Track and field

Barbie and Ken
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Jessica's POV:

I came into school today, walking in the hallway. Everyone's been talking about me and Kris and making up rumors. I finally got to my homeroom and sat down on my desk. I turned around to look at Kris' desk, I guess he's not here yet?.

"So.. Looking for Kris?" A voice came as I turn around "He's with Yoona right now" 

they looked outside seeing Kris and Yoona together. I went and looked at them also. I wonder what their talking about?


With Kris..

"Kris.." Yoona said shyly

"What do you want? I don't have much time" he said coldly

"I just... I just wanna confess to you. Ever since I saw you, my heart just beats. I wanna ask if you'd wanna be.. You know, mines?" She blushed as she looked down

Kris kept quiet with no answer. Yoona started to form tears of sweat on her forehead. 

"Yoona. I'm gonna have to decline that" he answered and turned his back towards her. Yoona couldn't hold her tears anymore and backhugged Kris.

"Kris. I try so hard. Just for you to notice me. But who exactly?.. Who exactly has you're heart?!" She yelled

"You don't need to know her." He replied as he unwrap her arms of his waist

"I knew it... It's that stupid Barbie girl everyone was talking about.." 

"She ain't stupid!!" Kris yelled filled with anger

"I knew it. It is her.." She said

"Even if it's her or not, she ain't stupid. Don't talk about her like that to me again." He left


Back with Jessica..

"Omo!! She got rejected!!" Soo young yelled as everyone laughed. 


In Gym...

"Alrighty students! We will be having track and field today! First we will start off with a relay race of 8 teams." Mr. Kim said. It turns out that Kris and Jessica are in the same team. 

"Ready, set... Go!" 

The studentd starts dashing their way to the next person running and keeps going on and on. Finally it was my turn.. I tried running as fast as I could but I'm getting really tired all of a sudden but I kept going and finally got the baton passed on. I went and sat down on the grass with Kris.

"Does the teacher know about your health problem?" He asked worriedly

"No. I should do fine. Besides, everyone in our team nominated me to do the final half a mile race. Plus I can rest until then!" I smiled

"You sure you can run that long? I could take over for you." He offered. I shook my head in denial. 

"It's ok. I owe you a lot." I chuckled

"Man.. I wonder why Yoona or Min isn't doing it?" He wondered 

"Min is doing most of the running races. Yoona? I'm not sure. She isn't interested in it. And there is us here." I said

"When did you and I become 'us'?" He smiled

"*blush* a-ah.. No, that's not what I meant!!" I yelled

"haha, I was just joking!"


the he final race came..

"Goodluck Jess!" Kris smiled and patted my head

"Yea, Goodluck! It depends on you now Jessica!" Min said as she hugged me

"Psh, I can probably run faster than you" Yoona said

"Quit it." Kris glared

"If you're faster than Jessy, you could've did this for us! But nooo~" Min argued

"Pssh, a goddess doesn't overwork herself"

"Goddess. Please." Min laughed

"You guys, it's okay." I smiled "Fighting!" 


"Ready... Set... Go!!" The whistle blew. 

I started running to all those orange flags. It turns out that I'm in the lead, but I'm starting to feel a little tired. Then as i did a sharp turn on the corner, all these Yoona Fanboys came shading after me! So I tried running faster. And next thing you know, I won first place! But I'm so tired... I sat down on the track with all the other people waiting.

"Good job, you finished in 7 minutes and 34 seconds." Mr. Kim announced

"You're that Barbie girl right?. Why did you have to hurt our goddess Yoona? Huh?" They said

"I didn't even do anything to her though?" 

"Shut up. Y

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ChoRaiSa #1
Chapter 4: "When you and i become us?" Ahhhh im already melteeeeeedddd
rdianitasari #2
Chapter 3: Your story is so fluffy author-nim. Krissica is so cute here hehe looking forward for the next chapter. Fighting author-nim :D
Chapter 3: Aww!! This chapter is cute!! Update soon!