Do you think liking/ (fangirling/fanboying) younger idols than your age means pedo?

  • A) Absolutely yes!   (0 votes)
  • B) Nope, liking idols is free.   (13 votes)
  • C) Depend on to what extent your liking is...   (9 votes)
  • D) Does it even matter? As long as you support them, it's enough.   (9 votes)
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lovidovi #1
to stillbroken >> yeah, I think so. It's just some of my friends refuse to even look at some idols works (MV, reality shows, etc) just because the idol groups are younger than them. My friends are afraid that people call them pedos. I find it sad and unfair to those idols.
I don't find it wrong at all, I mean people tend to say "pedo noona" just for fun, it's not meant to be something bad.
If you like someone younger than you it's fine, as long as you love and support that idol, it's completely fine, age doesn't matter :3