
hot springs

Sunggyu's done for woohyun spilled the beans like he always does with his stupid fat mouth and sunggyu must suffer from second hand embarrassment. Everyone now knows sunggyu and woohyun shower together. Woohyun told on an interview that they shower together when they have late mornings (and sometimes when they don't have late mornings at all, even when they have days off actually, but thank god he didn't say that part). 

"When sunggyu and I bathe together, we get shy after seeing each others bodys." 

Sunggyu's heart sank and blood went cold after hearing the unnecessary comment. The other members laughed half heartedly trying to break the ice that sunggyu so wanted to make awkward and continued the interview no matter how pathetic sunggyu looked.

For the rest of the interview sunggyu stayed in a dazed, the day has come that nam woohyun finally messed up sunggyus image completely. He had a good image before, people respected him, but now it's completely gone along with his dignity. So sunggyu must grieve in self pity and pray that no one dares to mention it after this interview. It was cute when dongwoo confessed he and Hoya showered together. It was cute, it was expected, even almost charming that dongwoo washes the other rappers back. But this is different because it has sunggyu involved and it's his business floating around. No one ohhed and ahhed when woohyun did it, but then again he's glad that no one is praising him for showering with woohyun. The day goes on and sunggyu avoids woohyun at all cost no matter how many subconscious looks and grins he gives him.



When they finally get home from a hard days work its extremely late and their exhausted and sweaty. They all can go for a weeks worth of sleep right now but have vocal train to go to in a couple of hours. Dongwoo and Hoya immediately go to their shared dorm to get some sleep, Hoya carrying a sleepy dongwoo up the stairs wrapped in his hoodie. Of course with sunggyus luck the second they walk into the dorm woohyun asks the most stupid question on the planet.

"Hyung let's go take a shower?" Yes lays on the lip of his tongue, but then sunggyu remembers the interview, the giggles, and strange looks.he doesn't want the bathe with nam woohyun, he doesn't want to bathe at all, he wants to lay in bed and self pity himself till sleep takes over and wake up to no one remembering a thing.(Actually he's too tired to even remember how he got into woohyuns dorm when they don't even live in the same apartment anymore.)

But before sunggyu can even protest woohyun is dragging him to the bathroom and sungyeol is loudly complaining  that he feels yucky and wants to shower pronto. Sunggyu thinks if he does take a shower with woohyun it's less time consuming and sungyeol can go in still with some hot water. Just like always woohyun wins and gets what he wants, so sunggyu doesn't really have a reason to protest.

Woohyun locks the door and starts shedding his clothes. For a moment sunggyu just watches, he watches woohyun lift his shirt and his toned abs come into view, how his arms and neck flex when the shirt goes over his head fully exposing his torso. Sunggyu continues to stare not even realizing it. He stares at how woohyun's jaw clench as he swallows and his adams apple bobs, how sharp his collar bone is and how it connects to tense shoulders and muscular arms with noticeable veins. His eyes continue to wander down woohyun's chest scattered with small moles here and there against pale skin until his eyes stop at woohyuns very noticeable v-line. His hands rest on his for a moment before they go to undo his pants and bringing them down along with his briefs and at that very last second sunggyu advert his eyes. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Woohyun chuckled putting his hands on his hips posing. Of course sunggyu doesn't take a picture because woohyun is completely Insane if he thinks sunggyu will calming have a picture of woohyun on his phone. Sunggyu grumbles and turns around quickly to hide his red face as he takes off his shirt and the rest of his clothes. They haven't haven't end the faucet and sunggyu is already regretting this. 

There's a lot of reasons why sunggyu's doesn't like showering with woohyun. He doesn't like it when woohyun uses his shampoo because "sunggyu hyung smells the best." is the most worst excuse he's ever heard and woohyun just want to use his expensive things. He doesn't like it when woohyun sings over dramatically in the shower ,especially when it's one of his own songs. "it's the best place to practice hyung." He always says before doing an excessive high note that eco's so everyone and their mother can hear him singing kontrol. And he definitely doesn't like when woohyun tries to help him shave, arguing with sunggyu that his eyes are too small to see and he'll cut himself, like he's some teenager and not a 26 year old man. 

"So the weathers been nice." Woohyun says trying to break the silence aside from the sound of the water hitting the shower floor. 

"Woohyun please shut up." Sunggyu says trying to reach for the soap.

"But I like talking to you." Woohyun tries again to break the silence handing over the soap to the older. Sunggyu snatches the soap from him and tries to lather it up in hands.

"I just want to hurry up and go to bed okay?"

"I dont understand hyung, we do this all the time for years and you always still get so shy." Woohyun whispers in his ear and sunggyu really wants to hit him with this block of soap.

 Before sunggyu can even wash his face he feels smooth hands glide up and down massaging his back. he tense up immediately, dropping the bar of soap in his hands and slips on it as it makes it's way to the drain. Woohyun catches him from under the arms making them flush against each other and sunggyu is ready to scream.

Sunggyu turns around facing woohyun, looking at beautifully toned wet woohyun and he hopes the steam in the shower doesn't show how red his face is. He stares as the droplets roll over woohyun's collar bone and soon past his s and belly button and he really tries not to look down any farther. Woohyun still hold sunggyu up right, laughing at the leaders clumsiness and sunggyu bats him away.

"Woohyun pick it up." Sunggyu says glaring at him. 

Woohyun smirks, "why do I have to get it? You're the one who dropped the soap." 

Sunggyu really doesn't have time to argue with woohyun and he can't just squeeze past him to get it himself because he's a ready having good a hard time not looking down. Sunggyu tries to take the loofah out of woohyun's hands but thanks to his god forsaken fast reflects sunggyu just falls into woohyun again, hands laying sturdy on his rock hard chest. 

"Just pick it up." Sunggyu says and splashes woohyun in the face with water before he can say anything snarky. Once again sunggyu finds himself not being able to keep his eyes off woohyun even though by now it's definitely getting creepy. He watches woohyun bend down, back arched and thighs flexed. He gets slowly letting sunggyu see all of him because woohyun isn't a he knows sunggyu secretly likes it no matter how hard he glares. Sunggyu tries to grab the loofah again but woohyun stops him and lathers the soup himself and turns sunggyu around to finish washing the older back, and sunggyu actually relaxes at this. No matter how stubborn he is woohyun knows he likes it and continues to message him all over until he's completely limp. 

There's also a lot of reasons why sunggyu likes showering with woohyun. He likes it when woohyun washes his hair, massaging his scalp while giving him small pecks up and down his neck and sometimes woohyun accidentally gets shampoo in summer sunggyu's eye and and if first instinct is to drown sunggyu's face in water and kiss his small eyelids. He likes it when woohyun tries to be y and light candles around the bathtub but burns himself with the lighter instead and sunggyu has to take care of him and call the plumber because candlewax got clogged in the drain. And he definitely likes it when woohyun himself feels conscious and shy and can't look at sunggyu. When they get out woohyun wraps himself and sunggyu in towels, drying the older hair and face and always kissing him when he lifts up the towel making sunggyu laugh and do his signature eye smile. woohyun slaps sunggyu's and sunggyu yelps at the wet slaps sting and woohyun runs off before sunggyu can yell at him.


When they come out of the bathroom together myungsoo and sungyeol are asleep on the couch, heads promoted against one another and limbs tangled and dangling off the sofa. Woohyun takes a picture of them on his phone so he can have some backup blackmail for when he asks sungyeol to do something and they both scurry off to woohyun's room in fits of giggles. 

This is when sunggyu appreciates to have his own nam woohyun. To be here in his bed, held by him with skin on skin contact. Woohyun fingertips play with sunggyu's damp hair and he sings softly in his ear to lull him to sleep, and no matter how many bad jokes sunggyu makes he appreciates woohyun voice so much because it's the voice that tells him goodnight, goodmorning and I love you.

Sunggyu sighs contently moving closer to woohyun for warmth at ease, and he realises taking good showers with woohyun isn't all that bad even if he does use all the shampoo. 






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Chapter 1: So fluffy love it
Chapter 1: awwww I want to join them! Kkkkk
d1y417 #3
Chapter 1: aaawww..... sooooo cuuuteee!!!
workinpro #4
aaaa this is so cuteeeeeeee *^*
changkyu13 #5
Chapter 1: Aww this was a really cute story <3