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About Me

This profile used to be owned by aff user. -Woooooooohoo. but recently she left aff because she's a stupid . 

So now a even stupider named -Hae has taken full some control of this account 8D. .3.



The loved onez ;


Eugeniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I love u! I rmbr d day d 5 of us gt tgt n made d best rp ever.
1 year is coming. Let's b frens forever ok! <3


Wifey! Ily <3 U alredy noe ;3 U gonna marry me smday yes? ;w;


No matter wat anyone says abt u. No matter if we fight in d future or nt. I'll nv brk my promise. I'll always
tc of u. Always on ur side. I love u ok! I love u soooooooo much <3