which title catches your interest more?

  • A) Raising Wolves   (13 votes)
  • B) Lost/ Finding You   (5 votes)
  • C) Be my Dark Prince/ Be My Prince Of Darkness   (11 votes)
  • D) Robbin' The Mob   (7 votes)
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honest opinion: none of them really
I would choose between A or D because they aren't as cliche as the other two.
If you were to choose B or C, your story's title will be the same as many others, especially B. There are many alternatives. If I was going with C, I would choose something like "The Darkest Crown", to symbolize royalty with a twist or something like that.
Honestly, to see if your title is cliche, go to the search bar and type in your title. If there are tons like that, might not want to choose that particular title.
I personally adore D, it gives so much yet so little. But it always comes down to your choice. :)