
Day & Night

Chapter Ten


Both of them took this opportunity to learn more about each other. Even the little details could lead to the big ones, but the two would soon forget their mission as their day unfolded.


"Did you get into a fight?" she said, fixing her skirt. "I know it's not my business to get involved in your life, but..."

"Yeah," he lied, giving her a slight nod. "Don't worry about it, Jiwoo. Really."

"The more you say that, the more I worry," she mumbled. 

He put his arm around her shoulders and grinned. "Come on, forget about this. Let's just go do something fun."

"W-Where are we going?"

"How about..."


She was dragged to a mall and usually, it would be the girl dragging her boyfriend to the mall, but in this case, it was the opposite. The only time Jiwoo went shopping was when her employees dragged her to go with them. She wasn't a big fan of shopping and walking in the mall for hours was a complete waste of time to her. 


"Shopping?" she asked, looking around. 

"Yes, shopping," he responded.

"You like going to the mall?"

He shook his head. "Not alone."

"Me too," she said, walking inside, then pointed at the skate shop. "Hey, can we go there? I want a new board."





Sangbae quietly followed her around and observed. She looked like a little kid in a candy store. When he saw her reach for a board, he stood behind and helped her. The scent of vanilla hit him and reminded him of that night. Looks can be deceiving, but he believed that her and the other person weren't the same people. He didn't know what gender the mysterious person was, so he didn't want to point fingers just yet.


"I- Uh-"

"Sorry," he said, lowering his arms and taking a step back. "This one, right?"

She nodded and looked at the violet penny board. "This one is pretty, don't you think?"

"Do you like it?" he asked and she nodded. "I'll buy it for you."

"No, I have money."

"It'll be my gift to you."

She protested. "But you always buy coffee from the shop. I think I should gift you back."

"How about this?" he suggested, knowing that he wouldn't be able to win an argument against her. "You treat me to lunch?"

"Okay, but you have to order the most expensive meal. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair."

He laughed and shook his head. "What if I don't like the most expensive meal?"

She rolled her eyes, then playfully punched him in the arm. "Let's go. Thanks for the gift, Sangbae."

"Don't mention it."


Sangbae paid for the board and then the two left the shop and continued to walk around the mall. For once, he felt relaxed and care free. Jiwoo made him nervous, but at the same time, she also calmed his nerves. He didn't want to wait any longer. All he wanted to do was to embrace her and call her his.There was a whole scenario planned in his head of how he was going to ask her out, but it was way too complicated. Buying roses, setting up beautiful lights around the park, having the guys hold a dozen roses in their hands... That was too complex and it's not like he was proposing to her, but if he was, he would go with that idea. However, he planned to ask her to be his girlfriend, not ask her to be his wife...yet. 


"Lunch time! What are we eating?"

He looked at his watch and his eyes widened. "Damn, it's noon already? Let's eat over there."


"Remember to order the most expensive thing, okay?" she reminded him as they made their way to the restaurant, "Or just order a bunch of desserts after your meal."

He chuckled, then cocked an eyebrow. "You trying to make me fat?"

"You can't get fat," she shook her head, then slapped his stomach. "Those abs are rock hard."

"Why do you keep catching me off guard?" he asked, clutching onto his stomach.

She smiled and kept shut.

"Oh, I see how it is," he muttered, pouting as he tried to get her attention.

"Oh wow, Mr. Gang Member here is acting all cute," she whispered, loud enough for him and only him to hear. "I wonder what your opponents think."

"Killing them with my good looks," he winked, making her roll her eyes.


The hours went by quick and soon the sun no longer shone. The moon watched them as they walked back home. The two were silent, but the street was filled with noise. He saw her looking down at the ground and took a glimpse of her face. There was a huge smile plastered on her face. 


"Why're you smiling at the ground?" 

"Because today was a good day," she responded, looking up at him. "Even though we walked for 7 hours."

"And you got a new board," he reminded her.

She lifted the bag up and nodded. "Thanks again, Sangbae."

He rubbed his stomach. "Thanks for lunch and dinner."

"Are your abs still rock hard?"

"I think my abs are gone now after eating that slice of cake," he joked, causing her to giggle.

She walked into the lobby and pressed the elevator button. "I still have to invite you along with the guys over for dinner."

"I think I should invite you over for dinner," he corrected her. "You treated me lunch and dinner today; it's my turn."

"But we're even now," she said, stepping into the elevator.

He shook his head. "No, we're not anymore. You said that you were treating me to lunch, but what ended up happening was you treated me to both lunch and dinner."

"Okay, okay, fine."


The elevator went up and they continued talking, but he secretly wished that their day wouldn't come to an end. The numbers went up fast and soon, they arrived on the floor they lived in. He walked her to her apartment silently, knowing that goodbye was the last thing he wanted to say. She took out her keys and opened her door, then stepped inside and turned around to face him.


"Thank you," she said, with a huge smile on her face. "I had a lot of fun."

"Me too," he responded, extending his arms out. "Hug to end the night?"


She laughed and hugged him, wrapping her arms tightly around him. They pulled away just a little bit and realized how close their faces were. He stared into her eyes and leaned in, taking the risk of either getting rejected or accepted. It took her a second to react and he felt her lips against his. He didn't believe it until he felt her soft, tender hands touch his face. 


Slowly, he pulled away and laughed nervously. "Great way to end the night, huh?"

"It completes our night together."

"Goodnight, Jiwoo."

"Goodnight," she whispered, closing the door and officially putting an end to their date.



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madmadpii_ #1
Chapter 17: Yeaaa finally!! >,<
madmadpii_ #2
Chapter 16: The story is so good~~ Update soon please. I love the romance story between Jiwoo and Sangbae XD. Fighting author!!
Chapter 15: YES ING YES
Chapter 15: YES ING YES
Chapter 14: hell yes they need to talk alright maybe even more than that ;)) haha
Chapter 12: Wonderful❤❤❤
mental_cherry #7
Chapter 11: I just just want to scream into a pillow XD that was awesome!!
Chapter 11: oh ttt this is getting so juicy
Chapter 11: Good story loved it ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 10: omg yesssss they finally kiss