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About Me

Well, Hi Everyone! ;D

I'm Catherine but you can call me CATH:) I'm 14 years old:) I was born and raised in the country named Philippines now continuing my journey in the United States Of America or USA.

I Live in Detroit, Michigan,USA:) So, as you I just joined here last March 1, 2013 means I'm new:) I'm a filipina and I have a sister who's older than me by two years. Her name, well is Danielle. She's born here in US but of course, like me, she's a filipina:) I was introduced into kpop when 2NE1 have their concert in US with BIGBANG. And I still know how to speak in tagalog. I'm a shawol, exotic, sone, bana and more.

uhmm...I don't know what to say.

So, my aff username is midnight_angel26 because my parents told me that I resemble an angel. I'm lovely, hyeee, but sometimes I have this bad sides. midnight because I always go online during midnight. 26 it's may favorite number.

About me?

uhmm..I'm such a jerk? LOL.idk



Persons in US are nice:) Even though I'm not an american like them, they treat me well:)

Well, I have a bestfriend who's also addicted to kpop. She's Alexandrine:) haha! I'm evil, I won't tell you her aff username:)

I weigh 42 kg. urgh-.- that's not yet fat right?

I'm as tall as you~ Joke.I'm 151 cm:)

I'm silly, funny, cute~ and of course, I'm smart:))

My bias? Suho:):):) and many more.I too lazy to tell..

I'm lazy, what ever you tell..I Don't care at all. I hate es:)

Damn them..There's so much in highschool in my previous school. flirting while having classe..urgh-.-God, Damn those es who speak the truth.

well, my very first friend here is xExoticGirlx

My bff's here whom I met and kind to me:)







hurt them? I'll make your life ing hell b*itch!~

Good bye, this is cath signing-out~~~~