Part 1/1

DOn't caLL mE cUTe!!1!

Youngjae has been dead for a long while now, but his cause of death? Well, he would prefer not to talk about it. Whenever it was brought up, which was frequent when he happened to come across another ghost. With the usual questions being, “Why did you die so young?” “I bet you were involved in a murder weren’t you?” “Suicide? I heard reports where young adults are more likely to die that way.” No matter how often, it never failed to embarrass him. How can he possibly tell these people, who were expecting so much of him, that the way he died was by slipping on a banana peel and proceeding to tumble down a flight of stairs?

The house that he now resides and "haunts" people in often don't have guests, that are alive anyways. Therefore most of the time the main ghost host is pretty lonely. The last living being he can clearly remember was a gray-haired old grandma most likely in her eighties or so and well... most of the time she just thought she was seeing and hearing things because she was so old. Youngjae himself couldn't believe that entire hour and a half was her saying, "Oh my I must be seeing things again. I guess this is what happens when you're older... oh well..." And then proceeded to violently swing her walking cane literally everywhere. It was basically like she was taking a grand tour of an open house by herself, left, and to top it all off she didn't even purchase the house!

It was common for people to just assume the house is haunted because it had been abandoned for so long. Long enough that it's once nicely painted crimson wall had slowly faded away into a more pinkish tone accompanied with graffiti. In addition to its emptiness was also the history of the house, which Youngjae didn’t know too much about actually, but he can conclude that there was some sort of homicidal case that occurred. Every now and then he would come across a small group of kids, probably in their early teens, playing a classic game of truth or dare and daring each other to go into the house. Those were the good old days, as time had gone on people’s interest had plummeted and his visitor log declined, as well as his own amusement.  Since Youngjae is what others consider a ‘stereotypical ghost’, he found enjoyment into scaring others that he came across. And even though they were loud Youngjae would die again just to have another group of rascals deface this house of his. Youngjae found himself wishing that he was able to move from place to place, but he couldn’t find himself being attached to anything else other than this house.

Today, however, was a long awaited day.

Youngjae was going about his usual activities, which consisted of doing nothing but acting like a plant. Floating in just the correct angle to have his head pop out of an empty yellow patterned vase and gaze longingly at the front door, hoping and praying that it would open. Out of nowhere, like God had suddenly decided to listen to his prayers, the wide black dusty double-door had opened and in stepped a young man. Youngjae who saw this as an opportunity quickly went into hiding, not really knowing if this person was able to see ghosts or not.

The young man looked like he was here on a business related ordeal; he was dressed in a blue office suit, holding a clipboard in one hand with various amounts of papers attached to it, a pen in the other, and a black messenger bag that Youngjae can only guess that holds more paperwork and possibly a laptop. As the man glanced around the area he was ticking checkmarks off his clipboard, and as he began striding through the building his steps would echo.

Youngjae couldn’t help but view this as a good chance to raise his own spirits up and began trailing behind the other, but not too close. He suddenly began to cough more and more as he continued to go farther into the house, mumbling, “There’s so much dust, if they really plan to renovate this house it’d be a pain to clean.”

Youngjae’s heart twinged, “renovate? They’re going to put this house for sale?” As he thought it over in his head he couldn’t tell if he was happy or annoyed at the random news. On one hand, he can haunt his entire death away, not that that was possible. But then this house would no longer be considered his anymore, and would they, the future residents, even be scared of him? Instantly a light bulb lit up in his mind; if he can scare this inspector away maybe, just maybe he would be able to revive the ghost stories that use to be told here. Dumb groups of people would come back that he can scare and additionally he wouldn’t lose his property! The idea sounded excellent and he would bet that he would be able to pull it off.

Deciding the best way to scare this house inspector would be to wait until he is up on the second floor or something way better, the basement. Upstairs held bedroom and he knew that he would be able to use mirrors and the closets to his advantage. Meanwhile the basement, well it’s a basement it already has spooky connotations. Once again like a higher being was hearing his thoughts, the inspector began climbing the stairs to the bedrooms. Youngjae happily followed, making sure he stayed out of plain sight of course. Entering the bedroom that was second to the left, which coincidentally was the one that had the mirror in, Youngjae began formulating his plan. He decided to start with the classic move of sudden closing and locking of the door, moving onto settling a chilly air in the room, produce groans from within the closet which would result in opening of said closet, quickly slip out and appear into the mirror, wait for startled scream and then break the mirror.

When both had entered the room he quickly re-enacted, and hope it would work. The door shut with a loud bam, this earned a sideway glance at the door from the man. Youngjae quickly dashed through the other, causing a slight apparition and also an immense chilling sensation. Phasing into the closet space, he tried his best to produce groans that would sound similar to a person who had to be on the brink of death. While he did, however, he heard a slight chuckle, which threw him off a tad but did not make him give up. Right on cue the closet door open and he quickly dashed his way into the mirror now. He glanced at the other who had peered inside the closet and shut it when found nothing. Did he just smile? He began making his way to the mirror now, and this time Youngjae couldn’t help but feel like something is off. He quickly flashed his appearance in the mirror before shattering it and dipping into the flooring.

Nothing had happened. There was no scream, not even a single half-hearted “Ah”. It was so quiet that Youngjae felt like keeling over and dying again.

“What is happening?” he hissed to himself.

Then there was abrupt melodious laughter, from none other than the inspector. Youngjae was definitely confused now, if not before.

“Nice show! I thoroughly enjoyed the experience!”

Youngjae was annoyed, “Don’t tell me this is another old lady situation.”

He popped his head out and stared at the other, also finding the other to be staring at him.

“You’re not terrified?”

the very much alive man replied nonchalantly, “No? Why would I be?”

Youngjae’s jaw dropped comically, “What do you mean why? Because I’m a ghost!” “Eh sorry I was never really scared of ghosts. What you did was cute though.”

Frustration boiled within Youngjae, “Cute? I’m not cute! I’m a ghost god damn it!”

The other laughed in response, clearly amused by the entire situation. “My bad, you are very terrifying,” there was a slightly sarcastic tone in his comment.

“In addition to not being very scared, I already knew you haunted the place.” “What? How?” “An old lady told me an interesting time she had in this particular manor,” Youngjae recalled the event and groaned in frustration.

“I also saw you when I was looking in the kitchen, you reflect in the stove you know.” Youngjae wanted to die in embarrassment, of course, the stove. How did he forget?

“You aren’t going to sell this house are you?” “That’s not really up to me, I just do the inspection and report to my boss.” “Can you convince your boss that a scary ghost lives here?” “Oh yeah sure, I’ll tell him a cute scary ghost resides in this residency. He’ll definitely believe me.”

Youngjae began flashing red throughout his entire translucent form, “Don’t call me that!”

Daehyun began checking his list again, “Call you what? Cute?”

Youngjae groaned, he found himself arguing with this particular person, who later found out to be named Daehyun until they had reached the entrance.

“Look I would appreciate it if you don’t send that report in.” “Sorry, I have rules to follow, not really dead like you.” “But this house belongs to me!” “A house can’t belong to someone who is dead Youngjae I hope you know that.”

Daehyun was outside the house by now and was making his way to his vehicle, “Well this is it Youngjae, thank for the grand welcoming...I guess. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks when I come back with my boss.”

“I certainly hope not,” Youngjae wouldn’t be able to take the embarrassment when other ghosts find him getting along with the alive.

Daehyun had finally gotten into his car and was about to leave, but before he had left he turned to Youngjae, “Thanks again for the mild entertainment. I’d suggest working on your acting a bit more, it was cute though.”

“DOn't caLL ME cUTe!!11!” 

A/N: has this been done before? lol either way I did get it from a prompt and I had a rushed ending, but either way I hoped you enjoyed!

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41 streak #1
Chapter 1: Slipping on banana ! That was the best XD. On the other hand, this can happen in real life situation. Banana peels are dangerous and people shouldn't throw them around everywhere, should put into the rubbish bin.
Chapter 1: HOW CUTE ;_; thank u for this! i hope they would meet again huhu daejae
RealrecognizeReal #3
Haha I love this! I hope you can make it into a big story
daejae95 #4
Chapter 1: Wtf ? Slipping on a banana lol
It was fun tho thank you