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About Me

'About me?' ...I'm a vegetarian, I like cats, dogs scare me, I can dance but my singing would probably summon wild animals, I like the rain more than the sun, I think the world would be a better place if people could appreciate art more, sometimes I funny, I'm not shy contrary to popular belief- just quiet, I think too much, if I fall on the floor (this happens too often to be healthy) I tend to lay there for an hour or so if there's nothing better to be done just contemplating my choices in life, the only people I dislike are those who choose not to learn, in the second grade I was attacked by the class rabbit, I enjoy writing to a point of it being socially unacceptable; during my first day in high school I got detention because I gave the principal the 'just a moment' gesture because he tried talking to me while I was writing and during that detention I came up with an idea for a new story, I play soccer, children confuse me, I'm awful at consoling people apparently, I don't really have friends at school but I’m not lonely, I'm a neat freak, my favorite number is 13, I'm an only child, my favorite color is silver (Hence, my name), I'm gay but most people assume I'm aual due to my lack of interest in /relationships, I want to travel the world, I wish Totoros were real, SHINee introduced me to K-pop, I don't know why I'm so white even though I'm supposedly half Mexican (an acquaintance of mine was shocked to learn I am not Asian even though we've known each other five years), I cannot cook, I wish I had been born in Switzerland, I can't swim, I have yet to master the art of riding a bike and honestly, all I want is to live peacefully. That all about covers it, I believe but if you're curious ask away.