


  • Getting image...

About Me


 { {}}   --------  Park Hyung Seok 
t h e  n a m e  b e ┊ H y u n g S e o k
b u t  c a l l  m e ┊------
b o r n  o n ┊ Feb. 28 1992

H e i g h t ┊172 cm
 W e i g h t ┊ 55kg

t a k e n  t h e  j o b  o f ┊ Drug Dealer/ Freelance photographer
 L i k e s ┊ Boy's more then girls, smoking, playing around, his pet fish

D i s l i k e s ┊ Dogs, apples, talking about relationships, nicknames
 R e l a t i o n s h i p  S t a t u s  ┊ Single-Taken-Looking-Not Interested-has a kid


Hyung Seok was part of a semi normal family growing up. He was the little brother who got dotted on by his older brother,
while his mother worked.  His father was a no show throughout most of his life, always claiming
that Hyung Jun was his only son, the few times he was around. But when Hyung Seok was fifteen his brother disappeared.
He was left with a gnawing hole and a need for attention and paranoia that no one could ever be trusted.
That's when the drugs came in along with other bad habits. He tried it all, hoping maybe his brother was watching and
would he would have someone looking after him again. But an eating disorder and
failed attempt at ion later he was still alone. Now he's still on drugs, dealing them as well,
but he found a hobby, something to keep his mind straight from other things, photography.


Interesting People

1. I don't know if I can do this


Eiji Park, my eight month old son. He only sees dark shadows
I love him more then anything.





「 N I G H T L U S T ™ 」