Take care of you

Nyongtory one-shot anthology

Apparently, Jiyong hadn't left the studio in two days. He was ill and refused to leave until the song was done. Teddy said that he couldn't even get him to walk around the company building. So here I was, pouring homemade chicken broth into a flask and putting fried beef into a container. The things I did for that man. 

Upon leaving my apartment, I remembered what a fusspot Jiyong was about pills so I turned back around and disintegrated the medicine into the broth. He would never know. 

It was cold outside, it always was at this time of year. I sang along to the radio on the way to the building and when I got there I had a smile on my face. 

The corridors were filled with staff and dancers, as was the cafeteria. Usually people congregated on the rooftop but it was much too cold for that today. 

As I neared the studio, I checked I had everything before silently opening the door. 

Jiyong sat curled up on the chair, wrapped in a scarf and hat - surrounded by tissues and empty mugs of tea. Thick rimmed glasses sat on the edge of his slightly red nose. He didn't hear me come in due to the headphones he was wearing. 

I leant against the door frame and watched him with a placid smile on my face. He was busy working away and every few seconds sniffed before sneezing. He was wearing baggy tiger print tracksuit and a thick woolly sweater. 

It was only when I dumped the bag I was holding onto the desk that he noticed my presence. When I say noticed, I mean jumped out of his skin. The head phones unplugged from the computer and music came booming through the loud speakers, vibrating the studio. He regained balance and hastily pressed pause before realigning his glasses on the end of his nose. 

"Yah! Maknae don't scare me like that!" he yelled. His voice was completely bunged up and it hardly sounded like Jiyong anymore. After he shouted at me, it sent him into a coughing fit and I whacked his back with a sheepish smile on my face. 

"Sorry" he glared at me and sat back down on the chair. 

"What are you doing here anyway?" he asked. 

"You haven't left the studio in two days and apparently you've barely been eating so I brought you some food." I explained. His eyes narrowed suspiciously. 

"Teddy told you that didn't he, he keeps trying to get me to go out. I need to finish this song though!" I listened to him rant whilst unpacking the containers of food from the bag. 

"Did you take any medication?" I asked. 

"No, who are you, my mother?" he said jokingly. I shook my head. "Sit here" he said after a few moments, patting his lap. I complied and lightly sat down on his thighs. When the smell of the beef wafted through the room, his eyes lit up. 

I ripped the package of the chopsticks open and tried to give them to him but he shook his head and opened his mouth instead. "Seriously" I groaned, but I was grinning at the same time. I scooped up a piece of beef with the chopsticks and fed it to him. He chewed on it for a few seconds before swallowing painfully. "Is it that bad?" I joked. 

"My throats really sore at the moment. But it was nice" he answered reassuringly. I nodded. 

"Have some chicken broth instead" I smiled. He smiled. 

"Your too good to me." When I had unpacked a spoon from the pack, I fed the chicken broth to him instead. He rested one hand on my waist while I sat on his lap feeding him. There was one particularly nice looking piece of chicken and he was eyeing it so I scooped it onto the spoon. Just as it was about to go into his mouth, I changed course and put the spoon in my own instead. 

"Yah!" he shouted. 

"That one would have hurt your throat" I answered cheekily. He whacked my bum playfully and I laughed before carrying on. 

When the soup was gone he looked in the bag. "Aren't you going to try and force feed me medicine?" 

"It was in the soup" I gleefully replied. "I knew you would be a baby about it so I took the liberty of putting it with the chicken" he gasped dramatically. 

"You didn't, you are one smart man" I nodded. 

"Don't I know it" I closed all the containers and out them back in the bag. "You probably want to work so I'll get going" as I was about to stand up from his lap he tugged me back down so I was against his chest. 

"Stay with me" he whispered. I let myself sink further into his chest and leant my cheek against his shoulder. His arm wrapped around my waist whilst the other one carried on clicking away. 

I watched him work for about twenty minutes before the steady rhythm of his heart topped off with him rubbing circles into my bare hip sent me to sleep. 

It was Jiyong sneezing that woke me up. I opened my eyes on the fourth sneeze and realized my position. My arm had found it's way under Jiyong's shirt and my hand rested on his hip, I had my face buried into the crook of of his neck and my knee was pressed against his crotch. I jerked up, automatically kneeing him in the balls. He groaned and his face contorted in pain. 

"Do you know how many times you have done that in the past few hours?" he moaned. 

"Hours!" I looked at the clock on the computer and realized I had been sleeping for nearly three hours. He rested a hand protectively over his crotch area. 

"Don't even think about it!" I laughed and held my hands up in surrender. 

"I wasn't even thinking about it!" I laughed. He hesitantly removed his hand and narrowed his eyes again. "Your arse really isn't that great" I joked again. 

"You know you want it" was the sassy reply. I face palmed and reached out. He slipped his hand into mine and stood up from the chair. 

"Lets go for a walk" I smiled. He tightened his grip on my hand and laced his fingers through mine before agreeing. 

"How comes you're so eager now?" 

"I finished the song" 

"What? How? I thought you had loads left to do!" Jiyong blushed and looked down at his hands. 

"Inspiration" was the short reply. I realized what he was insinuating and blushed as well. 

"Oh" Jiyong coughed and kept up a slow pace as we strolled through the building. We rounded a corner and bumped into Teddy. 

"Seriously, Jiyong. You refused to go for a walk with me but now Seungri's here you leave happily!" he was laughing knowingly as he said it and Jiyong grinned sheepishly.

"Seungri's special" He grinned.

"Oh just get together already!" Teddy laughed, making kissy faces. And I merely squeezed JiYong's hand tighter.


Sorry it's short, but it was fluffy and non angst so don't hate. I've been super busy lately which is why the updates are so late all the time. Please comment and upvote, it means a lot. THANKS IF YOU ALREADY DID!

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Chapter 7: I hope this was long...loved it
Chapter 8: Yes riri belongs to ji❣
Chapter 7: Heart warming❤❤
Chapter 5: Seungri T_T
Chapter 1: This two are meant for together!!!❤
pandari_1212 #6
Chapter 61: cuteee :)
Chapter 34: This put a smile on my face and I can’t help hoping and wishing for it to happen in the future.
Chapter 54: im giggling...
Chapter 6: This is really heart warming ♥️♥️
Chapter 8: Lol