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About Me

For this section, I have decided to conduct a Q&A ... with myself... OTL


What does your bedroom look like?

It's small and cozy, but contains everything I love! *__* My books, CDs, sketchbooks, all my make-up etc.

Why don't you come over and see it for yourself? ;3 Teehee ~ 


Do you have any daily rituals?

Does my daytime and nighttime skincare routine count? 


What would you do if you needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?

ORDER PIZZA!! Who doesn't love pizza? Pizza is great! Such a great invention!


Favorite way to waste time?

Reading a book or calling a friend to chat! 


Favorite indulgence?

That British quiz program called QI and most of the shows on TLC. (don't judge T-T) 



Hell yeah! Urban Decay and MAC all the waaaaay!!!


Favorite book genre?

It really varies ~ depending on my mood. But I always go for the either mysteries and such, something that stimulates my brain and keeps me guessing and thinking untll the end. I love a good plot twist!


Biggest and smallest short term goal?

Biggest: Seeing GD live on the first day of his One of a Kind tour in Seoul!

Smallest: Finding (and buying) Ace in Macau. Hahahah ~ 

Biggest and smallest long term goal?

Biggest: Sudying at Yonsei University ~

Smallest: Getting my driver's liscense!


Favorite beverage?

Ice coffee, tea (any) and cold Coca-Cola!


What do you think about before falling asleep at night?

I think about what happend during the day. I think about my dreams and future plans. I also try to come up with new stories and add-ons! 

I actually have a million things runnning through my mind before I sleep. No wonder why my dreams are always so messed up! o__o

Childhood illnesses? 

Whenever we went to the Philippines to visit family, I would always get sick. Always! And then I would be admitted to the city's hospital omg.. 

It was really sad. I coudln't last two weeks without getting sick, The nurses and the docs were all my homies back then ~ good times.

Well not really, because I was suffering. But they were all so nice to me! ^_^


Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?

I would either start scribbling ideas for a new story, write my plans and goals in life or just start randomly doodle whatever I can see ~ 


How do you see themselves 5 years from today?

(Hopefully) I have a stable job, I have a husband who loves me dearly and we are awaiting our first baby together. Extra points if I'm in Korea! ;D teehe ‘~


Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do you do?)

Try to think rationally and act upon that, while trying to stay calm for the sake of the rest of the people who are running around in panic. 


Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)

Well my initial reaction to death is always the same. I fall apart and cry. So if it's death within the family .... damn... o_o


Thoughts on home and family? 

Family makes home a better place to be ~ 


Thoughts on privacy? 

I'm actually a pretty private person and I value my privacy a lot!  So I respect other people's privacy too and hopefully they'll respect mine in return.

What activities do you enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?

Watching TV shows and dramas! T_T

What makes you feel guilty?

When I turn down a friends invitation to something because I have something else planned ~ oyyy.. I hate letting people down! 


Are you more analytical or more emotional in your decision-making?

I think analytical, but my emotions somehow dominate my final choices so.. -__- it's really an inner struggle to be me.

What recharges you when you're feeling drained?

A long, nice and relaxing soak in the bathtub! Ahhhhhh ~~~ especially when I put in bathsalts or herbs to make it smell good too. It's heavenly!


You were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?

I will fight until I win! >:D Muahahahahha!!!!

Don't mess with me!!