Do you think that sometimes, fanfiction ruining the image of an idol?

  • A) Yes   (31 votes)
  • B) No   (35 votes)
  • C) Maybe   (18 votes)
  • D) I don't know   (5 votes)
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It really depends on the fanfic. Like,I read an exo fic before I was like really into exo. While I was reading the fic,I thought kris n Kai were like mean,erted jerks in real life.but they're Actually kinda sweet...n funny
Naw~ It's all in good fun. ^_^
Hmm... It doesn't really change the way I feel about them... But it depends how much of an impact the fic has left on me ^^
I don't think it ruins the image of an idol... Sometimes it makes it even better, lol.