Too Close For Comfort


An all to familiar crescendo containing great rolling waves of pain crashed down upon him and thrashed around while swirling in a dangerous vortex within the too small vessel that was Baekhyun's body. His mouth hung agape in a silent scream, the pain and sadness he felt were consuming his entirety and leaving the boy breathless and writhing in agony as he could feel nothing but the vivid emotions. Baekhyun resented whatever entity had chosen him to experience this torture, why him? There was no physical injury or illness or disease that Baekhyun had, there was no doctor that knew the cause so eventually he had given up on crying to his mother on the mornings after and kept his suffering to himself. Instead he had turned to the local library in search of answers. He had learned barely anything, but it had opened his mind to knew possibilities and after many months of piecing together everything that he could remember the boy still only had a vague idea of what was happening to him.

The pain only frequented him on the nights when he dreamt, when he had those dreams specifically. Yet another wave reminded him of what would come next, relief flooded him as the knowledge that the physical pain would fade as hie slipped into the realm of dreams. But the emotional pain he was about to face caused him to scream out in agony. The human body was only capable of dealing with so much, and Baekhyun had reached his limit a long time ago.

Baekhyun opened his eyes to see the usual disturbing image.

Looking down as streams of hot air floated from his mouth in shuddering breaths he saw pale skin surrounded by an ethereal glow. Then much like a glitch in one of his games, every few seconds Baekhyun would see a ghostly version of himself flicker an inch or so above his actual body. It was like a ghostly mirror was reflecting him, only he felt his stomach lurch every time it appeared as if Baekhyun was actually moving with the pale apparition. Time was no longer a factor, each time this act would make him forget the agony he was experiencing. His eyes would become glued to the opaque form as it burst out from within and then fade away, each time more and more of his body would suddenly materials above him and would stay there for just a second longer. It wasn't until he was staring at the back of his head, his hair no longer the chestnut brown it was now but instead was a pure white. The colourless strands actually shifted with the breeze coming from the open window and Baekhyun swore he could feel the cold air on the back of his neck. For a millisecond he was no longer gazing at his head but at the ceiling instead, but as soon as he blinked he was back down again.

He had no idea how long it went on for but as the ghostly body rose further and further away from his skin but each inch dulled the pain a little. A sound akin to that of actual oceans filled his ears but it wasn't sea water that sloshed about. It was his own blood. The image of the room was beginning to blur and twist into new shapes and swirls, the sight was making his dizzy. A new sound joined the rushing blood, it was the rapid pounding of his heart as things began to fade to a void of darkness. Everything fell away, he could no longer feel the breeze from his open window grazing along his skin nor could he feel the bed beneath him. He couldn't feel his chest rise and fall anymore, the involuntary action that kept him alive had abruptly ceased leaving him gasping for air and had his hands clawing at his throat. But as always, the last thing that Baekhyun felt before his dreams began was the pain coupled with the sound of another's heartbeat pounding alongside his own in an alternate rhythm.



Baekhyun came back to consciousness and heaved in a massive breath of air. Once his head had stopped spinning he opened his eyes to see the usual mass of green overtaking his regained sight. He was in a large forest, trees of varied greens and heights littered the landscape in thick clusters, flowers sprouted from the ground and from in between the roots of the trees in a multitude of colours. The area was clean and untouched, the rich earth looked healthy and animals bounded about freely. Man had not been here, yet. Well apart from himself that is. Only he isn't really there, it's him but not actually him. It was just someone he shared a body with whom was completely oblivious to this fact. After seeing no other possible option Baekhyun developed a theory that when he 'dreams' he's actually seeing the world through another's eyes and remained trapped within their body till morning.

The person was tall, Baekhyun had deduced this when suddenly the world seemed a little bit further down than he was used to and how some things made the person bend over to reach or walk through where Baekhyun wouldn't of had to do either. Smooth and youthful skin, as well as the ability to run and leap and walk for hours indicated that the person was young, maybe as young as him or maybe in his twenties. Baekhyun would never know. Everything he thought he knew about this person was solely based on observations and guesses. Though one thing he knew for sure was that the person was a male, he still flushed with embarrassment and shuddered with disgust when he remember the incident where the other had been walking and stood by the side of the to go about his business.


Baekhyun has long since given up on trying to figure out why is happened or what was causing it, every Google search or library book had resulted in nothing but more questions. He'd spent hours pouring himself over any book that was remotely relevant and had spent far too much time exhausting himself over a computer or laid awake for hours on end crying and screaming from stress. And if he was being perfectly honest with himself Baekhyun highly doubted that he was a demon child possessing other people while he slept. All he knew is that it would happen once or twice a week, the pain would be similar each time and he would always merge with the same person.


The only thing that changed was the location, the person was never in the same place twice. Baekhyun had seen so much in his short seventeen years without even leaving the country. He had seen desolation within abandoned lands and bustling cities with no room to breathe, witnessed crumbling ruins followed by rushing rivers and awed at tropical rainforests which contrasted greatly to the quiet villages. He'd been subjected to absolute solitude with no other living person for mile, and the next week he was in the middle of a city centre with only other people for a mile. Baekhyun must of heard every language by now, he'd heard the bluntness of Russian and the permanent underline of flirtation in Italian and thousands of others each with its own individual melody. He'd seen people react with anger towards this person; attempting to harm or injure them with bullets or knives or rocks but the person never fought back. Some had reacted with fear or respect or a mixture of both; they had left offerings and bowed or knelt whenever in the presence of the strange person. But never had he been shown kindness or compassion, and that fact struck a cord with Baekhyun. So far he'd seen everywhere and everything, all through the eyes of another. And it terrified him. How did this person get from one extreme of the world to another and more importantly why?


Combined with all that Baekhyn had seen, Baekhyun had also felt every emotion humanly possible as well. Well, he says humanly possible but that didn't really apply to this person. Yet every emotion that had coursed through this persons veins like a toxic vermin with the intent to kill, every emotion that had struck the other with such a colossal force the boy felt. And Baekhyun had no idea how the other managed to contain it all. Each emotion by itself was like a vicious beast clawing to get out but when they were all together and combined into one all consuming feeling it was as if there were thousands of these aggressive beast bearing down on this one person. He had woken up after dreams with just a whisper of the fierce feelings still clinging to his mind but that was all that it took to send him over the edge. It took just a sliver of what the other felt to leave him a sobbing mess, with tears streaming down his face like blood pouring from a wound yet much like the blood his tears signified how much pain he was in. Not forgetting how much pain the other was in. Who on this earth deserved to feel so much sadness, or loneliness?! But Baekhyun could do nothing, he could not take this person into his arms even though every fibre of his being was screaming for him to do so. He could do nothing but watch as the emotions finally broke through and devoured the other boy.

Baekhyun could only watch as he heard the other in strangled breaths as they wailed. He could only watch as his vision became blurred and distorted from tears and when the surroundings seemed to jump in his line of sight due to the sobs wracking their body. He had seen anger cloud their mind as fists flew into walls and doors. He'd watched everything be torn apart or broken, the sheets were ripped by hands alone and plates thrown against walls in fits of nothing but rage. Baekhyun could only watch as the other destroyed themselves. He'd been there to witness all of it, every breakdown, every moment of weakness. He'd seen the terrifying silent breakdowns where the other would cry but no sound would pass their lips, they would just lay there as the tears streamed. The boy had watched through the eyes of another as they stood upon a building on the top floor and waited horrified as they looked down. It was then that Baekhyun realised how real this was, that he isn't dreaming. There was an actual persons life that he was seeing in his dreams. And as he woke up dry heaving and sobbing after watching the other look down he realised that this other person meant a great deal to Baekhyun. Somewhere along the line Baekhyun has begun to care deeply for the stranger.


The bouts of sadness and fits of rage though violent were not frequent thankfully. The only emotion that continuously haunted and plagued the other was a deep longing, a fathomless need for something. Baekhyun could sense it resonating within every fibre of the others being, it felt as if this man was missing a limb or a piece of his heart. And the other was incredibly desperate to find it. Be it a person or an object Baekhyun did not know. All he knew was that the reason why this person was travelling all over the world was probably to search for it in the vain hope of smothering the feeling of longing and brokenness.


Baekhyun was snapped out of his wandering thoughts when the other stopped dead in his tracks and stayed completely still for a moment. He often fell down a metaphorical rabbit hole with his thoughts, why wouldn't he? He had to spend about eight hours looking through another's eyes until he woke up, his mind often strayed due to boredom. It happened often if he wasn't interested in the surrounding area. Some of the time he was in exotic cities filled with new people, and then on other occassions he was in beautiful and peaceful forests. In the beginning anything and everything had intrigued him, the mere fact that he was looking observing someone else's life was enough to permanently stun and captivate him. Though after realising that the person never does anything bar walking and searching soon Baekhyun lost interest and much like now his mind had escaped to other realms.

Though everything came to a halt. A complete stand still, bike rising in the back of his throat and face twisting in disgust. He screwed his eyes shut in an attempt to block out what was happening next but he knew that it would do nothing. He could close his eyes but he could not shut of his ears to the horrific sounds that he knew would come next. There was no point, he just had to grin and bear it, though he definitely wouldn't be grinning. But as he opened his eyes he was met with a pleasant surprise, though after a few seconds the sight instilled utter and pure fear within him.


Directly in front of the person was a worn old sign. It was mainly white in colour with a black border, light rust in the upper corner and writing in faded black and partially missing letters. For the first time ever, the person was in Korea. Because written in Korean on that sign was a town name. Wait was that his town name?! Thinking about it now, the flowers in the forest were most commonly found in his town and so where that particular species of tree. How had Baekhyun not seen it? Could it be true, could this stranger be in his town where his sleeping body was resting in his home? What did this mean? Before Baekhyun could take another look to see if the sign really did read the words he dreaded they read hot clouds of breath escaping the other' smooth clouded his sight and his line of sight dropped due to the other crouching down.


It had begun. The most disturbing and mentally scarring event that Baekhyun had ever witnessed in his entire life that no matter how many times he saw it would still be left with the lingering taste of bile in his throat. It was something that Badkhyun always tried to block from his memory, to bleach from his very existence. It was already strange enough how he would invade someone else's privacy and become privy to everything that this person did for eight hours, but for this to happen was just terrifying and chilling on a whole new level.

The boy now had to stare in horror as he watched the large pale hands with skin and bones rippling like waves underneath gripped the earth as the other looked down towards the floor. But he would hear it first. The rumble, the growl coming deep from within the other's body. Baekhyun felt it reverberate throughout his entire being. The predatory sound would be followed by ripping; but not that of clothes, of skin instead as it stretched over elongating bones that cracked and snapped as they formed a new structure. There was no sound however as thick glossy fur grew over the torn skin while it began to mesh back together over the new form. Large canine paws now dug into the earth instead of hands.

The boy would then be er punched in the face by new heightened senses. The smell of the earth flooded into his nose and the scents of oil and trash could faintly be detected. The smell of humans and flowers blended together in a sickly sweet smell that disgusted the other. The sound of absolutely everything would crowd his head leaving little room for all else. Every bird, every twig snapping, every trickle of the day's rain as it coursed its path over trees and leaves as well as the thrum of human life in the nearby town. Baekhyun's vision would sharpen immensely and be filled with images of things miles away. It would cause pain to blossom in Baekhyun's mind as he simply couldn't handle everything all at once yet the other who's mind he was occupying took it all in his stride and continued prowling about the forest.


A raised snout popped into view as the other inhaled deeply before clouds of air harshly flew from the large black nose, the wolf had begun panting like crazy and high pitched yips sounded repeatedly. Baekhyun had no idea what the scent belonged to but it was heavenly. His breath caught in his throat as a strangled sound escaped him, his face burned crimson and his heart raced but Baekhyun ignored it and put his body's odd reactions down to the connected feelings he shared with the other. He felt the other's permanent sense of longing begin to fade and a feeling of completion replaced it. The wolfs muscles shifted seemingly coiling with power like a viscous snake waiting to strike and then suddenly burst into life. Following the scent with a speed no human is capable of, bounding over and weaving through anything that was in the way till the other found the strongest concentration of the scent.

It was in a house. A human home. Bricks that built the building were a rich orangey colour with a climbing plant covering at least half of the building with leaves varying from a yellowy-greens to dark emerald ones. A dark brown wooden door and large window panes boarded in a similar colour. The curtains were drawn and not a single light was on, presumably meaning that all the people within the home were asleep. The divine smell was circling the home and was getting stronger and stronger with every step the other took towards it. The world abruptly shifted for Baekhyun as the wolf clambered over the painted black fence blocking off the home, and then the soft pads of large paws met damp grass as the canine wandered about the edge of the house. Nose pressed flat to the ground in an attempt to locate the origin of the scent but after scouring throughout the large garden and finding nothing the only logical choice was that its origin was in the house itself. The world shifted yet again as Baekhyun felt sudden vertigo make his head spin and stomach drop because the one he was inhabiting had raised himself onto his hind legs to investigate the rustic looking home. With a tail between his legs the wolf turned and sat of the patio in front of the home and began howling towards the upper window.


Baekhyun felt the rush of emotions flood the other and couldn't help but grin at how happy the other felt. He couldn't believe it, after all these years the other boy had finally found what he had searched so long for. Tears clouded Baekhyun's eyes this time and as they fell his vision cleared. The fact that he was crying over someone that he had never met didn't even phase him. Baekhyun may not of known this persons name but he knew more about the other than he knew about Tao, or his mother, or even himself. It was as if the world was suddenly filled with colour for the other, a blank canvas had been filled and consumed by a magnitude of colour, clouds had been lifted and suddenly sunlight adorned the land like a badge of honour. It was amazing to watch, to feel, it was one of the most humbling moments he had ever experienced. Baekhyun then noticed that the other was tilting his muzzle upwards to a window on the second floor of the house.

There was a person standing there, in that window.

A white shirt was hanging off the boy's small frame and boxers peaked out from underneath. Long slender limbs could be seen amidst the fabric, they weren't much darker than the white shirt. Feminine features graced his face and soft locks of brown hair had fallen in front of his closed eyes. The boy was swaying from side to side slightly, seemingly oblivious to the world around him. The moonlight was floating through the large window which illuminated the high cheek bones and highlighted the pretty Cupid's bow. Baekhyun could feels the other's heart soar wild and free amount the midnight sky as he laid eyes upon this boy. Baekhyun felt like he recognised the person but he just couldn't figure out where from.


Baekhyun began to feel weird. Really weird. Not that he didn't already feel weird from viewing someone else's life while they were clueless about it. This was a different weird, a disturbing weird, like a lull before a storm. Only this wasn't a storm, and if it was one it would be the kind of storm to desolate entire continents and obliterate everything in its path. Baekhyun had no idea was what coming but he felt sick to his very core. His heart had begun to pound at a concerning speed, getting faster and faster as the seconds went past. Coupled with the blood rushing in his ears those things combined to make a horrifying symphony escalating and quickening it's pace till it reach its peak. And then it fell to a worrying low, just like the tears still streaming down his face but they were no longer of joy but of pure fear instead. Silence consumed his mind and soul, filling him to the brim with nothingness. He could see his ghostly body flickering above the wolf's sporadically. The boy felt panic deep within himself, this had never ever happened before.

Baekhyun looked up to see what was happening; he desperately scanned the area to make sense of what was causing this event to happen. His brown eyes flickered around the vicinity wildly only to finally see with cleared vision that the boy standing in the window wasn't just any boy. It was him. Baekhyun, the actual Baekhyun was standing in the window, he was standing in that window but he was also watching himself stand in the window. His mind reeled from the complexity of that thought. Then the feelings from before swarmed him once more. His heart rose to a drastic high but this time it completely crashed down and stopped pounding, it stopped completely. The world shifted in slow motion and seemed to twist around him as everything blurred, his feet no longer touched the ground and the emotions from the other no longer filled his mind. Everything was spinning and Baekhyun felt himself being raised up and a rush of air dance along his skin. Then it stopped, everything just stopped.



Oxygen flooded his lungs and as soon as it had once more a choked scream escaped his lips. He spun around wildly trying to make sense of what had just happened and where he was now. But his body seemed to weak to cope with the sudden movement and he struggled to stand. Baekhyun reached out a shaking hand towards the wall, a surface, the floor, to anything, in an attempt to steady himself, but his fingertips only found the cool surface of the window. He immediately reached his other hand forward and focused on the chilly glass beneath his hand which managed to centre his thoughts and drag his mind away from the dangerous rabbit hole it was teetering on the edge of.

It was then that Baekhyun realised that these were his eyes he was seeing with, it was his bare feet that were on the cold wooden floor in his bedroom, his hands on the window, not the other's. Panic gripped him like a vice as Baekhyun raised his head to look out his window. The moonlight didn't give much aid to his now human eyesight so he could only make out vague shapes, none of which provided him with the answer he so desperately needed. Where was the werewolf now? He dreaded what he would see once his eyes adjusted to the darkness but he had to know if it was a dream or not, he had to know if it was real. His shaking legs barely obeyed him as his mind screamed for them to find their way through the darkness that engulfed the hallways and stairs. Once downstairs in his kitchen, he hurriedly manoeuvred around his table and over furniture within the room. Baekhyun stretched out his arms feebly almost afraid that the creature would somehow be in his house, and let out a shriek of surprise whenever they came into contact with a solid object. But the spike in fear would level out once more when he realised that it was just the fridge and his hands fumbled over the magnets he had stuck upon said refrigerator. Reaching over he felt the dining table next and knew that he wasn't far from the back door now. He was so close, but so close to what was the real question.

One searching hand had found the glass of the door and the other cold trembling hand brushed the plastic surrounding the light switch which would illuminate the garden, and as Baekhyun pressed his quivering fingertips lightly to the switch it began to move under his finger. But he just couldn't press it down. Half of him was desperate to see if the wolf was still sat in his garden waiting for him, but the other half was terrified that the wolf actually was still sat there waiting for him. The switch had not fully clicked into place yet, it was resting at about halfway though it was enough to turn the light on. Light flooded his garden. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not a single thing was out of place or had been moved. No claw marks from where it had clambered over the fence, no muddy paw prints either. Relief flooded Baekhyun and his body instantly relaxed. His shoulders slumped down as a strained laugh trickled quietly out of his mouth, yet again he was split in two; half was glad there was nothing, but the other half was wondering both where the wolf was if it wasn't in his garden and if it was even real in the first place. As his body relaxed further his hand slipped off the switch and the light abruptly cut off surprising Baekhyun who squeaked in response. Filled with assurance and confidence that there was nothing there he slapped his hand on the switch once more to turn the light on again.

Silence filled the house and Baekhyun's ears. His breathing stopped, trapped in his throat alongside a scream trying to claw it's way out. Mere inches from the glass door he stood in front of was a wolf.

A beast.

A monster.

A creature.

It didn't move though, just watched. It's eyes were far above the level of Baekhyun's, placing it at about seven to eight feet tall. Thick dark fur covered it's entire being. As a choked whine of fear escaped his lips the beast went rigid. It's ears cocked forwards and the pupils surrounded by a burning amber dilated. Slowly, it lowered its head till it hovered in line with Baekhyun's palm that was still placed on the door. The creature's golden eyes locked onto him and bore holes into Baekhyun's own hazel ones. Before he had time to react, it's head jerked forward to smash into the door and Baekhyun felt the sheer magnitude of the power travel up his arm. His bones cracked and popped and his skin seemed to burn with unseen flames. The shock sent him reeling backwards till the back of his head met hard flooring. A sickening crack of bone could be heard and everything stilled. Darkness engulfed him.


Word count: 4676

Hello readers, back again for chapter two ☺️ The huge section was meant to be a dream sequence if you will, sorry if that confused anyone. Any questions you have about the story you can leave down below, thank you for reading and I hoped you liked it, till next time ☺️☺️

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shulahoops #1
Chapter 6: writer's block is such as isn't it
IrisBTS #2
Chapter 4: I can't wait for the next update!!! I REALLY LOVE this story! Pls keep on writing!<3
ParkGa-in #3
Chapter 4: Ooh! This is going to be a good story, I can just tell. I can't wait for another update~ ^^
myung-yeollipop #4
Chapter 4: great story so far. please continue to update this. ^^