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About Me

SO,shut up!
i'm not listening anyway.
[ MOOD: ] annoyed. [ MUSIC: ] xo - the weeknd [ THOUGHTS: ] want food. [ © ]
no one knows of ryn's true name, and she sure as hell doesn't even remember it. she's a very old demon, almost as old as time itself. almost. her human life had meant nothing to her. she was born in some little village in bulgaria. her mother and father left her alone most of the time to go and work, so she had stayed home alone with her two siblings. the angels - they were called. she was always a little devil compared to them. they were always better than her. at archery, at cooking, at everything in general. and she became sick and tired of it. so, she killed every one of those in her while they were sleeping. then, she ran away. she stole, she killed, she lied her way through all of it until she stopped running and stayed in a country that was now known as korea. ryn died there as well - damn archers. there, her soul was down to hell and corrupted even more, twisting it into something that couldn't even be recognized as a human soul. and that was when, she was one of the first that had fallen. one of the first demons in existence. ryn had stayed in hell for a very long time now, torturing souls only coming up to the earth when needed. she was needed all right, in this ongoing war. after coming up, she jumped from body to body over the many years until now, where she had possessed a girl for what she would call a "meat suit" and she has been in the meat suit ever since. like most demons, ryn is sadistic, treacherous, and power-hungry. it may not seem like it, behind her little 'polite, and sweet' facade, but she is. she enjoys causing suffering to others and mocking them, basking in their fear of her. despite her sadism, the demon rarely prolongs the torment of her victims, preferring fast and brutal deaths. she is also greedy and pretty cunning. ryn is quick to anger, and enjoys flaunting her superiority to others. however, her arrogance causes her to underestimate and underplay her opponents.
ryn is the perfect demon. or well, at least that's what she thinks she is. being one of the first few souls that have fallen was and still is a huge accomplishment to the girl. of course she's on the demon side of this never-ending war, seeing as she is demon herself. air is her element, and telekenesis, enhanced speed/strength, biokinesis, and invulnerability are her special abilities, her real age is currently unknown, though she looks as if she is about twenty or twenty years old. biual and single. that's how it's always been for her. she doesn't have the time for relationships, and she sure as hell does not want one even if she did have the time.