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About Me

you, motherer.


So Hello! My name is not your business, you can call me business, it seems y, right? Tryna be hot ei? ;D I want to be as strong as a tigress, brave as a lioness and bulletproof like titanium. I believe that I am a strong person because if I wasn't I would be dead like right now ei? Tryna look scary eh? XDDD 

So with this blanks all over my profile, I'll try to wrote something worth to write in, I know my English but I'll try to be 'LITERATE' ing 'literate' alright es JKJKJK 

Freedom of speech, even though some things might be hurt to see or to read, even though it might hurt someone's feelings, I don't think it is illegal to tell your opinion to another people and to say whatever you think? This is a free world OKAY WHAT THE AM I SAYING RIGHT NOW I DON'T GET IT ALSO. okay what the hell am I even doing in here. who am i where am i what did i do where is luhan i want him next to me cheer me up pls okay bye this is so gay i shall stop now what the hell stop pls business pls okay i'll stop okay bye bye see you bye i love riri bye she's my wife whatever i'm gay bye bye bey