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About Me


h@cked by a y mofo.

 hi KIDDO ohoh- loljkjk. pls don't get mad. at me. <3

if you let me kiss your toes every wednesday, then i will

love you forever ok. uR COOL, AWESOME & HANDSOME,

hopefully you'll stay that way. mwahaHAAHAHAHAHA

i'll teach you how to be c00l once you give me more

chicken feet pls. ; ~ ) w HY U SO TALL? (/bricked.)

- apink' one & only chicken feet lover rongmama. ; A ;




♦ kim taeyeon was here.
+ she says she loves you ~ 
like seriously , she loves you . < 3 alskdjfasdk;jf
you didn't reply back to my wall
post . i bet it's buried in there somewhere .
e n e breaking noona's heart . i will bother
you sometime today c; hehe . now you better
not change your password . i'll come and change
this from time to time . o u o . bye
kookie - ah . < 3 cx . 
with love ,
kim taeyeon , ♥