


  • Getting image...

About Me



1. You must have my permission to do so e n e
2. We must be friends e n e
3. We must be good friends e n e
4. Don't put anything personal or inappropriate e n e
5. Ask me for the password.  e n e
6. You will have a limited time to post your hack. 
After your time is up I will change my password. e n e
7. Do NOT share the password with anyone. Just don't e n e
8. Don't look at meh PMs e.e
9. Don't touch meh karma e n e
10. Do NOT change the password. I will find you and kill you 3 times over
11. Post BELOW this box so the peeps can see the rules. e n e
12. Don't mess with my layout. e n e
13. Don't reply to any of my wall/pm posts e n e

Post yer crap below dis line, kay e u e YOONGI HYUNG'S HACK MUST STAY AT THE TOP


