The Revival of Time - Cosyheartx

The Holy Opinions of a Reviewer (Tutorials and Reviews)
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Found a great way to plan an entire novel under a day. Might share it soon enough. :)


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Updated May 31,2012.
Chapter 9: I just love how honest your reviews are. And yes, it makes me feel nervous to actually think of having my stories reviewed because oh my gosh, I am not ready to have me slapped with my rotting stories. > u <
commovente #3
Greetings Almighty Guru! It would be an honor to receive your holy opinion of my fanfic entitled GUTS.



As for my question, it can be anything right? In all honestly, how do you get over writer's block. :(

Thank you! <3
hello there, new subscriber here! & i'd like you to review my story. it's already completed and only has 3 chapters. take your time & thank you before! c:

{ }
Reading your reviews is like a breath of fresh air. You don't sugarcoat things but you aren't rude or mean either, you seem to be very polite and truthful. The way you write your reviews I can tell you must be a great writer, and I'm trying to better my writing by just reading them. Excuse me while I go subscribe and read some of your other stories.
Hello! I would like to request a review for my story~
I really appreciate some constructive criticism so that I can improve my writing!
Oh! Wah... I forgot to ask my question... Well... hmmm...

I don't really know if others deal with this too, but it's been bothering me a slight bit. Okay, so inspiration. I'm assuming for lots of writers, it comes out of the blue when you're completely unprepared and when you ARE prepared, nothing.

When my inspiration comes, it's usually to deliver a quick idea and then it's gone, so (I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense) I stick to writing oneshots.

I've tried writing chaptered stories, but I always lose focus and inspiration somewhere in the middle and I never really finish it. Even if I plan it all out and what not, no matter how short or long it is, if I'm not inspired to write or I don't feel like it, nothing decent comes out.

That's why I stick to oneshots because they're pretty short and I usually have enough attention span and inspiration to finish it all in one go.

My question: do you have any suggestions as to how I can over come my resistance to writing chaptered stories?

I'm sorry for the long comment :)
New subbie >< I've read all of your reviews out of curiosity and I must say I love the way you deliver your criticism! You don't sugar coat your opinions like lots of reviewers I've found on AFF and yet you always have evidence ready to back up your point, which I'd find really helpful.
If you have time, I'd love to here your opinion on this oneshot I've written:

Beware, it's , but the physical interaction between the characters is limited. I tried to make it a more emotional interaction.
alize_sakura #9
Hello~ New requester here~
Guru, can you check on my fic~

I don't know why but I'm kinda desperate with this fic~
It seems that this fic is always overlooked by everyone~
So, is it good? or is it bad?

Thank you~ ^^
I have so much to learn from you~ hmm I never thought about voices before. :/ and I feel like scrapping all my stories and restarting >.>