his attention to distracting his friends instead. It was just unfair that he had to deal with the distraction named Chanyeol and have no idea how to answer any of the questions while they got to work peacefully and with ease. He began humming at first, no particular song to start with but then he settled for humming each of the songs that he knew the other's detested one by one and struggled to keep his humming even as laughter threatened to interrupt his ministrations because everytime he would hum the chorus he could literally see Tao shudder with disgust. 

Baekhyun then moved onto tearing small pieces of paper and throwing them, the balls gradually increased in size as the tiny balls never seemed to hit their target so Baekhyun concluded that he needed bigger and heavier ones. After he had sacrificed nearly being caught four times and twelve pages of his note book Baekhyun finally admitted to himself that maybe it was the actual paper balls that was the problem, maybe it was just his terrible aim. But he promptly ignored that thought because it was simply preposterous. He could manage to get his eyeliner perfectly even day in day out and that required some serious hand eye coordination so he'll be damned if he can't throw a bloody paper ball. Maybe it's the fact that I'm throwing paper? Baekhyun thought to himself as he scanned his desk for other things to throw. He settled on throwing an eraser first, which proved his theory that it was the paper balls because not only did it hit his target of Tao but it actually bounced off and hit Luhan as well. Heh, look at that, two birds with one stone-well not stone two birds with one eraser he thought as he sniggered at Luhan's irritated face whipping around and not so discreetly giving him the finger while he was at it. 

Lastly it was his pen that was thrown. Though Baekhyun cringed as the pen skidded across Tao's desk after smacking him in the face, part of him was happy that it had hit it's target but the other half was second guessing his decision from the look on Tao's face. But luckily the sound on the pen clattering on the floor was concealed by the obnoxious ringing of the shrill school bell signalling both the end of the day, the end of the test, and the start of the chase in which Baekhyun would be running from Tao in. So he quickly grabbed his bag and opened the door and rolled back in shock due to the amount of people before ploughing through.


But it was too much for Baekhyun. There was a sudden eruption of noise that elevated his headache to a level he didn't even know it could reach. There were people pressing into him from every side, elbows and shoulders and backpacks were digging into his skin and everytime he wriggled away from one source of pain he was quickly jabbed from another. Limbs were constantly knocking into his face and upper torso as people tried to fight their way through and Baekhyun found himself holding up his own hands in front of his to shield and protect himself. But this action caused his wounded hands to take on most of the impact and it made every single cut re open and create little splashes of fresh red on his bandages yet again. Whimpers clawed his way out of his throat as he is fearful eyes scanned for a way out, a way to escape the sheer mass of people threatening to trample him to death. Though the whimpers turned into a scream as he felt an arm wrap around his middle and tug his cowering and trembling body this is rested inch for inch against a much larger one.

"I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my boundaries here but you looked like you were struggling a bit so I thought I'd come save you I guess" a deep voice boomed from somewhere to his left, and upon turning around Baekhhun confirmed that it was indeed Chanyeol, though he was a little bit dryer this time.

"I'll forgive you as long as you can get me out of here" he shouted as yet another person had managed to clout him upside the head and that action alone made black dots dance around in his vision and caused him to slump heavily against Chanyeol. He really hoped the other didn't mind, though at this moment in this Baekhyun didn't care because the male in question had managed to half drag and half walk him into an empty classroom.


Baekhyun gulped in air rapidly and eventually he relaxed now that he could move without being crushed. He was too distracted by the new found freedom that he failed to notice the second hand looping around his middle to keep him tightly pressed against the other male. Though he noticed how the other bristled when he shivered from the cold.

"It's you're fault you know, that I'm so bloody cold, you made me all wet when you were cuddli-uh uh when you offered to take me to the nurse's office and now I'm all cold" Baekhyun wheezed out, and luckily managed to stop himself before he implied that the two of them had been cuddling earlier. It was definitely not cuddling, just a stranger who was concerned with his welfare, and who also liked to keep him very close at all times. Yeah, that was it, right?

"Ah sorry about that, hang on just a sec and I'll make it up to you" Chanyeol said as he abruptly let go of Baekhyun to rummage around in his bag. He was honestly so incredibly flustered from having Baekhyun that close to him, and how the other had just melted into his chest was seriously doing things to his poor heart. And after all it was his fault that Baekhyun was all cold, so it was only right for him to give him his hoodie. Of course he was only doing it because it was his duty, not because Baekhyun would look adorable and absolutely not because other guys would take one look at the hoodie and think that the small boy wasn't single. Definitely not.

The cold boy nearly whines from the loss of contact which meant the loss of heat but it turned into a confused jumble of words as he felt his blazer being yanked off and his arms being pulled out of the sleeves. Just as he found the ability to speak something was pulled over his hear effectively muffling any noise that he made. His thoughts flashed to the darkest possibilities and scenarios, but then much like the light et the end of the tunnel suddenly his head popped out of the fabric and he found himself being mana fled until his arms were incase in a soft material. He quietly laughed to himself in relief as he looked down and saw what must of been Chanyeol's sweater drowning his smaller form. He flat out giggled as he flapped his arms and watched the sweater paws flop from left to right.


Chanyeol really did try, he honestly did, but Baekhyun was just too cute to resist. So let again he wound his arms around Baekhyun's waist and tugged the smaller boy towards himself once more till their chests this time were flush together. And he walked the two of them backwards till he could comfortably lean against the nearby wall with Baekhyun resting on his chest.

"Have you warmed up yet?" Chanyeol murmured in Baekhyun's brown hair.


Only stuttered words escaped Baekhyun's mouth as he tried to reply but he just couldn't. He couldn't make sense of the situation at hand.  In one minute Chanyeol was worried about him, the he was annoying him, then he was saving him and now he's manhandling and cuddling him?!  He'd only known this Chanyeol person a day yet he was acting as they were close friends. Wait, Chanyeol? Where do I know that name from, wait no oh my god! Baekhyun thought as he quickly ripped himself out of Chanyeol's grasp. "Let go of me! Stay away from me okay" Baekhyun yelled as he shakily pointed an accusing finger at Chanyeol who's eyes widened in response.

"What did I do? I'm sorry that I hugged you were just so cute and adorable like I could resist" Chanyeol stuttered out guiltily.

"Yah! How I look is not an invitation to touch me!" Baekhyun shouted angrily. His emotions were beginning to overwhelm him. It had been such a long day and he'd been through so much, he just couldn't handle it anymore. 


The blushing boy had given up on understanding exactly what the hell was going on and decided to have a mental breakdown instead. Every emotion was present in his mind at that moment. A dull ache was settling into his bones, exhaustion was seeping into his very blood, he was on edge permanently; his body flinching whenever he heard any unidentifiable sound. Baekhyun felt embarrassment, confusion about how nice Chanyeol was being to him wasn't he meant to be a bad guy? He was flustered and angry and irritated and frustrated. So he cried. Big fat tears rolled down his flushed cheeks as hiccuped sounds and choked breaths escaped his throat, half way between a strange mixture of laughter and sobbing. Chanyeol closed the distance immediately and his large hands cupped Baekhyun's faced as his thumbs swiped the tears away. 

"Please don't cry! I'm sorry, did I make you cry? I'm sorry if I made you cry I didn't mean to!" Chanyeol blabbered as Baekhyun just stared up in shock. Their chests were flush against each other. Now that the tears had stopped falling one hand had removed itself from his face and now rested at his nape gently smoothing down his hair. The other hand still cupped his cheek and Baekhyun still just gaped at the tall male in response. Chanyeol stared right back, and Baekhyun awed as the light must of made his eyes have a beautiful amber glow again. Although from his line of sight Baekhyun could see that Chanyeol was no longer gazing into his hazel eyes, and instead was focused on his lips. The boy them subconsciously, and jumped as a low groan came from the other as Chanyeol's adam's apple bobbed while he swallowed nervously.

Baekhyun felt his face twitch as he tried to control his temper. Chanyeol had no right to be cuddling him and looking at him like that, and he decidedly chose to ignore the way it was making his heart race as well. He removed himself from Chanyeol's hold once more and his heel and began walking away but a hand on his wrist stopped him. 

The furious boy whipped around to face a dazed looking Chanyeol behind him.
"What do you want?! Why are you grabbing onto me, you don't even know me! Like did you want something because all your going to get right now is a slap to the face you absolute idiot!" Baekhyun all but screamed at the cowering boy as he shook off the large hand. Though he wasn't done there.

"And on top of that why were you fighting with Tao over me huh?! I know you two don't get along but don't drag me into it!" Baekhyun huffed as he crossed his arms and scowled at a very frightening looking Chanyeol. "Why did you keep kicking my chair as well?" The snarling boy moved closer to the other. "Did you just look at me and go that's it that's the one I'm going to drive to absolute insanity for the next hour is that what happened you ? Just took one look at me and went I know what'll be a great idea, let's make his day even worse than it already is!" Baekhyun continued with, though his voice trailed off to something barely above a whisper towards the end. The boy looked and felt drained, his throat was sore from screaming at the stranger and it had made his headache even worse. He just wanted to go home and preferably never see this idiot again.


"Y-you're reallycuteandpretty" were the rushed words that spewed from Chanyeol's mouth as he he continued to stare at the enraged boy.

Baekhyun paused, face flushing. Contemplating if he had heard the other right, he was about to question what the hell the other was saying but said person spoke up before he could even get a word out.

"I have long legs too" Chanyeol said to a baffled Baekhyun, almost looking proud of himself now as if those few words were supposed to explain everything. Baekhyun felt his face scrunching up in pure bewilderment, how did the giant having long legs mean anything? And yet again as he opened his mouth to question Chanyeol the other interrupted him once more.

"A-and as they are longer I have less room under the table than everyone else, so I have to stretch them out. And I kept fidgeting because my trousers wouldn't stop sticking to me because I got all wet in the rain and it was uncomfortable. I'm really sorry I kept kicking you, I didn't mean too" Chanyeol said while looking sheepishly up at the other. A soft smile forming on his face as he saw the colour still a vibrant red on Baekhyun's cheeks, but whether it was from anger or something else he did not know he just hoped it wasn't still from anger.

"I'm sorry for staring at you as well, I just couldn't take my eyes off you. You just look so-so ugh, you're so pretty!" He stated boldly as Baekhyun looked up at him in disbelief.

"Hey it's, it's okay, I'm sorry for shouting at you I've had a really bad day. Friends?" Baekhyun said quietly as he extended a hand out towards a nervous looking Chanyeol who's face split into a wide grin as he nodded excitedly and launched his own hand out towards Baekhyun's open one.

Before the two hands could meet to signal the start of a blossoming friendship arms wrapped around Baekhyun's middle from behind and he was ripped away from Chanyeol and dragged towards the door. Quickly whipping round to locate his attacker he saw an apologetic looking Luhan whispering "I'm sorry Baekkie Tao told me I had to". And turning around too face Chanyeol again he saw another heated argument taking place between the two.


"I told you to stay away from him!" Tao growled out into Chanyeol's face. "Don't ever let me catch you touching him again or not even Suho can stop me from ripping you to pieces! He's my bestfriend and I will not let that happen to him, over my dead body" he spat at the other before shoving him harshly. Tao was fuming, he could believe that Chanyeol had the audacity to waltz into his school, into his classroom, and try to get Baekhyun under his spell. "Get him out of here!" Tao barked at Luhan, who gently ushered a dazed Baekhyun out of the room and Tao himself followed shortly after.


He remained that way, dazed and confused. Wondering why he didn't push Chanyeol away or better yet why the other was so close to him in the first place. He didn't even register as the others led him out of school and walked him home. How for once they rang the door bell instead of barging it. How they waited until his mother came to the door and took over the role or watching over the star struck boy. He was there, but he wasn't there. His mother walked him to his room and left him there, saying words in soothing tones that Baekhyun couldn't hear, it was like he was underwater. Drowning in the pain of everything. He stood still in the middle of his room where his mother had left him for sometime, not moving and staring down at the floor. Shuddering breaths escaped him as everything caught up with him at once, all the emotions and the exhaustion coupled with the pain. He looked up and gazed into the mirror as tears fell once again down his face. He launched himself onto his bed and curled himself up into a tiny little ball and within minutes he had fallen into a restless sleep until he awoke a few hours later.

Baekhyun remained laying there for sometime until he froze as he heard his door slowly creaking but his racing heart calmed instantly when he felt his mattress dip slightly and loud meowing sounded from behind him. He rolled over and opened his arms out ready for his cat to bound into them and snuggle against him like they always did. But instead the tabby cat just hissed at Baekhyun and swatted at his chest angrily. "Hey hey Kiki stop that, what are you hitting me for young lady" Baekhyun scolded as he tapped the cat on her little pink nose.  The cat only launched itself forwards and bit the jumper he was wearing.

Confusion adorned his features as he looked down at the jumper that was definitely not his own and he then remembered that it was Chanyeol's. "Is it the jumper Kiki?" he said gently to the cat who still looked quite pissed off and as soon as he had sat up and removed the offending object Kiki had jumped into his lap and happily purred against him. Baekhyun picked up the jumped once more and giggled as Kiki immediately launched herself at the black fabric. "Why are you attacking it, you only attack dogs and the occasional bumble bee, cmon keeks does it smell like a dog then?" Baekhyun asked the cat in his lap as he brought the sweater to his face and indeed it did smell of wet dog. Looking down he saw Kiki idly swatting at one of the sleeves and in order to save the piece of clothing from getting shredded he extracted it from within Kiki's claws and folded it neatly before placing it in his wardrobe. He turned around and walked back towards his bed and caught his reflection in the mirror and studied it for a moment as he felt another wave of everything crash down upon him.


What he saw next he would blame on his tiredness, there was no other explanation for it. As he rapidly blinked the tears out of his eyes, it was like everything had slowed down to a mere crawling of seconds. 


The tall form of Chanyeol appeared in the reflection of the mirror he was looking into to the left and behind him. 


The boy was closer and Baekhyun swore he could feel hot bursts of air ghost his neck. 


His head was ripped to the side and Chanyeol's mouth hovered above the exposed skin of his neck, teeth grazing the pale flesh. 


Chanyeol was gone. 


The wolf was there instead. 


It's giant form towered over Baekhyun. 


A step closer. 


Another step closer. 


The thick fur tickled his skin that wasn't covered by his shirt. 


The wolf lowered its head. 


Amber eyes came into view. 


Gleaming fangs were revealed. 


Hot breath fanned over his skin again.


Baekhyun didn't open his eyes again.

Word count: 4251

Hello readers, back again for chapter four with actual Baekyeol interaction this time, hope you enjoyed reading it, I'll see you again next week ☺️

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shulahoops #1
Chapter 6: writer's block is such as isn't it
IrisBTS #2
Chapter 4: I can't wait for the next update!!! I REALLY LOVE this story! Pls keep on writing!<3
ParkGa-in #3
Chapter 4: Ooh! This is going to be a good story, I can just tell. I can't wait for another update~ ^^
myung-yeollipop #4
Chapter 4: great story so far. please continue to update this. ^^