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About Me



floral1.pngWhat's happening Eli?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Kidding! I actually am here to leave you a heartfelt message! Hullo, my name is Park Sooyoung. We have been friends for a while now...yes? It has been a while actually. I know that when RI was really active I was busy and we didn't talk much. Then I d/a and we really didn't know each other..but then I came back and this place was d-e-a-d. Like DEAD. LIke I swear ghosts of old accounts- okay getting off tract. ANYWAY! That is when we become close, yes? I think so but it has been really great knowing you honestly and you are such a good friend. You entertain me when I am bored and are always there to listen. We've rp'd other places but it seems to always come back to being lizzy and eli at RI. So here is to all our old memeoires. And To hopefully many more. Love, Your ultimate Bias, park soo young/ Lizzy! p.s. gimme hoon's number I promise to keep my to a minimum 
