What do you think about Red Velvet?

  • A) I like their debut song, going to fan them~!   (21 votes)
  • B) I don't really like them... Especially their debut song.   (15 votes)
  • C) I don't care.   (14 votes)
  • D) I don't even know what Red Velvet is.   (0 votes)
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Their debut song is nice and I thought that it might be another group to fan over..but SM's timing of debuting them is quite bad to be very very honest e n e and somehow I can see some slight shadow of fx on them, like seulgi = amber, Wendy = Luna, Joy = Sulli... I quite doubt that will SM keep promoting them like other groups or ignore them like another fx
Every time I hear the name "Red Velvet", I always think of cake. Lol~ their fan club name is gonna be "Cream Cheese Icing".
No, but I really don't like them. Their song isn't my style, their MV was... meh (I didn't like it, but I've seen worse.), and their timing was just plain horrible (too many scandals that SM is trying to cover up at this point). Do I feel bad for them? Sure. Is that going to make me like them? ... Probably not.
(P.S. I'm not bashing the group, that's just my personal opinion.)
I think it's just bad timing. The fact that their debut song isn't my type of music aside, I think that SM's timing is bad.
They probably thought that bringing out a new group will distract everybody from all the EXO-related topics like Baek's relationship, Kris' withdrawal or Tao's injury. There's f(x)'s Sulli taking a break too...I think Red Velvet was kind of an emergency solution and I'm sorry for them, because they kind of stepped into the lion's den...
That's only my opinion though :3
wxyzabelle #4
i like their debut song but no chance of liking them.