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Comments (5)

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I usually don't really like subscribers only if it's with the purpose of simply "gaining readers" - and I believe it is for many authors. I'm not saying you have that purpose, because I don't believe you do, but I just get the gist that that is the purpose for many and I dislike that. (I know some will claim that it's "easier" to find eventual plagiarizers if it's on subscribers only and that there is more control over the story, but I don't get that and I don't believe that either). If there is a good reason for making is subscribers only then sure, go ahead and do it.
I guess I'm just of the opinion that fanfiction should be free to everybody and making is subscribers only sort of excludes a part of the reader-base. But yeah. ;; I don't know.
@SnobbyCoffeeAsian (I'm not sure why polls can't have replies o.o)
I see your point... but losing subscribers is really disheartening for some people and I'd feel really bad to be the cause of someone's sadness hahaha. But I do understand what you're saying, if an author chooses to have subs only then they should be prepared for that scenario. I can't help but feel bad regardless though haha. That being said, if an author wants to have subs only then that's their choice... it's their story after all ^^
I've never quite understood the whole one-shot subscriber thing... unless they're planning on expanding it in which case it wouldn't be a one-shot? Who knows ;-;
@Lakorn (Because apparently polls do not allow replies ;; ) My intentions for making it 'Subscribers Only' is not for the fact of making restrictions or preventing others from reading, and I personally don't believe doing so would ruin the moral of reading a story. If you like a story, it shouldn't matter either way. I like to compare it to buying a book before you read it, it doesn't ruin the book or the experience of reading it. It is simple enough to subscribe to a story, read it, and keep reading if you like it or unsubscribe if you don't. The entire process is maybe 2 clicks, and is entirely free. No one loses or gains anything from. Well, maybe Karma, but uh.
I don't want karma ( I find it rather useless for myself unless I have copious amounts ;; ), or to 'weed out' silent readers, or any negative reasons really. The main reason I was thinking about making it 'Subscribers Only' is for the simple fact of making sure people who like my story, who actually feel it is worth sub subscribing to/reading, can get updates when another chapter is posted. When it was completed, I would most likely remove "subs only". Then again, this was just something that I was considering, I don't necessarily find it to be a bad thing/good thing or something I was set on doing. ^^

@Cordiform, I personally feel like if an author is willing to make their story subs only, then they should be entirely prepared for people to unsubscribe if they don't like the story. ;; A person should not have to remain subscribed if they don't want to, that's why it is so easy to unsubscribe. I think that "Subscribers only" just kind of gives readers and authors both a chance.
Then again, I completely agree with one-shots. Nothing is being updated/added, so I don't really see the need for subs only? Since subscribing to something really only gives you updates. The only reason I could see for subscribing to a one-shot would be to show a tad bit of support? I don't know. ;;
I'm not too fond of one-shots being subscriber only as it takes me like 10 minutes to finish reading them and then I have to either:
a) unsubscribe to keep my subscriptions clear yet feel mean because I literally just subscribed
b) remain subscribed to avoid awkwardness but be annoyed because my subscriptions are messy

And I have mixed feelings on other stories being subscriber only. If I want to continue reading then sure, I'll subscribe, but there are many times when I start reading something, have to subscribe and then I realise I don't like the story at all... which then brings me back to the earlier two options ^

Ahh ;-;
I personally believe that when it comes to writing, we should allow anyone to enjoy such literature without restrictions. Therefore, I think that making a story "Subscriber Only" will ruin the whole moral for reading a story (However, there are exceptions). Anyways, just my opinion.