Strike 2 - Busted

Dreaming the impossible (HIATUS)

A/N: oh no, this fic seems to be failing miserably. no subscribers, no comments, no nothing! is it really that bad? but if you do find this interesting, please comment and subscribe! tq^^




I haven't been able to find my phone anywhere. I've looked for it everywhere possible in the house. My guess would be that I dropped it when I fell off my bike yesterday. I couldn't get more clumsy than this. I always lose everything in my possession. I never get to keep things to myself. It was like I couldn't own anything. It felt really frustrating.


I did my deliveries as usual today after being scolded by my employers. It was all because of the complaints from the residents about the papers being all over the place yesterday. Clumsy me. What was I thinking? Trying to set a record? I should restrain myself from trying to do something that extreme again.


When I came to the place where I fell yesterday, I stopped and started to search for my phone. I was in front of one the big houses in the neighborhood, with steps leading up the side gate. And other than that, I couldn't see anything behind the gigantic gates. After a few minutes of not finding anything, I sat down on the steps for a rest. That was when something came flying out of nowhere and bounced off my bike and hit me right on the forehead. I fell backwards, flat on the concrete steps.


Tears formed in my eyes as I thought about how clumsy I was being. No, that wasn't me being clumsy. That was just bad luck. Come to think of it, my luck hasn't been so good for the past year or so. So much has been happening, changing, that even I wasn't sure about whether everything was reality or merely a dream. Maybe a bad dream, a nightmare. I couldn't even be sure of which.


Then the gate opened, and I wasn't surprised to see that it was the same boy from yesterday. He was upside down, staring at me with mouth agape. “Woh! I hit angel-noona again!” he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at him and closed them before I could see his reaction. “Noona?”


I never liked kids because I was an only child. People would think that I'd want a younger sibling so that I wouldn't feel lonely. But they were wrong of course. I never wanted siblings. I didn't like the thought of sharing my parents' love. But I guess that was something I couldn't own forever.


And what was with this boy? He kept on calling me noona. Something poked my cheek, and when I opened my eyes I saw that he was sitting next to me. He puffed up his cheeks and heaved out a sigh, “Noona...”


Don't call me that,” I simply told him, and left. As I arrived home, I remembered about trying to find my phone. I forgot all about it when that boy gave me a concussion. Maybe I should consider asking him about it tomorrow.


After seeing appa ride off to work, I strolled down the path that led to a junction. The left turn led to the post office while the right led to the school. But it was a long walk, and I took my time, purposely being later. I wondered if I would be able to see him today. I hoped I would, just to prove that he wasn't something I made up. I halted when I came to a corner that led straight to the school. There were still some students passing by, whispering among themselves as they approached the school gates. They were obviously talking about me; they kept glancing at me every step of the way. But I ignored them like usually did, waiting for the bell to ring. A couple of minutes passed, and the bell went off.


I straightened my uniform and ran my fingers through my frizzy hair. I inhaled deeply as I took a step forward, lazily walking towards the front gates. Without looking ahead of me, I went on and bumped into someone. So he wasn't a dream after all. I didn't make him up.


Yaa, you're later. Again!” he looked at me with hesitant eyes and pursed his lips nervously.


I couldn't stop myself from smiling widely at him. It just felt so good to see him again. But he didn't have his glasses on today and he was acting weird.


Let me see your warning card,” he shook his head as if to clear it or something. Then he took out a notebook and a pen. I gave him a questioning look and he gestured for me to take out the card and give it to him. “I need to sign it to prove that you already got two warnings from me.” he explained, avoiding my gaze.


I didn't expect him to ask for the card. I had all my warnings crammed into the back pocket of my back-pack and I had no idea which one was his. I knew I couldn't just go through them in order to find his card. Then he would find out that I had more than one. So I ped the pocket slowly and grabbed the first card that I touched. And just as I pulled it out, it brought everything out with it too.


His mouth dropped open as he crouched to down to pick up the cards that fell. The guy gasped and stuttered, “Y-y-you...all these...?”


Embarrassed, I hid my face behind the card that I was holding. Bad luck or me being clumsy? I guessed both. Things couldn't get any worse. At least I hoped so, as I stood there waiting for him to say something. I should prepare for the worse, even though I didn't expect things to turn out like this. The worse that could happen was that he would send me to the headmaster's office or call appa. Oh no. Please not the latter.


Suddenly, his hand pushed the card down slowly to reveal his displeased face. I knew I shouldn't be staring at him in my situation, but I couldn't help it. It felt like my eyes were glued to his face. I took a good look at him and realized that he was a lot taller than me and had a really well-built body. Then he gave the weird look again and turned away. “Look, I'll let you off this time.”


I didn't think I saw it wrong, but I believed he was blushing?

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update please
please update! this story is very good!
very good update soon!
yay an update ^^ the story gets more interesting by the second~ i wonder what exactly does Dongho mean by his words?Well i guess i'll find out in one of the future chapters :3 Keep up the great work!
Hey 1st commenter here ^^ And no way you're failing i just love the story so far~ It's really interesting and i can't wait for further updates!This mystery "later guy" is really a wonder but i somehow have the feeling it's Eli or Kevin but i really dunno~ Good luck with the story! ^^