Puppy love

Kim Jihan's POV

It was another boring day here at home but Jungkook came.


I am just here at my room, lying on my bed as I browse the internet with my phone. Then suddenly, I heard a voice.

"Hi Hyerim noona! Where's Jihan?" who is Hyerim unnie talking to?

"Hi Jungkook! She's at her room, why?"- Hyerim unnie

Ohh, so it's Jungkook

"Uhhm, mkbye." Jungkook said as he ran to my room. I can hear his footsteps getting louder and louder. Then he knocked.

I opened the door just to see a handsome young boy at the-- wait, no what am I thinking? Erase erase.

"Hi Jungkook, what are you doing here?"- me

"Hi Jihan! Uhhm, do you want to, you know, go to the park or something? But if you're busy, I don't mind. It's not like a date or something." Jungkook said nervously.  What am I going to say? 

"Oh, sure, why not?" I said with a smile.

"Ok, so I'll pick you up at 5 PM?"

"Sure :)."

"Ok, see you later :)." He said as he ran off out of the house. What a cutie :). 

After sometime, Hyerim unnie went inside my room.

" What was that? Did he ask you out? Did you say yes? What time time will you go?" Hyerim unnie said hurriedly.

" One question at a time please unnie. Yes he did ask me out. But it's not a date or something."

" YYYEESSS MY DONGSAENG IS GOING ON A DATE!" Hyerim unnie shouted while jumping up and down.

"Unnie please don't shout." I scolded.

" Ok ok, I'm just so excited because this is you're first time going out again after your break up with Luhan."

"Don't even mention it."

" Ok, so what time will you go?"

" He said he'll pick me up at five. What time is it now?"

"It's 4 o'clock now, so you only have one hour left till you go."

" One hour left?! Unnie please help me! I don't know what to wear."

She then went to my closet to get something to wear. After a few minutes of searching, she found a pink floral dress and a white cardigan to go with it. She fixed my hair into a simple hairdo. She also put light makeup in me. She then picked pink flats to complete my look.

" Wow, you look beautiful! I am so good at this!" She praised herself.

" Lets just wait for Jungkook to come. Its 4:55 anyway." Then the doorbell rang. " Go Jihan! Jungkook is waiting for you,"

I opened the door to see Jungkook in a casual look. "Hi Jungkook! Lets go?"

" Hi Jihan! Yeah, lets go." Jungkook said as he led me to his car.


A/N: sorry i have to end it here. Im having problems updating it using my ipad. Please bear 

with me. Ill update chapter 10 as soon as i can to continue Jihan's flashback :) and silent readers, please comment or give us your feedback. I love reading comments. Thanks!





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Chapter 4: This is such a cute stort! ^-^