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"Hes Exo's Kris", Nuff said. ;)
And puppies
Asking me this question is like asking me Do you like puppies? Ill be like no der I like kris
kyucumberS2 #4
My bias is kyuhyun he's got the most warm voice ever & his cuteness and handsomeness S2 *0*
I have no idea...I just fell for him....
rollingbuffalos #6
He ruined my bias list. 'Nuff said.
He's my bias. And there's not words I can say to explain why I like him. OTL it's one of those "I hate you, but I love you" kind of things.
I hate krease he ruin my bias list! Lol jk i love him<3 mr.face
I like him because he's handsome, but I love him because of his warm heart <3
For an "Ice Prince/ face" of the group, he knows how to have fun ^.^
And I love how he's the Picasso of the group ㅋㅋㅋ XD
RedCookies #10
because he has some charm that no one can resist him. hohoho
plus,sometimes i see sungyeol in him bcs their fiture face almost look alike ^^
Yoruclaw #11
He's Kris.
He's Very Handsome, Cute, Caring. You can tell by just looking. he's a awesome leader and he's very caring towards EXO. He has a serious side and a dorky side which i love bout guys.....LOL. He knows a ton of languages (like me lol). and i guess that all? i have more but i dont wanna fill this up lol
He is just so charismatic, but cute at the same time. Dragon baby that's what they should call him. He's the best artist in the world (XD) and he's really tall (I like tall guys ._.). Also he can speal four different languages (wow). And he just has the cutes yet daring eyes, that really make people scared, but once you get to know him he's such a sweetheart ^_^
Freak he is totally my bias! I mean how do you resist this guy? He is ot like and his face is oh so perfect i can't! Damn i'm losing it just thinking of him! And how i long to see those hidden abs of his why can't he just strip like what kai does? heh i'm totally mad
luhan and kai 5ever < 3
Though he's not my bias, I still like him, I mean come on, how can you not like EXO as a whole?! (If you don't then excuse you please get away from the fandom).
My reason:
Because he's an idiot. Like seriously, who compares oneself with Picasso when one's drawing ability is (insert expletive here) and his aegyo is horrible. But, he's good looking, nobody can deny that and cough rich. He also seems really caring, and I figure that he'll be awkward taking care of people but still can do so.
I think it's love at first sight? OMG that sounds so cheesy >_< But I really really love him. He gives off this charismatic vibe and he can be super cute too. And he's drawing, the way he is so confident of his drawing just makes me go LOL. I just love him. xD
Inspirit7_love #19
Because he's just the idiotic dragon who's conceited and loves his drawings and him being able to fly too much xD
ThexxMoonxxHides #20
His drawings are the most adorable things ever.
It was love at first sight I guess lol
he seems so sweethearted and if I meet Exo, I could at least communicate with him ^^
Cause he's my ultimate bias? XD
littledeer_luhaNnie #23
One word: Flawless!!!! But Luhan is my bias lol xD
I think he's personally very talented and hot. plus, I ship Taoris (and I absolutely love Tao) so Kris has to come along too. XD