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About Me


i'm so tired,

                                       plot ideas;    ( credit )  

The roomates (0/2): When Tao intially arrived in Korea, he had no place to go. So, for the first few days, the man was homeless. He then found an ad for a apartment complex, and immediately jumped at the sight of it. However, the problem was that two  other people had also needed somewhere to stay. Though it took days of convincing, they all decided to live together and share the rent. Now, these two people are who Tao goes to for his problems, and they are almost a family. Almost.

The fire (0/1): Someone always has a rival, and Tao just happens to have the most aggrivating one. This person is the polar opposite of Tao, and strives to beat Tao at almost everything. They have different opinions, and they always seem to clash together like cat and dog. Though this person seems to annoy Tao, they both help each other in their own seperate goals. This person is a worthy foe, and an honest friend at the same time.

The ice (0/1): This person is similar to Tao in many ways, whether it's personality or face. This person is also Tao's rival, but not as hotheaded. Tao might have jealously for a person like this, but respects them whole-heartedly. 

The gemini (0/1): This person is similar to the ice, except that the gemini is too similar. This person is the twin of Tao, sharing many secrets with him. They are basically his sibling, related by mother or not.

The daisy (0/1): This person is someone Tao admires, romantically or not. Tao is not sure how to feel about this person, not sure if it's butterflies in his stomach. This person does not see Tao romantically, even if Tao does. This person is just someone the demigod sees as something he needs to protect, to keep their innocence or their tainted beauty. (Can only be achieved if person has finished roomates, fire, gemini, or ice plots)

The owl (0/1): A person who's intelligence is that of Tao's. Tao simply enjoys this person's presence, and completely feels like they have been friends in another universe. This person relates to Tao about many things. 
(Can only be achieved if person has finished roomates, fire, gemini, or ice plots)

The lily (0/1): It seems like everyone has a special someone, and the lily is no exception. This person makes Tao's day, no matter what they do. However, Tao is a shy person, who doesn't always speak out his mind. It's up to this person to understand that, and to make Tao confident. Tao seems to cherish this person, even when they do not notice. This, is his pinnacle of love. (Can only be achieved if person has finished roomates, fire, gemini, or ice plots)

more plots to come..